
Who the hell are you?

Cloud waked up in the morning because he heard a girl shouted.


Cloud is currently sleeping in the guest room. Cloud is so tired after reading hundreds of books. Cloud's bed is so comfy that he fell in to a deep slumber.

"OK BABE. I'M COMING DOWN THERE. WAIT FOR ME BABE" Cloud chuckled as he called her babe.

"DON'T YOU F*CKING CALL ME BABE. IDIOT" Marina blushed downstairs and then she head back to the dining hall.

Cloud wear his pants, t-shirt, coat and his pants. this is still what he wore when he got here. Cloud might copy Kirito in terms of Fashion and fighting style. Cloud loves anime so much and he thinks he can copy him in this world.

Kirito came from the anime series entitled Sword Art Online or simply known as SAO. Cloud idolized this man and his fighting skills. He even entered a dojo back on earth to just learn sword fighting.

Kirito wears a black coat, simple pants and a black shirt inisde. Kirito also wield 2 swords and put it in his back in a X formation.

Cloud really dreamed to have a life like the anime but its not possible back on earth. But now, he can do it and at the same time he can be the strongest adventurer here if he will not die early. After he registered in the Adventurers Association, he will proceed to hunt for monsters for exp points and for his Kill for Extra life.

Then they eat their breakfast. They talked about what is the test there.

"The test conducted is there is about your mana, agility, strength, pysique and intelligence. Specific test are conducted in different rooms." Marina explained how the Association conduct the test.

"Your ranking is defined by your accumulated points in taking quests. Test are just present to determine if you are capable of being an adventurer." Cloud thought that there might be ranking in the Adventurers Association. Just like in the MMORPG games he played there are rankings but in this world there is no such thing as ranking.

"Association gives its members a privilege that depends on your accumulated points. Points varied on how difficult a mission is. The missions start with Rank E to Rank SSS. Rank SSS is the hardest of all mission. These missions cannot be finished by only one adventurer. For example, fighting a horde of monsters of level 90. Even level 100 Adventurer found it impossible for him to do." Marina explained it to Cloud how hard to accumulate points ranking points.

Marina also explained to him that he can build a guild soon if he took enough points. The guild needs at least 1 Billion Technical Points. This benefit is a good one for Cloud. Cloud in his MMORPG days is also a guild leader and makes his guild to rise on top 1.

"Hey Marina, are you in a guild?" Cloud asked Marina. Cloud is thinking about making a guild once he reached the requirements in making one.

"No. Guild for me is just a hindrance for getting stronger but if you will make one, then we can make an exception. I will join your guild if you make one." Marina said it calmly but when she thinks about be on Cloud side forever she blushed and giggles.

" Marina let's head to the Adventurers Association and I will take the test." Cloud is excited about taking missions while being on a party with Marina.

Cloud now is level 20 Adventurer with small usable skills on his list. He have skills on different magic nature and has also small combo skills.

Then they head to the Association and take Cloud to the receptionist and asked her.

"This man wants to register here. When is the test going to start?" Marina is the one who asked.

"ohhhhhhh. Its you Marina. Long time no see." the receptionist knew about Marina. Marina is famous in their pace because she is a mythic who can use 3 magic natures. All people here knew that Mystico is a good person and they did not believe about the accusations they threw on Mystico. They believed that Mystico didn't kill the Emperor because they are closed friends.

"Ohhhhh. Cloud this is Angela. Angela this is cloud" Marina introduced to each other.

"Hi Angela. Pleased to meet you." Cloud is as cool as ever and also a charismatic person. His sex appeal is high enough to make girls fall in love for her as easily

Angela pulled Marina and then whispered."Hey girl, is that your boyfriend?"

Marina didn't react on the question Angela asked and then just said " can Cloud register right now?"

"Yes he can. Write your name here and fill up other details here." Angela looked at Cloud and then Cloud started to write details about him.

The Association is not as big as the main hall but it is the biggest around other branches. It only reached 10 floors but it is still considered as a massive establishment.

After cloud filled up the application form. Marina and Cloud headed to the 5th floor where all test are conducted.

Then Marina approached a man wearing a white robe.

"Hey ford. Long time no see.. How are you?? " Marina is happy seeing this guy. There must be a relation between them.

" ohhhh Marina. I'm fine. What are you doing here?" he asked marina then looked at Cloud.

"ohh, I'm assisting a friend to apply here as an adventurer." then she looked at Cloud and waved at him and said. "Come here."

Cloud immediately come to them. He looked at the man. He is fine looking and his age is around 20's.

"I'm Cloud and you are? " Cloud offered his hand to shake with this man.

" I'm ford." Ford didn't reached his hand to shake. He just ignored our dude.

'naaaaaah.. I'm fine men. He must be jealous at me. ' Cloud thought about it. This man must be jealous with Cloud because he is too close with Marina.

"Ok ford.. Can we start now? " Marina asked Ford if they can start now with the Test.

" ohhh sure.. " Ford glared at Cloud and then redirect his direction to the testing grounds. And then they started walking headed to the testing grounds.


" this is the first test. Here we will test how large is your Mana bank and how fast it regenerates naturally. When it reached the minimum point then you passed the test. " Cloud just listened to what Ford is talking. He just ignored Ford.

" So lets start" Marina is super excited on whats going to happen. Cloud is hard to predict. He make things abnormally.

"you just need to channel your man here. We will only get 99 percent of your mana bank here and we will give you pills for mana regeneration. " Ford explained how it is done.

When you exhaust all of your mana you might faint because mana is energy. Its like a car that drained all his gasoline and it will make the car immovable. This is also what happened to human who exhaust or drained their mana. They can only be revived if someone give them mana.

"Cloud channel your mana to the ball and to let them see how large your mana bank" Marina looked at Cloud with full of confidence. Marina believed that Cloud can finish this quest without struggling, after all this is just a test to know if someone is capable of surviving the wilds and with Clouds skill he can survive in the wilds as easy as drinking water.

"Mr.Shylphinford please get your self ready as we start your first test. The first test is mana bank testing. This test is to determine how large your mana is right now. If it is enough for you to survive in the wilds. We will exhaust the 99% of your mana here." the proctor explained everything about how the first test works.

"ohhhh. Thats the guy who fell from heaven yesterday. "

" ohhh yeaah. As I heard he is only level 1 when he fell. There is no way he can cultivate so fast to pass this test"

"He won't pass the test even Miss Marina backed him up. There's no chance at all"

"hahahaha. Even Marina has plenty of books in her library. No one can read books so fast. He's making me laugh"


People are laughing at Cloud right now. They think that this dude is so dumb. To think that he applied as Adventurer so fast after he fell, he must be an idiot.

Cloud hear laughs everywhere. People gossips about how idiot he is. Who would think that a level 1 will apply as an adventurer without a proper education from academy? No one. Even though they thought about this dude reading books, but after a day? He could only gain level 3 at least.

But Cloud ignored every sh*ts they said about him. His only goal is to pass this test and become an adventurer as soon as possible.

"You can start now Mr.Shylphinford" the proctor chuckled. He also knew about a man who fell from heavens and his level.

Everybody present there is laughing at our dude. They think that this man was an egg that thrown in a stone.

Cloud start channeling his mana in to the ball. The ball emit a faint glow. The crowd still laughs at him. By this time there are hundreds of people watching at this man. But all of them just come here to laugh at him

He still continues to channel mana in to the ball. As seconds passes by the ball emit a strong light. He passed the test. But what shocked the crowd is as time passes by the light emitted by the ball grow stronger.

The light emitted by the ball is growing stronger. Then someone shouted from the crowd. A high level adventurer. "THE BALL CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE. IT CAN ONLY HOLD A MILLION MANA, BUT THIS MAN IS SENDING TOO MUCH TO THE BALL. IT WILL EXPLODE. EVERYONE DUCK"

And then everyone including Marina and Ford ducked when they heard this man.

BOOOOOOOOOOOM! a loud boom rang in the testing grounds. Window glass shuttered, everyone feels fear in their heart. Their eyes widened as they saw everything on the 5th floor turned messy as hell. Glass fragments are everywhere. And then everyone started to raise their head and looked at the spot where Cloud is standing.

"HE'S BLEEDING OUT THERE" a man shouted then everyone looked at where this man pointed and saw Cloud bleeding.

"CALL A MEDIC. HE'S DYING" The proctor said.

"NO! JUST LOOK AT HIM" Marina shouted back. Everyone looked at Marina. And within their head they protested. ' how idiot Marina is?' 'that girl must be crazy eh' but in the end they just looked at Cloud.

Cloud started to sit cross-legged his health dropped to 10 percent. Then he started to use Fairy's heal and after 30 seconds of sitting he stand up and jumped 3 times. And then shouted "I'M OKAY GUYS. DON'T WORRY"

Everyone jaws are left hanging right now. Eyes are wide open. And someone said


I read the book of authors and read some enlightenment.. Sorry for a shitty story right now but I will promise to you that I will improve the way I write the story.... Sorry....

DOPPLEPODDcreators' thoughts
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