
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

Karme · Fantasi
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68 Chs

The gymnasium (1)

On a different section of the campus, a group of survivors emerged, their determined expressions etched upon their faces. At the front stood a formidable figure, a man whose strength belied his youthful appearance. With every swing of his trusty spear, he dispatched the encroaching monsters with precision and skill, clearing a path for his companions.

Beside him stood a fellow student, her eyes focused and her bow drawn. With steady hands and unwavering aim, she expertly shot down any threats that loomed from afar, ensuring the safety of the group from a distance. Her arrows sailed through the air, finding their mark with deadly accuracy.

The duo's synchrony was evident as they moved with practiced coordination, a well-honed team in the face of adversity. The man's physical prowess and the woman's sharpshooting prowess complemented each other perfectly, creating an impenetrable barrier against the encroaching horde.

Their courage and determination inspired the other survivors, who followed their lead with unwavering trust. Together, they navigated the chaos of the campus, the group drawing strength from the resolute demeanor of their leaders.

"Everyone, we're almost there!" The man's voice rang out, carrying a mix of excitement and relief. A collective wave of anticipation washed over the group, their faces transforming into radiant smiles. Words were unnecessary, for their expressions spoke volumes.

Though they refrained from shouting, their joy was palpable in the way their eyes sparkled and their lips curled into wide grins. Every line etched on their faces conveyed a sense of triumph, a shared understanding that they had come so far and were now within reach of safety.

"Look, Ren, we've arrived!" Marie exclaimed to her fellow spearsman, her happiness spilling over into exaggerated gestures. However, Ren couldn't contain his wide smile, mirroring her joy.

"Yeah, we can finally find some rest, Marie." Ren responded, his voice filled with a mix of relief and anticipation. Just as they were reveling in their accomplishment, Ren's gaze shifted to the opposite side, catching sight of another group of survivors.

"Marie, look! Isn't that Rose?" Ren pointed out, his tone tinged with a hint of concern. Marie's eyes followed his gaze, and upon recognizing the figure in the distance, a sigh of relief escaped her lips.

"Rose? Really?" Marie's voice held a blend of relief and worry. Despite their shared victory in reaching their destination, Marie couldn't shake off the concern she felt for her friend. After all, while they were two, Rose was protecting everyone alone.

They quickened their pace as they approached Rose's group, their faces now bearing expressions of both relief and anticipation. Marie's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. Joy at the sight of her friend and concern for the trials Rose had likely faced on her journey.

As they drew nearer, Marie couldn't contain her excitement any longer and ran toward Rose, hugging her the moment she reached her.

"Rose, I'm so happy you're alive!" Marie exclaimed, her voice filled with relief and affection as she tightly embraced her friend. Resting her head on Rose's shoulder, she held her with a sense of cherished reunion.

A warm smile adorned Rose's face as she returned the hug, her relief evident in her expression. Her clones dissipated, signaling the extent of her exertion and the limits she had reached. Yet, despite the visible signs of fatigue, her eyes sparkled with renewed color, a testament to her resilience and determination.

Inwardly, Rose felt a surge of gratitude for having made it in time, reuniting with her friends amidst the chaos. She silently thanked Ren for his unwavering protection of Marie, recognizing the role he played in keeping her best friend safe.

"Look, everyone, there's another group approaching," Ren called their attention, pointing in a different direction with a sense of urgency.

Marie, possessing keener eyesight than the others, immediately caught sight of something extraordinary. "Why are there... butterflies," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and curiosity. As she focused her gaze on the approaching figure, she noticed a mesmerizing array of butterflies adorning his body, each one distinct in its color and shape. These were no ordinary butterflies—they possessed an ethereal beauty that set them apart.

"Butterflies? How intriguing," Ren chuckled, his amusement evident as he openly jested about the man's unconventional companions. Yet, as the figure drew closer, Ren's amusement transformed into genuine intrigue. The vivid hues and graceful fluttering of the butterflies captured his attention, prompting him to cast aside his initial mockery. With each passing moment, the enigmatic man's presence grew more discernible, allowing Ren and the others to observe him and his remarkable entourage in greater detail.

Enzo observed the scene before him and couldn't help but realize that he wasn't the sole individual who had chosen to take a stand. Three figures emerged from the crowd, capturing his attention. These individuals were far from ordinary; they were renowned personalities within the university. Enzo, who considered himself akin to a commoner from ancient times, couldn't help but draw a parallel between himself and these remarkable individuals, who exuded an air of nobility, their prestige almost approaching royalty.

"And here I was, hoping to keep a low profile." He inwardly sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation as he finally approached them. All eyes were fixed on him, particularly his butterflies, gracefully flapping their wings leisurely.

"Hey, do you think we didn't hear you?" Ren's voice boomed, his spear tightly gripped in his hand as he closed in on Enzo.

'I knew that he was hot-headed, but his high status got over his head.' Enzo thought, his eyes piercing Ren with an icy glare that sent shivers down his spine.

Nonetheless, Ren advanced menacingly, his intention to engage in a physical confrontation apparent.

Marie, observing them with concern, had the urge to intervene but refrained, finding herself even irked by Enzo's comment.

Fortunately, a voice of reason was present to defuse the escalating tensions. "Ren, please, let's not start a fight at this moment. We simply can't afford it." Ren looked at Enzo up and down before clicking his tongue.

"Tch, consider yourself lucky," Ren grumbled, unwillingly stepping back.

Enzo let out an exasperated eye-roll before resuming his stride. With other capable individuals present to safeguard the survivors he had brought, he finally had a moment to spare for himself. Hurrying towards the gymnasium, he held onto the belief that minimizing his interactions with the group would be beneficial for everyone involved. Pushing open the door, he boldly stepped inside, leaving the others in a state of stunned bewilderment.

"Is this guy serious?" Ren exclaimed, a prominent vein throbbing on his forehead.

"Calm down, Ren," Rose soothingly interjected, assuming command over the entire group. With the arrival of three groups of survivors, the numbers had surpassed her wildest expectations.

Yet, what truly caught her off guard was the composition of Enzo's group. There were no more than fifty individuals, encompassing students and teachers alike.

'Fortunately, I managed to intervene before Ren's temper got the best of him. It's evident he would have been beaten up had a fight ensued.' Rose breathed a sigh of relief, motioning for everyone to enter the gymnasium alongside Enzo's group once she was sure that everything was right.