
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Deilux Order

Days after Elias reunited with his family, he was called over by Esther.

Elias eagerly awaited his meeting with Esther, knowing that she had something important to discuss.

As they sat down together, Esther's eyes shone with determination and purpose.

"Elias," she began, "I have been thinking long and hard about the fact that our army lack proper structure. As you know, currently each Holy Knight trains two Knights each. In our first war, each Holy Knight led 5 normal Knights. As our army expands, we need a clear hierarchy. It is time for us to establish a Order of Knights, one that will bring light and hope to this world. I propose the creation of the Deilux Order!"

Elias listened intently, captivated by Esther's vision. The name resonated with him, carrying a sense of nobility and strength.

He could feel the weight of the responsibility that would come with being the Grand Master of such an order. Esther continued, her voice filled with conviction.

"The Deilux Order will stand for justice, valor, and the protection of the innocent. It will be a beacon of hope in these troubled times.

We need someone like you, Elias, a Sacred Knight with unwavering dedication and a deep connection to the divine, to lead this order. Furthermore, our Lord spoke to me through the sacred medium and commanded me that you should lead them. Oh- and I hope you like his gift."

"Gift? What gift- the shield! I knew the Lord did it!"

Elias felt a mixture of excitement, gratitude and apprehension. The thought of leading a new order was both daunting and exhilarating. And that his Lord wants him to be the Grandmaster and even gifted him a divine artifact gave him goosebumps.

Under no circumstances does he want to disappoint his Lord now.

He knew that leading the very first Order of Knights would require great sacrifice and unwavering commitment. But he also understood the importance of such a mission, of standing as a symbol of hope in a world plagued by darkness.

After a moment of reflection, Elias nodded solemnly.

"Your Holiness, I am honored that you would trust me with this responsibility. I accept the role of Grand Master of the Deilux Order. Together, we shall forge a path of righteousness and protect those in need."

Esther's face lit up with a smile, and a sense of purpose filled the air. They knew that this was the beginning of a great endeavor, a chance to make a lasting impact on the world around them.

And so, the journey of the Deilux Order began, with Elias at its helm, ready to lead his fellow knights in the pursuit of justice and the defense of the weak.

[ Name: Elias Olsson ]

[Age: 23 ]

[ Potential: Sacred Knight, Grandmaster of Order of Knights ]

[ Occupation: Sacred Knight, Grandmaster of the Deilux Order, Slum dweller, ]

[ Skills: Stealing lvl 3, Concealment lvl 1, Observing lvl 5, Shield Mastery lvl 8, Swordmaster lvl 6, Iron Will lvl 3 ]

The Deilux Order includes all 20 Holy Knights, including the 8 veterans from the first war and 80 newly trained Knights.

Because of the heroic actions and leadership of Knight William, he was awarded the title of Vice-grandmaster.

The Order of Knights' first mission is to protect the workers from the gangs and cults while they construct the city walls.


The uniform of the Deilux Order consisted of a regal white cloak, flowing down their shoulders, symbolizing purity and the divine light they carried within.

Emblazoned upon the cloak was the emblem of the Deilux Order—a striking combination of a radiant sun and a sword, intricately woven together.

The sun represented enlightenment, guidance, and the pursuit of truth, while the sword symbolized the knights' unwavering determination to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

Beneath the cloak, the Holy Knights wore a suit of gleaming silver armor, meticulously crafted to provide both protection and mobility in combat.

The armor bore intricate engravings of divine symbols, depicting their connection to the higher powers they served.

A polished breastplate, adorned with the emblem of the Deilux Order, covered their chest, serving as a constant reminder of their purpose and unity. Upon their heads, the Holy Knights wore a helmet, designed to inspire awe and instill a sense of authority.

The helmet featured a visor that could be raised or lowered, concealing their faces in battle but allowing their noble expressions and unwavering resolve to be seen when addressing the people they protected.

The Deilux Order, diligently patrolled the unfinished city walls, standing as guardians against the gangs and cults that plagued the slums below.

Their presence was a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and a symbol of protection in the face of lawlessness.

With unwavering dedication, the Holy Knights led the way, their combat techniques shining through as they moved with grace and purpose.

Clad in their new gleaming armor, they exuded an aura of authority and righteousness, instilling a sense of security in the hearts of the city's residents and workers.

Alongside them, the Knights, disciplined and skilled in combat, formed a formidable force. Their unity and unwavering loyalty to the Deilux Order fortified their resolve.

Together, they were an impenetrable barrier, standing firm against any threat that dared to approach.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the city, the patrols began. The clinking of armor and the steady march of boots echoed through the streets as the Holy Knights and Knights moved with precision.

Their watchful eyes scanned every alley and rooftop, ever vigilant for signs of trouble. The slum dwellers, who had long lived in fear and uncertainty, found solace in the presence of the Deilux Order.

The gangs and cults that held sway over the streets of the slum now recoiled in the face of this formidable force.

The Deilux Order's commitment to protecting the innocent went beyond mere patrolling. They engaged with the community, offering support and guidance to those in need.

They became mentors, inspiring the youth to rise above their circumstances and seek a brighter future.

Through their tireless efforts, the Deilux Order expanded Kami's zone of influence and restored a sense of safety and stability in the nearby slum districts.

Their unwavering resolve, combined with their formidable skills, struck fear into the hearts of the criminals who once roamed there freely.