
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

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68 Chs

Survivors (2)

The praying mantis displayed remarkable speed and agility, clearly sensing its advantage in the fight. It wasted no time in capitalizing on its superiority, launching a relentless assault on Enzo.

With lightning-fast movements, the mantis darted in and out, striking at vulnerable points with precision. Enzo had to rely on every ounce of his reflexes to defend himself against the onslaught. Unfortunately despite his best efforts, he found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the mantis' relentless attacks.

Each strike from the mantis was accompanied by a sharp, piercing pain as if its attack managed to hit Enzo, even though his body didn't shed a single drop of blood yet.

Nonetheless, he could clearly feel that if the fight continued like this, he will lose sooner or later.

'Its attacks, they aren't that powerful,' Enzo thought as he analyzed the praying mantis taking momentum before each strike. 'The only reason each strike seems so powerful is because of the momentum!'

At that moment, Enzo decided to try his luck. He didn't want to use his free stats points yet, alas if he didn't, he would just die. So he invested his 12 free stats points into strength.

[Your body is growing stronger]

Enzo didn't need the system's notification to feel his body change. It was as if he felt like he could now reach new heights.

Just as the mantis prepared to launch itself at Enzo with renewed fury, he braced himself, tapping into the depths of his newfound strength. Determination burned in his eyes as he channeled every ounce of power within him, ready to deliver the most devastating blow he could muster.

His muscles tensed up, anticipation mounting in the air. Enzo's senses heightened, attuned to the slightest movements of his deadly opponent. Time seemed to slow as he focused solely on the impending strike.

At this moment, the mantis dashed toward him.

With a primal roar, Enzo unleashed his attack. His swords sliced through the air with blinding speed, guided by newfound energy coursing through his veins. The force of his strike resonated with a thunderous impact, striking the mantis with unrelenting force.

The mantis recoiled, momentarily stunned by the sheer power of Enzo's blow. It didn't expect such a sudden increase in strength at all. Its momentum was even halted, and for a fleeting moment, the battle hung in the balance. Enzo seized this opportunity, pressing his advantage with unwavering resolve.

His relentless assault continued, each strike fueled by his heightened determination and the surging strength within him. Blow after blow rained upon the mantis, weakening its defenses and shaking its resolve. Enzo's newfound power radiated with each swing of his swords, propelling him forward with an unstoppable force.

His butterflies, no longer idle spectators, sprang into action with a coordinated assault. The carnivorous butterflies swooped down upon the mantis, their razor-sharp wings and fangs tearing into its exoskeleton. With each ferocious strike, they inflicted deep wounds, further weakening the already battered creature.

Meanwhile, the poisonous butterflies released a toxic mist from their delicate wings. The lethal vapors enveloped the mantis, seeping into its weakened body. The potent venom worked its way through the creature's veins, sapping its strength and hindering its movements.

Enzo was surprised by their new type of attack, but couldn't dwell for too long as the praying mantis was still very much alive.

The combined assault of the carnivorous and poisonous butterflies intensified the mantis' struggle. It writhed in pain, its once-threatening form now reduced to a feeble attempt to ward off its assailants. Enzo watched as his butterflies carried out their relentless attack, their collective effort overwhelming the creature.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion and color, as Enzo and his butterflies fought in perfect harmony. With each passing moment, the mantis' resistance waned, its movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated. It was a prove that Enzo reversed the course of the battle in an instant.

Finally, the mantis succumbed to its wounds and the toxic onslaught. It collapsed to the ground, defeated and lifeless. Enzo stood amidst the aftermath, his breath heavy with exhaustion, but a sense of accomplishment emanating from within him.

As the adrenaline subsided, Enzo's attention turned to his butterflies, their wings still glowing with remnants of their fierce attacks. He acknowledged their efforts with gratitude, knowing that they played an integral role in his victory. He was also happy to see another poisonous butterfly being added to his collection.

[You gain 25 Virgin Praying Mantis Eden. Dexterity +14; Stamina +12]

[You have reached level 7. You gain two stats points to distribute freely]

[You have reached level 8. You gain two stats points to distribute freely]

[You have reached level 9. You gain two stats points to distribute freely]

With a deep breath, Enzo sheathed his swords and surveyed the battlefield. The threat had been neutralized, and there wasn't anyone in sight. Neither monsters nor survivors.

"Where did they go?" Enzo mumbled under his breath as he suddenly heard something from behind.

Quickly pivoting on his heels, Enzo readied himself for another intense battle, only to find himself relieved as he realized they were just ordinary humans approaching him. It was the same group he had saved earlier, and to his relief, they appeared unharmed and in good health.

Relaxing his tense muscles, Enzo lowered his guard, his swords returning to their sheaths. He greeted the group with a relieved smile. "I'm glad to see that all of you are alright. But we can't be complacent. We need to hurry to the gymnasium as fast as possible or things will get difficult, it's that clear?"

The students, still visibly shaken from their recent ordeal, all nodded their heads with a mixture of gratitude and fear. Their eyes reflected a newfound respect for Enzo, a recognition of the strength and courage he had displayed in their defense, but some were also scared of what he could do.

Nevertheless, even though Enzo could see it, he didn't say anything and just started walking again. It seems that he was now in charge of a group of more than a dozen of students as more came while he was battling the mantis.


In a different corner of Louvre University, a captivating young lady took charge of another group of survivors. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascaded down to her waist, framing a face that could rival the most renowned beauties in the world. However, it was her piercing blue eyes that truly mesmerized onlookers, their radiance glowing with an otherworldly intensity.

As the group advanced, the lady's presence alone commanded respect and instilled a sense of hope in those around her. She effortlessly dispatched the monsters that dared cross their path, her graceful movements accompanied by ethereal copies of herself, each one a formidable warrior in its own right. The duplicates fought with unparalleled skill, their combined efforts ensuring the safety of all who followed.

Guiding the survivors with compassion, she turned to address them in a gentle voice, yet her words carried a firm resolve. "We must make haste to the gymnasium before the situation worsens. Do you all understand?"

The survivors responded with sincere smiles, their trust and admiration evident in their eyes. They recognized the urgency of her instructions and the gravity of the task ahead. With unwavering faith in Rose, their leader, they nodded in unison, ready to follow her lead.

As they pressed forward, Rose continued to protect and guide them, her presence a beacon of strength and inspiration. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded them, her serene demeanor and unwavering determination instilled a sense of calm in the hearts of those under her care.

'I need to quicken the pace, I can't keep so many avatars for so long!' Rose thought as sweats were dropping alongside her cheeks.