

A dark story of Keigo's tramatic childhood and his time with his father before he goes to the commission. Or, a AU where Hawks/Keigo's quirk gives his cannibalistic Tendencies. Warning!!! This story contains: • Death • Manipulation • Cannibalism • Child Abuse • Self-Harm • Blood/Gore • Dermatophagia If you have an issue or get triggered by any of the following, I strongly suggest you don't read this story, thank you ^^

Speedy_Servel · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

It Begins...

Keigo swallows the saliva in him mouth as he takes a shaky breath.

'All I need to do is end her suffering...' he tells himself somewhat hysterically as he clenches and unclenches his hands before giving them a little shake in an attempt to get rid of his nerves.

'Then he'll let me out...' Keigo looks over to his father for a moment, his face serious but a curious look in his eyes.

Keigo huffs slightly before looking back to the girl he closes his eyes for a moment, the weight of the collar weighing him down before opening his eyes and taking a step towards her, with a sigh through his nose he walking over to her before crouching infront of her and quietly speaking.

"I...I'll make this quick..." he says in a cold but shaky voice as he bravely looks into her purple eyes.

"Please! Please! Don't! Y-You can't!?" Tears start to fall down her face faster as she clutches her side and attempts to back away from him. He hears his father laugh at the scene.

"now Keigo, don't toy with your prey" he says and Keigo can hear the smug smile in his voice making him tense, he gritting his teeth before he moves his wings and shoulder slightly to look towards his dad with cold anger in his amber gold eyes, his dad simply chuckles in responde.

Turning his attention back to the crying girl Keigo shakes his hands a little again attempting to calm himself as he feels his heart hammering agenst his ribcage, his stomach growls at him once again and he can't help but grit his teeth and squeeze his eyes shut.

'Don't think about it! Just--' He shakes his head and looks to his shaky hands for a moment.

'she's going to die from blood loss soon anyways...' He reassurs himself as he takes a breath and looks back to the girl.

'I...Im helping... im preventing her suffering...' He breathes out a shaky breath before focusing fully onto the girl.

With new found motivation, he subconsciously opens his wings as he gets ready to attack, only to freeze when he looks into her pleading eyes.

"p-please don't..." she trembles as she clutches her side

"i-i don't want to die..." she cries out as tears start to run down her face again.

Keigo hesitates for a moment as he looks to her, seeing his mother's face for a moment before he shakes his head 'I can't do this'

he looks over to his father for a short moment to see his hand resting on the remote. He immediately turns to look at the girl again, tears threatening to fall he takes in a shaky breath of iron.

"I-im sorry..." he says in a shaky voice 'I don't want to die down here either' went unsaid, he lunges towards her with teary eyes and somehow manages to pins her to the ground using his hands to wrap around her throat.

Keigo's father laughs as he watches his son starts to strangle her.

She immediately starts to struggle and brings her bloody hands to his arms and wrists, trying to pry his hands loose.

Keigo falters for a second at this, not expecting her to be so strong, he can feel small cuts starting to form on his arms by her fingernails as she struggles to get free.

Keigo pushes down harder with his hands, putting most of his weight onto her neck, closing his eyes tightly he grips her neck as hard as he can 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!' he mentally keeps repeating to himself.

He opens his eyes as he feels a sudden pull on his neck to find that Tsuki had pulled the chain attatched to his collar.

before he has time to react, he's suddenly getting yanked to the side. he yelps slightly as he hits the ground quickly finding their roles reversed with him now being pinned to the floor.

Panic fills him as his breathing gets cut off by her hands around his throat, he looks up to Tsuki with wide eyes, her own purple orbs filled with tears and anger staring back at him

He subconsciously tries to use his quirk only to once again find nothing.

his panic starts to get mixed with his own anger as he attempts to get her off, his wings flapping uselessly at his sides, his vision starts to blur as his lungs scream for air, he tries to use his arms to pry her off of him to no avail.

in a desperate effort, he uses all his adrenalin fulled strength to hit her on her side, the side where she had previously been stabbed by his father.

She cries out in pain before falling to her side, clutching the wound as blood starts to leak from it at a faster pace than before.

Keigo turns to the side and coughs a few times. He brings his hand to his throat as he fixes his breathing and regains himself. He can't help the slight smile that forms on his face at his success.

"Well done, Keigo, that was smart thinking!" his father praises, Keigo practically beams at the recognition.

is a slighly daze he brings his bloody hand to his mouth studying it for a few moments before he licks some of the blood off, a shuddered breath leaving him as he relishes in the taist for a few seconds before looking back over to the girl.

'This isn't so bad...' he smiles to himself with a slight chuckle, a dangerous look dancing in his cold eyes as he watches the blood start to pool faster around her, her skin deathly white a few choked sobs leave her as she desperately tries to stop the blood.

Paying no attention to Keigo, he desides to try a second time. He lunges for her again. With his arms around her throat, in a fit of anger he slams her head into the ground stunning her for a few seconds, he takes the opportunity to pin her arms to her sides with his legs, to prevent her from using them again to get him off.

It doesn't take long for her strength to slowly start to dwindle.

He can't help the triumph smile as she stops struggling. Keigo doesn't let go of her neck. He simply relaxes his hold on her as he pants, relishing in the smell of iron for a few moments.


It doesn't take long for him to come back to his senses as the realisation hits him about what he just did.

he abruptly lets go of her neck, almost as if her neck had just burned him. He looks down to his bloody hands in horror.

He hears his father start clapping, laughing slightly as he does so, Keigo quickly snaps his head over to look at him. His father coolly walks over to him with a wide smug smile on his face. He kneels in front of her and Keigo.

"Good job! I knew you'd enjoy yourself!" he says with a smug smile. Keigo's stomach growls quietly, and it makes him feel sick.

He watches as his father brings two fingers to her neck looking for a pulse. An unreadable emotion briefly passes his father's face before he hums slightly, looking towards him with a smile.

"Well done, Keigo! Now, i think it's about time you had the reward for your catch." he pulls out his bloody butterfly knife once again, la sickening smile on his face.

With no hesitate he delicately carves a chunk of meat out of the girls arm Keigo watches intensely as he does so, he watches as he slowly cuts the rectangular chunk off her bloody arm and he placing it in his own mouth, Keigo's eyes dilate as he watches the thick blood oose out of the new wound, unable to drown it out he listens to the crunch of his father eating the flesh.

Keigo swallows the build-up of saliva as he grits his teeth.

'I shouldn't be doing this!...' his stomach growls at him as if arguing with his statement.

He looks to his father with wide pleading eyes, begging him to take the collar off and let him forget that this even happened, but his father doesn't acknowledge his pleading and simply hands him the blade.

Keigo reluctantly takes the bloody knife with shaky hands.

"Good," his father hums.

"Now eat," he says before standing and making his way back to the camera, but he soon stops before he gets there and looks back.

"If you try anything funny with that knife, Keigo... i--"

Keigo rapidly shakes his head as he clutches the knife tighter in his hand.

"I-I won't... I swear..." he says as he looks over to his father with scared eyes expecting him to pick up the remote, but he doesn't he simply goes back to his camera and sits.

Keigo signs in relief before he looks down to the bloody butterfly knife in his hands, one part of him wanting to throw it away and never see it again.

The other part wants nothing more than to taste the crimson liquid dripping off the blade.

He grits his teeth as his stomach growls, as if deciding his answer for him.

With shaky hands, he attempts to cup into the girls arm like his father did, feeling a strange sense of calm as he does so.

He watches as blood begins to leave the jagged cut he made, trying to imitate his father he messily draws a rectangule, his brows frown slightly as he does so.

With shaky hands he begins peeling the messy rectangule chunk of flesh from her arm, noticing that his is a lot more messy compared to his father's, he also went a bit deeper than his fathers as blood quickly fills in the gap he made.

After prying his eyes away from the wound and with surprisingly little hesitation, he places the meat in his mouth.

his wings relax behind him as he chews happily for a few moments as the crimson liquid fills his mouth, he uses the back of his other hand to wipe a trail of blood from his mouth before swallowing and bringing the blade back to her arm to get another chunk.

Only to receive a blood curdling scream in response.

he flinches violently, any sense of the calm trance he was in disappears in an instant as wide golden eyes meet terrified purple.