
Building a Harem in COTE

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji has a simple plan. Seduce a girl, get laid, and then go back to his normal high school life. However, everything gets blown out of proportion when his Senpai 'Fuuka' shows up. And for some reason, she is hell-bent on building him a harem of hot girls.

Exotic_Animator · Komik
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44 Chs

Hornykouji Origin story


[4 months ago]

At a particular movie theater, the only light illuminating the large darkroom was the cinema screen. A movie was being projected onto a large screen at the front of the auditorium while the dialogue, sounds, and music were played through several wall-mounted speakers.

'The Theory of everything' was currently playing, it was a romance/drama movie depicting the life of 'Stephen Hawking', an excellent astrophysics student working on his research. As he eventually learns that he suffers from motor neuron disease and has around two years to live.

The seats weren't exactly filled with patrons. To be precise only 40% of the chairs were occupied by people. Two of such people were seated at the very middle of the auditorium.

A recently engaged couple who were in the mood to celebrate.

'Toga' had known 'Deku' since college. They both meet on a blind date but seemed to have hit it off. Surprisingly they didn't have much in common however their individual chemistry seemed to make up for it. They understood each other better than they understand themselves. Toga still remembers how Deku had invited her to that fancy restaurant last week out of the blue, only to be surprised with one of the biggest decisions of her life-

Will you marry me?

She can still hear him say it, that single sentence plays on loop in her head. She gazes at her new shiny engagement ring before glancing at Deku lovingly. He was slurping on his soda, his eyes fully immersed in the movie. Deku has a kind soul and always works hard for his goals, he puts others before him no matter what, It is one of the things she loves about him.

Deku had known Toga as a part-time waitress in his local restaurant. He usually goes there just to admire her from afar. So imagine his surprise when he met her for that blind date his friends forced him to go to. He had never been happier for peer pressure.

Even though he always felt like Toga was out of his league, they got along really well. She was always there for him and supported him whenever he needed her. He was so in love that he got the courage to propose to her last week, and to his luck she accepted.

Life has been going really well for both of them.

Suddenly he felt a warm sensation on his thigh. Toga rested one of her arms in it, before moving her fingers playfully near his zippers, he had a basic idea of what she was trying to do.

Toga's face was barely illuminated by the screen light, she looked red up to her ears. Her eyes were slightly unfocused and a little glazed. She seemed vaguely dazed, probably due to embarrassment.

And although her hair was messy, it didn't spoil her beauty. In fact, she even looks sexy.

But now, she is stuck staring at Deku's bulge.

And she's been in this position for a long time, shaking her fingertips as she reaches for it, but her fiancé seemed nervous.

''If you don't want me to do it, I'll stop,'' she said softly.

Deku raised his eyebrows as if he was troubled when she told him so.

''No, it's not like that''

''Then what?'' Toga asked while tilting her head slightly.

Since Deku didn't respond Toga gave a small nod and knelt between his legs. Then, while twisting herself, she gently reached out to unzip his pants and grasp his thing. Deku involuntarily jumped at the stimulation.

His body temperature is higher than hers and the cool touch of her palm felt good. And while she stared deeply into his eyes, she brought her face close to his hard thing and rubbed it with her cheeks, murmuring with a teasing smile-

''P-e-n-i-s ❤''


Deku thought he was going to cum right then and there and it was awful. He can't believe that she would say such obscene words as she rubbed her cheek against his thing. 

And with that, her lips came closer and her breath hit his sensitive spot. His pre-cum was already leaking out. Then, as soon as her tongue licked the tip of his glans, he felt an electric current run down his spine and his body jumped.

'W, what is this? It's so different from doing it in private! It's so much better!' Deku thought

''Haha! It's a-amazing. You're so good at this Toga❤,'' He couldn't help but moan.

Before he knew it, Toga's tongue movements became bolder and bolder.

''Lick❤ lick, chu, chu...❤''

In front of him, Toga's red tongue crawls over his cock. It felt rough and slippery.

Whenever the hot tip of her tongue, covered with saliva, touched his glans, he felt such a sharp pleasure.

''Ugh! Kuh...Kuh...'' He knows it's pathetic, but he can't stop his voice from leaking out.

After all, Toga is licking his cock with all her might. That same Toga who he had a crush on for so long was now stretching out her tongue, with eyes gazing at him with ecstasy.

Deku's heart was pounding just by looking at that scene, moreover, if she licked him like this, he felt like he could die happy. ''It's good! Toga, you're amazing!''

''Really? it's that...good?''

''Yes, yes, it's perfect❤'.''

Toga let out a giggle as she extended her tongue to the glans and then took his penis in her mouth with a quick slurp. Her cheeks were lightly dyed red and her pink lips sucking his thing into her mouth. It was the first time Deku had ever experienced the inside of a mouth that was so warm and slimy. It was so comfortable that he felt as if the tip of his manhood would melt and disappear.

Toga begins to move her face up and down while looking up and making eye contact with him.

''N❤ Nnn.... Chu, slurp❤ slurrrppp❤''

Her cheeks puckered up and her lips pouting, while her face was flushed. There is no sign of her usual cool beauty. Deku was probably the first person to see Toga's naughty face like this, he couldn't help but twist and turn.

''❤Nnn, Slurp, Chu... Slurp❤ Nnn, Nnn❤Chu...❤''

''Oh, crap...❤'!''

His body felt so good that he had to work harder to hold back. But Toga kept sucking him hard. Her mouth got narrower, and his glans were being crushed by the inside of her jaw and her tongue. And with the tongue sucking up so hard, it felt like a vacuum cleaner, he was about to ejaculate.

The stimulation was too strong.

And he was at his very limits.

''On a number scale of 1-10, how much would you rate this experience'' a monotone voice called out to him.

''A..a.. 10 no never-mind, definitely an 11,'' Deku groaned as the pleasure continued to numb his senses. But a rational part of him questioned the scenario. His fiancée was blowing him off the last time he checked, and she had the voice of a low-pitched angel, not a.....'man.'

Deku instantly opened his eyes to assess the situation, even Toga stopped what she was doing and looked up.

A lone brown-haired boy in the seat in front of them eyed them with a bored expression while munching on his popcorn. It was, of course, Ayanokouji. They could both hear the unique crunch of popcorn in his mouth every time he placed some in his mouth.

It was nerve wreaking how he was watching their dirty moment with a poker face like a dad enjoying his late-night football game.

''Ah...don't mind me, please do continue what you were doing, just pretend I'm not here,'' Ayanokouji finally answered, perhaps to break the awkward silence.

Deku and Toga's faces were flushed with humiliation, and steam was literally pouring from their heads. Deku zipped up his pants promptly, while Toga wiped her mouth with a napkin. They both believed they were going to die of embarrassment. Deku held Toga's hand and tried to go without saying anything to Ayanokouji.

Ayanokoji just shrugged his shoulders and looked on at the fleeting couple with a hint of disappointment.

He looked at Toga's retreating back, his eyes traced to her butt perking up and down as she moved, her thin waist and shapely thighs swaying back and forth as her long legs strut back to the exit. He suddenly had an impulse to steal her from the other guy, but that only lasted for a second before he made sure to bury the desire inside.

''Master Ayanokoji how are you liking the movie theater so far.....''

Matsuo, who was sitting next to Ayanokouji, came to a halt when he observed the young master was distracted. He looked at what his master was gazing at. A young couple was walking hand in hand towards to exit.

Ah, this Matsuo understands, Master is at that age after all. He's probably thinking of courting a young lady. Flattering her with flowers, opening the door for her, meeting her at the dead of night to sing her love poems and god forbid premarital hand-holding. I wonder what other gentlemanly and wholesome things he is thinking about.

That chicks got such a poundable ass, thought Ayanokoji.

Ah...must be so nice to be young, this Matsuo could shed a tear or two. Master Ayanokoji is such a fine gentleman

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer, mused Ayanokoji.

There are many words that can be used to describe Ayanokoji, he's the magnum opus of the White Room, even worshipped by following generations. But he believes the word 'curiosity' best describes him. He has always been an inquisitive child. The only reason he wants to go to ANHS is to experience freedom, even though he knows he will have to return to his former life after three years.

Take his recent obsession for example. The only reason he suddenly got interested in being intimate with a girl, was after seeing something he shouldn't have.

There are stories where a kid would accidentally walk in on their parents having sex, only to be scarred for life by that imagery.

Ayanokouji on the other hand had the luxury of finding a whole-ass sex dungeon while wandering his father's mansion.

Why does his father have an elaborate sex dungeon with various BDSM toys? Who knows?

Ayanokouji isn't interested enough to investigate.

Still, sex must be one hell of a dopamine drug if it makes his old man act this out of character. Well, he's on the outside, he might as well use this opportunity to hook up with a girl--

Matsuo placed both arms on his shoulders before he could finish his thought. Matsuo couldn't handle the exhilaration any longer, and he was practically fangirling within.

''Master Ayanokoji I know what you are thinking.''

''Do you now?''

''It's WOMEN right?'' Matsuo said with a beaming smile.

''Huh.. that's pretty spot on.....Matsuo, are you perhaps a mind-reader?''

''I also know what you are thinking of doing to them',' he said with a wink.

''OK....now you are creeping me out.'' Ayanokoji had always thought of his butler as a naïve old man, far too optimistic to be working for his father. But to think that his intuition was spot on.

''Remember that school I told you about'' Matsuo exclaimed with exaggerated movements. ''You can do everything you thought of over there.''

Ayanokouji blinked a couple of times, wondering if he perhaps misheard him.

''In fact, the school environment promotes such a development from happening.''


What kind of government-issued school promotes.......nevermind, it's probably best to not think about it.

When he looked around the theater, he noticed that the majority of the seats were empty. His bodyguards were present in every strategic corner in sharp black suits and sunglasses, watching his every move.

Their role is not simply to keep Ayanokoji safe, but also there to restrict his movements if he acts outside his father's jurisdiction. Even in the outer world, all of his actions are regulated, and he is constantly watched.

It would be challenging to pursue romance under these conditions.

In the critically acclaimed film 'Shawshank Redemption,' it took Dufresne approximately 19 years to tunnel out of prison and finally obtain freedom.

Ayanokouji however has no desire to be that patient.

If the school is as good as Matsuo claims, it would be preferable to just get laid there than here. Essentially killing two birds with one stone.

4 months huh...I suppose I could wait that long.

On that very day, Hornykouji manifested. Ayanokouji looked up and stared at the ceiling constructing future plans for his inevitable admission to that school.

Matsuo looked on giving him his full blessing and support, completely oblivious to his master's dark desires.

[Present day]


Ayaka, the office lady, peered at Ayanokoji with expectant eyes, her phone held out to him, signaling him to give her his phone number. She can't recall the last time she was this daring and spontaneous, but as the boy seized her phone, she felt her cheeks heat up.

Though there is something off about him, he seemed to have lost all enthusiasm. Ayaka dismissed it as her overthinking.

The bus came to a halt just as he finished. Ayanokoji and the other students on the bus began to make their way to the exit. Ayaka observed Ayanokoji's departure from the window, but he paused in the middle before turning around and waving goodbye to her.

She got flustered but waved back anyway.

Ayaka was already 25 years old, she's been in a dozen relationships by now, but they never seem to work out. However, she felt optimistic for the first time. About the boy, she met by chance.

There was something about him that drew her in. Like finding a missing piece and finally solving the puzzle. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say she was behaving and thinking akin to a teenage girl again.

The man appeared to be a little too mysterious, though this simply added to his allure.

She saved his number and stared at it with a feverish look. Most people would call her next action annoying but she decided to do it anyway.

She called his number....and it started ringing.



Her heartbeat quickened with each passing ring. She found herself nervously twirling her hair around her index finger.



Until finally, he received it.

''HEY!!'' Ayaka internally cursed herself for sounding too excited.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes sharpened as they filled with determination. Can't let this one get away. That's my future boyfriend...

''I mean h-hey..'' Ayaka coughed to clear her voice. ''Ayanokouji, I know we just talked, but I wanted to hear your voice again--''

''Maam.... this is Domino's Pizza, what can I get you''


Ayaka frowned as she carefully lowered her phone and looked at the dialed number for a moment. That jerk gave me the wrong number!

"FUUUCK!?!" Ayaka's voice could be heard echoing throughout the road, as the bus moved further and further away.

Just as Ayanokouji taught himself to get girls, he also learned how to get rid of them.