
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Iron Fist and Shadow Reapers

// Author's Note:

Thank you for your support! We celebrate 50k views!

I will upload 5 extra chapters when we reach 10 reviews! //

In the aftermath of Old Man P.'s downfall, a power vacuum consumed the slums, giving rise to a notorious gang known as the Iron Fist. They emerged as the self-proclaimed protectors of the impoverished community, but their definition of protection came at a steep price.

The Iron Fist gang thrived on the collection of protection money, coercing slum dwellers into paying exorbitant sums to ensure their safety from rival gangs and cults.

They exploited the vulnerability of the residents, preying on their desperation and fear. Failure to comply with their demands often resulted in violent repercussions, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

In their quest for dominance, the Iron Fist clashed with rival gangs and cults that sought to challenge their authority. Turf wars erupted, transforming the slums into a battleground of violence and bloodshed.

The slum community now lived in constant fear, caught in the crossfire of these territorial disputes. Amidst the chaos, innocent lives were lost, and the slum descended further into darkness.

The battles for control intensified, fueled by greed, power, and a disregard for human life.

Each clash brought a new wave of devastation, leaving the residents trapped in a cycle of despair.

The Iron Fist gang, distinguished by their signature iron-clad gauntlets, which they stole from Old Man P's market square, instilled fear in the hearts of the slum dwellers.

Their uniform, a combination of dark attire and menacing masks, embodied their ruthless and authoritarian nature.

The Iron Fist emblem, a clenched fist engulfed in flames, symbolized their iron grip on the slums and their willingness to unleash destruction upon those who dared to oppose them.

As the Iron Fist gang expanded their influence, their stranglehold on the northern parts of the slum tightened.

They controlled the flow of resources, extorted businesses, and manipulated the vulnerable for their own gain.

The Iron Fist's aren't the only ones that took advantage of the chaos.

To the west, the notorious Shadow Reapers emerged as a force to be reckoned with, known for their cunning tactics and ruthless nature.

Their presence sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to oppose them, as they struck fear into the hearts of their enemies with their calculated brutality.

Both the Shadow Reapers and the Iron Fists were masters of their trade, operating with a code of loyalty and discipline. Their ranks consisted of skilled fighters, who were trained by former henchmen of Old Man P. and have honed their fighting techniques in countless battles against each other.

Both gangs fight for territory in the northwest, where one of the few trade routes linking the slum with the outside world is located.

Their territories were fiercely guarded, and any encroachment into their domain was met with swift and merciless retaliation. While the Shadow Reapers and the Iron Fists stood as adversaries, locked in an unending conflict for dominance, they shared a common bond in their unwavering loyalty to their gangs.

Each member of these gangs was willing to lay down their life for their brothers and sisters in arms, creating a sense of camaraderie and unity that ran deep within their ranks.

In the south, a different scene unfolded. The region was a melting pot of smaller gangs and cults, each vying for power and influence. The streets were a constant battleground as these factions clashed in a desperate bid to assert their dominance.

Loyalties were fickle, alliances were fragile, and the balance of power shifted with each passing day.

The Shadow Reapers and the Iron Fists were aware of the chaos in the south, but their focus remained fixed on their bitter rivalry in the northwest.

Their resources were stretched thin as they fought to maintain their control over their respective territories.

The smaller gangs and cults in the south seized this opportunity, exploiting the power vacuum to expand their own influence. As the slums teetered on the brink of anarchy, the clash between the Shadow Reapers and the Iron Fists intensified.

Each skirmish fueled the flames of animosity, driving the gangs to push the boundaries of their power.

The streets became a battleground, where lives were lost and the innocent became collateral damage in the relentless pursuit of dominance. In this war-torn landscape, the slum residents struggled to find solace amidst the chaos. Their lives were held hostage by the ever-present threat of violence, with no respite from the constant turmoil.

Hope seemed like a distant dream, and the possibility of peace felt like an elusive mirage. The Shadow Reapers and the Iron Fists, with their unmatched strength and unwavering determination, had become the de facto rulers of the slums.

Well, everywhere except the East.

In the East, Knights and Holy Knights patrol the streets. Only small gangs and cults have the possibility to operate undetected. Kami just doesn't have enough knights to carry out a thorough raid in the East.

Both gangs know about the existence of the Divinum Religion and have been warned about the power of the Holy Knights by Thugs that fled the battlefield.

While the bosses of both gangs doubt the veracity of these warnings, the slightest likelihood that they are true, keeps them from meddling in the East. Besides, they have to focus on the northwest anyway.

Their reigns were marked by bloodshed and a thirst for power that knew no bounds. The fate of the slums lay in their hands, as their bitter rivalry threatened to consume everything in its path.

As the conflict raged on, the slums bore witness to the devastating consequences of unchecked power and unyielding ambition. Families torn apart, lives shattered, and a sense of despair that permeated every corner of the land.

The shadow of these warring factions loomed large, casting a long and dark shadow over the slums.