

Y/n's pov

I was sitting in my room while reading a novel until a knock interrupted. I flinched a bit but sighed before walking toward the door and opened it to see who it was. A maid in her late 40s was standing with a small warm smile.

"Ma'am, master wants to see you in his office" she said and I showed a small smile even after not wanting to go in front of him. It wasn't like I didn't like him or something but I was afraid. The way he always acted cold, glared at people and gets annoyed easily was something which alerted me about his anger issue.

I have heard that he also shout at people, and even had shot some out of anger without even thinking twice. What if he did something like this with me too? Will he hurt me too just like my step parents did?

My mind was just blurred with all these things while my feet were dragging me toward his office room without my knowing. I didn't even notice that I was now standing in front of his of office room.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the maid tapped my shoulder making me flinch a bit. "My work time is over, I will take my leave now" she said and I just nodded my head. When she walked away, I finally collected myself and reached my hand out to knock on the door.

Before I could knock the door, I again flinched when I heard someone shouting from inside the room. It was him, he was scolding someone very angrily as if he was going to kill that man through the phone.

Jeon's pov

"SHUT UP!! I GAVE YOU ONLY ONE FUCKING WORK AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO IT!! Useless @ssholes" Icut the call after saying this all then started to take long breathes to calm myself down or I will end up smashing everything around me.

Just then I heard a soft knock on the door "come in" | said almost quickly as I knew who would it probably be. The door slowly opened and she came inside but stood at a distance from me.

Just then I heard a soft knock on the door "come in" | said almost quickly as I knew who would it probably be. The door slowly opened and she came inside but kept standing at a distance from me as always. I kept my cold face and cleared my throat.

"We are going to have a dinner at your father's house. That too tomorrow, understood?" I asked while examining her from head to toe with my hands resting in my pant's pocket. Her eyes widened a bit but she still kept her gaze down on the floor making it hard for me to look in her eyes.

I took a step near her while tilting my head and making her step back "I asked something" I said while stepping forward again. I didn't know why but I was liking it, the way she reacted when I was trying to get closer to her.

She kept backing until her leg hit the corner of the table and she tripped. I was fast enough to wrap my arm around her waist and picked her up. I tilted my head to look at her and her eyes were wide, cute.

But the next thing caught my eye was the tears she was holding in her eyes and was trying hard to hide them but they finally escaped her eye making their way toward her cheeks. I sat on my chair with her in my lap and saw that she was holding my shirt tightly with her small trembling fist.

"what happened, princess? Are you hurt somewhere?" I asked in a worried tone and lifted my hand to wipe her tears but she backed away. I didn't like it whenever she was scared of me. At first I thought it was because she was nervous but then slowly with time I understood. I kept my arm wrapped around her waist pulling her back a bit so that she couldnt slip off my lap and fall.

"lil one, are you scared of me?" I asked but she was just looking down on her lap while I noticed that her body was stiffened. I put my index finger under her chin and lifted her face up. My heart shattered at the sight of her face stained with tears. I wasn't able to believe that I was the reason for her fear and tears.

Her lips puckered up in a sad pout and that's when I was sure that she fell in her little space because of me. She stared at me for sometime before looking down again, and I was still unable to think how to handle her without help of any maid as all were gone already.

"y/n~ look, it's me your jungkookie, try to remember, baby" I said in the softest tone possible almost with a broken voice. It was painful, more than a gunshot or anything for me. I could bear anything but not this, it was painfully hard me to see her like this.

"I can hurt myself but not you, I can never hurt you, and you also know right?" It barely came out as a whisper when I was saying this. She finally looked up at me with her big doe eyes filled with tears again.

"You said you wanted to eat chocolates, right? I have some do you want?" I said and smiled a bit so that's he could feel safe around me but I didn't notice when my eyes started to shine with wetness of hurtful tears.

She nodded her head while still pouting like a small baby, which was hella cute for me. I picked her up when I felt her again clenching on my shirt tightly. I walked all the way downstairs while keeping her up in my arms.

After a few minutes, her arms wrapped around my neck and I felt her head resting in my neck. Her breath tickeled over my skin making my knees to go weak. I stood in front of the fridge "take whatever you want" | said in my usual cold tone, shit! I forgot I have to be soft with her.

I realised it when she flinched with the light growl and huskiness in my voice. She looked up at me with her doe innocent eyes and I just passed her a small smile. "Don't you wanna eat chocolates? You can take it" | said in a soft tone this time.

I would need to make sure she isn't afraid of me or situation would go worse than this. "W-will y-you hit y-y/nie? I-if s-she eat c-chocolates?" She asked and her lower lip trembled.

I placed her on the kitchen counter nearby and put a few hair strands behind her ear. "What made you think like this, hm?" I asked and handed her a chocolate bar. "You can eat all of them if you want, but don't cry please." I said and patted her head.

"D-don't h-hurt y/nie p-pwease" she said with her baby voice and I quickly replied "no! I will never hurt my y/n, I can't." I said and smiled at her once again, I don't care how many time I would need to force a smile for her.

My smile dropped when a heartclenching sob left her lips and I couldn't help but cupped her cheeks. "Shh~ calm down, I am not going hurt... please.." I pulled her in a hug wrapping my arms around her body and she completely went missing in my embrace.

The sudden urge of keeping her safe and away from the cruel world raised inside me. A small sigh left my lips when her arms wrapped around my torso and she sobbed in my chest.

•°★°•"Today, now at this moment, I promise myself that I will keep you safe forever"•°★°•

[Already melting I see, do tell me in the comment that dp you like it or not and leave a like okay, mwah love you all]