
Can this be my life? (ON HOLD)

Due to constant betrayals in the past, Dawn White finds it hard to trust people, and even to feel that she's worthy of being loved. Until he came..... Nathaniel Park is the third and last son of his wealthy, conglomerate family. He needs to prove to his father that he is worthy of being his successor, and one way that might work, is being close to the daughter of the famous "W". She asked her aunt as she eyed him suspiciously: Who is this suspicious person standing by the door? "Oh, he's your new secretary: "SAY WHAT!!!" PS: Book cover is not mine, credit to the owner Also on Wattpad!!

Kris_Kim · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

A goddess

Dawn's POV


It is two weeks after the anniversary ceremony. And I still don't know who my next steward is going to be.

Normally, my family's tradition is that the stewards, in fact the family's personnel are meant to serve the  family, all their life. To me, it sounds like a generational curse, when your fate to start serving a family has been empredetermined even before you were born.

You know, Steeples served both my grandfather and my mum. But now, anytime I see Steeples stretching his back or his legs, I feel guilty, and although I know it's not my fault, but I just can't help feeling guilty.

So since the work of looking for a new steward seems too hard for me, I let my aunt Laura do the work. She's really good at studying people. And I trust she would find someone like Steeples for me.

I am in my office, checking some documents, when my phone ring. I look at the caller's ID, and it is my aunt. "Hi aunt Laura, what is it?"

"Oh nothing much really", she replies, "I just wanted you to come home early today, I found the perfect steward for you, and I'm 100% sure that you're gonna love him.

"Ookay, I'll wrap things up now". I tell her, thinking about how good and qualified the person must be,, for my aunt to be this happy.

So Steeples left the weekend before, and thankfully he has a family. And although he's not working for us any longer, we'll still be providing for them.

I arranged the unsigned documents in my bag, and went out of my office. My secretary greeted me goodbye as I went out. It's a Friday, so I have the weekend to sleep.

Peter didn't drive me today, so I'm driving myself. I would never enter a vehicle alone with Peter,  without someone else being there.

Nathaniel's POV

So Dawn's aunt showed me around the house, obviously happy to do so. And must I say, but the White's family house is huge and majestic.

In order to get close to Dawn, I have to pose as a staff, so I'm pretending to be a steward. And I was able to get this close, because I asked my uncle's wife's younger brother's sister in law, who is a close friend of Dawn's aunt, to introduce me to her as a top security, something like that.

So she called Dawn to tell her that she found a good steward, and I could guess from her reply, that Dawn was coming home.

I don't know why, but I'm kinda getting nervous. Maybe it's the weather.

"Sit down here", I was pulled out of my thoughts, when Dawn's aunt led me to sit in a chair opposite her.

"So, my niece is on her way, and you're not just going to be around her everywhere she goes, but you're also going to help her handle other matters that has to do with the company, stuffs like that."

Then the next thing she did surprised me. She held my two hands, "look, I'm trusting you to care of Dawn, particularly in every area of her life. Please, don't let harm of any kind come near her. I don't know what I'd do, if she gets hurt".

As I looked in her eyes, I saw how deep and fierce her love for her niece is. I held her hands and promised her" I will protect her with my life"

"Thank you", she replied as if a weight has been dropped off her shoulders.

And that was when we heard the door open, "it seems she's here already".

And in came the most beautiful goddess I've ever seen.

Hi guys, I'm kris. And I'm not really good with introductions, but I hope you guys can enjoy the novel as much as I do.

Bye guys

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