
Captain America Thaws out in Westeros

## This fic was originally made by a collaboration by Author's, mainly Doragon, on alternate history. ## I have attained permission to cross post it here. Captain America wakes up in Westeros.

OrangePanther · Filem
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62 Chs

Entry Ten

Date: 298 After Landing, Autumn


Things have gotten more interesting the last few weeks.

Lord Stark has taken the advice I, and his advisors, have given him and moved to declare the North independent from the rest of the realm. What was once a war simply to stay alive, has become a movement to end the constant conflicts the North has been dragged into over the years because of things that have happened in the South. Personally, I pushed him towards this course of action because of two things. It sets a clear goal for our military forces, and it will eventually provide me with the opportunity to influence the governance of the new Kingdom. I have no doubt that Eddard, and later his son Rob, will be wonderful and benevolent Kings, but what about those that come after? Hopefully I can get some traction on things and help build a nation that will be worth fighting for. There is a matter of its climate, and lack of people, but I will work on that.

In fact, one bit of good news is that shortly after the Declaration was sent out, Lord Hoster Tully declared the Riverlands as formally aligned with the North's goal. Eddard Stark is now King in the North and Trident. I'm happy for him, but I'm more concerned about the people who live in the not-easily-defended Riverlands and how the other powers have responded to this.

Some would it call this an act of God, due to the timing, but I think of it as just coincidence. A bright red comet currently lights the sky, easily seen during the day and the night. I suspect it's this worlds version of Halley's Comet, and it's a truly beautiful sight, but to me that is all it is. Nature at work. Although a few of the more superstitious men under my command have called the comet "Red Sword" because of its shape and color, others call it the "Red Messenger" as it is supposed to herald blood and fire, or herald a new age. Frankly, there is already so much of both that I don't see how a comet can bring more. Then there are those who call it "Rogers Star" or "Star of the Mountainslayer" since during the day the sky resembles my armor (red comet, blue sky, white clouds).

If shooting stars really do grant wishes, I would ask this one to have people stop calling me "Mountainslayer." I didn't ask for the name, and I don't want it. Its constant reminder of the one time I lost control, of my mind and body, and not something I wish to repeat.

The war in the Riverlands is going well from all reports. Robbs forces managed to rout Lord Twins just outside High Heart. Apparently they made good time to Harrenhal, crossed at the Twins and took the Kingsroad south as far as needed, and House Whent allowed them use of the castle to stage their campaign. Tywin wasn't captured, he escaped with about half of his forces, but a large number of his forces were captured or killed. Robbs troops, plus those stationed at Riverrun, are in pursuit. Either they will capture him, or they will force him all the way back to the Golden Tooth...and me. The Commandos and I performed another night-time raid on this castle and captured all of the Lords and Officers during the middle of dinner. There was only a token force of 3,000 soldiers stationed here, almost all of them were raw recruits who were pulled off of farms and had weapons shoved in their hands, and they surrendered as soon as they realized we wouldn't kill them.

I can't say I approved of the looting, and 300 men can make a large mess very quickly, but it seemed to make everyone a little happier. I know that they hated passing all of those villages and towns and not being allowed to loot them, but they followed orders. So I kept my promise. Everything in this castle was theirs, except for any gold coin as that would be sent straight back to Winterfell. And my lessons about how to treat people seem to be sinking in as I didn't even have to remind anyone not to run off with the first woman they saw.

Elsewhere, things are getting more serious. Renly Baratheon and his combined Stormlands/Reach army is moving North towards King's Landing, and apparently Stannis and Renly have made some kind of pact, producing an army well over 100,000 strong on land in addition to a large naval force. Stannis is apparently spreading word that King Joffery is in fact the offspring of Cersei and Jaime Lannister's incest, along with the other children, and as such are not heir to the crown. As the older brother, Stannis is rightfully King of the remaining 6 Kingdoms. The price of this alliance seems to be that Stannis shall be King, Renly will be Hand, and regardless of any children Stannis may have Renly shall be named the heir. Word from Lord Stark was that be believed the allegations, and that in hindsight they match his own feelings.

I don't know what this means for our cause. The Lannisters are being ripped apart by the Starks, and King's Landing will soon be under siege. But what happens after? The Riverlands are basically secured now, though with few natural boarders it will be a pain to secure. I might have some ideas for that, but I will need to discuss them with Lords Stark and Tully.

There have been some rumors that a mercenary company called the Brave Companions, or Bloody Mummers depending on who you ask, who were working for the Lannisters has stopped their razing or the Riverlands and went into hiding. Some even say they are trying to switch sides. And they aren't the only ones. Several other smaller Merc Companies that Tywin Lannister employed have already started seeking work from the Stormlands or Reach to kill the men they once defended. In my own time we would have had such groups labeled as criminals and hung for the things they did to civilians, but here they are paid to keep up the work. If I come across any, the only payment they will find is in the form of a blade in the neck.

Further west, there is word of warships gathering under a Kraken's banner, but no word on where the Lord of the Iron Islands, Balon Greyjoy, is thinking of sending them. There is no love between Greyjoy and the other nations, so its anyone's guess. I would much rather finish this fight in the Westerlands and return to my home in the North, but Duty and Honor force me to fight should it be needed.

I'm going to leave the majority of my forces here and leave for Sarsfield in the morning with some of the Commandos. I'll make their Lord a pleasant offer, letting them know that if they surrender we won't ransack their lands. Once we control those lands, combined with the Golden Tooth, we will be able to command the majority of the Westerlands. No one will be able to get in or out without us knowing.

The Lannisters started this conflict, but I'm going to finish it.