
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

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Chapter 247 - Researching Inhuman Corpses

 After getting the information about the West Mountain Organization from Yang Xinxin's side, Zhang Yi's heart settled down quite a bit.

 What people were most afraid of facing was an unknown existence.

 Being clear about the strength of the opponents, at least one could have the means to deal with it.

 Zhang Yi touched Yang Xinxin's head and praised with a smile, "Xinxin, you are really great!"

 Yang Xinxin raised her chin proudly, "This kind of thing is nothing but a minor problem for me!"

 "Just wait and see, brother, I'll hack the entire network of that Xishan base!"

 Zhang Yi smiled and nodded, "Good then, I look forward to it oh!"

 After chatting with Yang Xinxin, Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Ke'er, who had long been eager to give it a try next to him.

 After seeing Zhang Yi praising Yang Xinxin, Zhou Ke'er also couldn't wait to show off her research results that she hadn't slept all night.

 "Ke'er, what's the harvest from your side?"

 Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

 Zhou Keer stood up and pulled Zhang Yi's hand, "Come with me to the lab, I've made a great discovery!"

 Yang Xinxin was not interested in those cut and broken corpses, so she did not follow.

 Zhang Yi and Zhou Keer arrived at her laboratory.

 This room was specially prepared by Zhang Yi for Zhou Keer, and when he said it was a laboratory, it was actually an operating room.

 He had put in all his medical equipment, but the important medicines, he still kept in his own hands.

 Nowadays, amongst the laboratory, all sorts of instruments were very complete, and it was no problem to do an operation.

 Even if there were missing instruments, he could ask Lu Ke Yan to help build them.

 Zhang Yi walked into the lab and saw the two bodies lying on the bed.

 Their bodies had already been dissected once, and many parts had been sliced up.

 Zhang Yi was used to seeing corpses, so he didn't feel how horrible it was.

 Zhou Ke'er pulled Zhang Yi and walked to the test bench with gusto.

 She pointed to the slices under the microscope and said to Zhang Yi, "By studying the corpses of these two people, I found that their cells had both produced mutations. The cellular activity is dozens of times that of an ordinary person!"

 "And the energy produced by the glycogen reaction is also released in an unusual way."

 Zhou Ke'er picked up two human brain slices.

 "In particular, the reaction of the brain cells is the most significant. This may indicate that the main source of the alien energy is the brain!"

 Zhang Yi could not help but think that when he absorbed Xie Huanhuan's alien energy, it was through her brain that he gained access to it.

 "This is indeed a very interesting discovery."

 Zhang Yi nodded and praised with a smile.

 However, it was obvious that this information was not his primary concern.

 He wasn't a scientific researcher either, and only cared about the gains that could be obtained directly.

 But this perfunctory consolation was certainly visible to Zhou Keer.

 Her exasperated little mouth turned up, "You, you don't even understand how important this discovery is!"

 "Well, how important is it?"

 Zhou Ke'er, however, said very seriously, "Up until now, human mutations have been natural mutations resulting from the effects of gamma rays."

 "But this part of the group is limited. Moreover, the effects produced by the mutations may not be positive, and even if one obtains psychic abilities, they may not be useful."

 "However, if someone is able to research through the mutation principles of Inhumans, or through the means of cell transplantation, they might be able to create Inhumans!"

 Zhang Yi could be much more interested in this argument.

 "According to you, then won't the whole world be Inhuman in the future?"

 Zhou Keer spat out her tongue mischievously, "There is indeed this possibility. Only ... the probability is probably only zero point zero zero zero zero zero ... one percent."

 She said seriously, "With the current medical and biological means, I'm afraid that it is still not up to the level of perfectly replicating a natural Inhuman. After all, humans can't even clone a human perfectly!"

 Zhang Yi spread his hands, "Then it's not!"

 Zhou Ke'er, however, said, "However, if some radical means are used, it is possible to produce ... well, how should I put it, a very odd effect."

 She said, looking over at Liu Ziyan's corpse on the surgical bed.

 "This person, for example, the cellular mutation in his body is very strange."

 Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows, "How strange?"

 Zhou Keer picked up his cell slice and said leisurely, "This woman next to him, her cell mutation is natural, the whole thing has changed."

 "But this man, his cellular mutation only occurs locally, and there are still a large number of cells that are malignant mutations, leading to necrosis, which can even damage his body."

 "And that damage, each time, intensifies as he uses his mutated abilities."

 "That's why I suspect that he's most likely a man-made Inhuman. It's still just a remnant as of now!"

 Zhou Keer's words aroused Zhang Yi's interest.

 "Artificial Inhuman? Is that even possible?"

 "But if we look at it this way, some of the problems are explained."

 Zhang Yi had always had a few questions in his mind, which were suddenly solved now.

 The first one was the issue of him being unable to absorb this male Inhuman's alien energy.

 If it was a man-made Inhuman, it would definitely not be as perfect as a natural Inhuman.

 Secondly, there was the fact that the abilities he had displayed were just too average.

 It was just an increase in speed and agility, but in this regard, among the Inhumans that Zhang Yi had encountered, both Uncle You and Liang Yue had finished him off.

 "So it's an artifact! It looks like it's just a bit more powerful than ordinary people, and the upper limit is already locked."

 Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

 "In that case, that so-called ACE special operations team of the West Mountain Organization with a large number of Inhumans is mostly this kind of goods as well."

 Obtaining power far weaker than that of a natural Inhuman at the cost of damaging the body, this practice was too low in terms of cost effectiveness any way you look at it.

 But the advantage was that it could be mass produced.

 After all, in the end times, the lives of ordinary people were the least valuable.

 "Nothing more than a consumable in the eyes of the Xishan Base's senior management!"

 Zhang Yi gave this kind of Inhuman a very clear definition.

 At this moment, he had a clearer perception of the strength of the Xishan Base, and his confidence grew.

 The other party did not have formed and powerful armed forces.

 Now Zhang Yi had a bottom for defending against their attack.

 However, it was not his character to be passive.

 Therefore, Zhang Yi went over to Lu Keyan and asked her to provide a list of materials for manufacturing explosives, preparing to go out and look for some.

 "These materials are not hard to find, if the goal is to kill or injure people, even the most common black powder, with enough dosage will be able to cause considerable damage."

 Lu Ke Yan gave Zhang Yi a list.

 Zhang Yi nodded after reading it, "Leave these to me!"

 He called Fatty Wang and asked the boy to go out with him in one piece.

 With the help of his abilities, searching for supplies couldn't be easier.