
Capture & Neutralize: The Enigma Realm [BL]

The world is no longer the same. After a mysterious meteor had crashed on Earth, creatures from myths and stories started appearing all over the globe. Some are neutral, but some are extremely aggressive, which is why the Enigma Team has been founded and deployed to capture and neutralize unfriendly individuals to keep them away from the public. Maintain order in a world where humans have to co-exist with enigmatic creatures, this is the rule that the Enigma team has to live by. This novel follows Branch Alpha as they travel around the world, completing missions of various difficulties, risking their lives for the greater good. But will they be able to avoid a horrific death? Complete the mission while avoiding being lured by the beasts! Read onwards to follow the adventures of the Enigma team! Credit to cover: Rudy Siswanto

BabyBlu3 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Difficulty level: -

Status: Boarding - landing into Nuremberg

18.00: Tokyo Enigma base, Tokyo, Japan

The members got into the bus at exactly six, taking their usual spots. The vehicle quickly left the base and headed for Haneda airport.

"It's finally Mark's time to shine!" Tommy leaned forward and raised two thumbs up for Mark, who smiled back weakly.

He was the negotiator, and if the main branch said that he would lead the operation, it meant that the Nixie could be tamed, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the stage before the Nixie calmed down. Water spirits are usually more persuasive than other types of creatures that rely on luring. The most dangerous kind would definitely be the sirens, famously known even before the crash for their captivating siren songs.

Mark wasn't one who handled stress well. Due to his ability, he was also one of the side-liners. He was someone who constantly tries to improve himself, so he practices combat skills with Jack and Jay in his free time.

Mark had a weak mentality, and his role was entirely to blame. He would be the first one sent out to deal with the situation, and most of the time, his words would not succeed, which would lead to combat and casualties. He thought this was all his fault for not being able to convince the creatures.

Timothy sensed Mark's concern and turned back to reassure him that he would do well. Everyone followed the leader with the comforting until Mark felt a bit better. By the time the words died down, the bus had already arrived at the gates of the airport.

The bus driver handed them their plane tickets and helped with the luggage. Once everyone was standing on solid ground, the vehicle left and the members made their ways into the airport.

They quickly got through the departure process and entered the waiting area. It would be another hour before the plane departs, so they had around thirty minutes of free time to roam around.

"I wanna check out some perfume, anyone wanna join?" Jay asked around. Yves and Dominique got up to join him, and Jack who always stuck close to Dominique and Jay also accompanied them. The four of them left for the nearby tax-free perfume store.

Mark still wore an uneasy look on his face and was shaking his legs. Fuyu, who was sitting next to him laid one hand on his thigh and gave a soft smile.

"Mark, you're a very talented person. I know you're not confident because you think we get hurt because of you, but that's not how it works at all. You're our cushion, the same way we are your cushion, so you don't have to worry about not doing well. You're chosen for the Branch Alpha, which means you're the best at what you do. We believe in you, we will support you no matter what the outcome is, okay?" Mark became teary-eyed and he laid his hand over Fuyu's. The older pulled him in for a hug and he closed his eyes at the tender touch.

They started having a conversation about other things, and before they even knew it, the thirty minutes were over and they were called to board the plane. The team that went shopping returned soon after the announcement. The ten of them got in line and, one by one, entered through the door.

"You didn't buy anything?" Timothy asked as Yves sat down next to him and pulled out his eye mask, ready to go to sleep.

"We're changing flights in France right? We thought there might be more choices, there wasn't really anything interesting so we didn't buy any." Timothy nodded in response. Yves pulled the cloth over his eyes, took out his headphones and immediately fell asleep.

Not long after, the plane departed into the night sky. They all fell asleep, one after the other, to try and save as much energy as they could for the next mission. It would be a very long flight, so they had plenty of time.

At two in the morning, they arrived at the Paris Charles De Gaulle airport. Even if it was very early in the morning, it was eight at the place where they left, so they weren't that sleepy. That and the fact that they all slept for fourteen long hours.

They retrieved their baggage and exited the plane, heading for the luggage claim area. The team made their way to their next connecting flight. They didn't have to wait long before boarding and departing, heading for the Nuremberg airport.

It would only be a two hour ride, so they didn't sleep.

"Man, we ended up not buying any perfume… What a pity." Jack complained, seated next to Jay.

"It's fine, we travel a lot anyway. We'll get a chance soon." He told him, stretching around in his seat. "Man, my butt is all sore from sitting so long. Why can't the team afford better seats?" He complained.

"Dunno, we didn't even get any food." They nodded in agreement at the conditions they have to live with. They are sacrificing their lives for the people of the whole world, and this is the treatment they get. What a shame.

"Fushimi-san~ why are you sleeping again!" From the row in front of them, Fuyu complained. He clinged onto Yves' arm and made sad noises. After the two nights, the two of them got much closer, close enough for Fuyu to make childish demands without having to fear being flicked on the forehead by the other.

"I'm a growing man. I need my beauty sleep." He replied, but put his eye mask away. Fuyu smiled and initiated a conversation. He did most of the talking, with Yves responding with his opinions and nods from time to time.

At the front of all the members, Harper and Timothy sat together.

"I think transforming into something that can breathe underwater might actually be dangerous." Timothy told Harper. The shapeshifter sat and analyzed those words. "True, you might be able to stay alive longer down there, but the Nixie will just probably target you first. They're not that smart."

"Better me than the others." Harper replied with a serious look on his face. He didn't know what he should transform into. The Nixie can shapeshift too, so there was no telling what form would put him at an advantage and attack efficiently. The two of them sat and discussed for a good long while.

"Ayo Johnny, try this absolute banger." Tommy handed him a piece of candy. He took it, unwrapped the piece and stuck it into his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he slid down his seat.

"Where did you get this?" He asked, pulling himself back up.

"At the Haneda airport. Man, Japanese snacks are the best I'm telling you." Johnny nodded in agreement, asking for another piece.

"No way! I have a very limited supply, buy it yourself next time." Johnny clicked his tongue and pretended to feel hurt, clasping one hand over his chest. "Drama queen."

"ME?! Oh I'M the drama queen." He smirked and turned towards Tommy. Tommy, very much smaller than Johnny, sensed some kind of danger and shifted away, but the limited space meant that he wasn't actually much further than he used to be. Johnny raised his hands and pecked them at Tommy's waist, generating a very loud laugh.

"STOP! Fine, I'll give you one more."

"That's more like it."

At the back of the rows, Dominique handed Mark an edgy looking vial. Inside was gold liquid that sparkled under the light from above.

"What's this?" He asked, taking the vial into his hand.

"You ever read Harry Potter?" Mark nodded. "This is the liquid luck Harry drank. I managed to get it right a few times and used them on myself when asking for a raise. I'm not sure of the effects when used in real battle, but I thought you might want it." Mark thanked him wholeheartedly and put the vial into his shirt pocket.

A while later, the plane landed. Finally, they arrived at their destination. Now the mission has officially started.

I wanted you guys to get to know the characters a bit better, so there wasn't much progression.

BabyBlu3creators' thoughts