
BTS: The 7 Mr.Right Idols J.JK

BTS the boy band who is now worldwide famous. Billboard's No.1 singers .. Many girls Heartbeats.. and heartthrobs. Every Army's dreamboys. But Did you ever imagine if you will be with them what will happen, will you be able to hold your feelings and go with flow or you will lose the chance? Romance,comedy,Targedy everything is okay But what about if this will happen between you and your idols..? Are you ready to go on this unbelievable thriller? The story is based on the author's imagination, all the characters in novel has nothing to do with the real life, it's all imagination and fan-fictional just for a fan's reading. copyright belongs to DDevil.

Ddevil_Staeswife · Kombinasi musik
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117 Chs

Do you like..... Alice ?1/2

Jungkook's POV

We got in car and I saw both of them were acting weird Alice was driving,suga hyung was sitting beside her seat and I was in back... why do I have a bad feeling about this but why do I care....... at all I don't care..... but suddenly what Alice said earlier came in my mind "Suga oppa and Jhope oppa "Alice said "so does it mean that you like them " I said "maybe yes " she said.....Hmmm now Ill have to keep an eye on these 3..... "Alice ahh tomorrow we have photo shoot? " I herd suga hyung asking her "yes oppa so tomorrow you all have to wake-up early " she said without looking at hyung, why does she talk so sweetly with him and with me like always scolding me... "but hyung now your this much tried will you be able to wake up early " I said to hyung he just shrugged and looked at Alice "let's see how our manager wakes me up early tomorrow " he said smiling at Alice like giving her challenge and Alice just smiled nodding wait..... WTH is going on here ?, why does it look like I don't exist in there world?, Did they forget that am here too? " ...."YAA JUNGKOOK AHH WHY YOU THERE DON'T YOU WANNA COME IN? "I herd jin hyung shouting from door Heh? Did we reach home this early....

Alice's POV

I tried calling jungkook to get out of car but suga oppa told me to leave him he will follow us so I did as he said... but the thing is whenever oppa talks to me my cheeks goes red like tomatoes, what am gonna do the rest of the time from now on..... This is what happens when your bias gets close to you...

"Alice ahh let's come eat " I herd Jhope oppa saying we all sat, I sat between suga oppa and jungkook that was the only seat remaining so I just sat and started to eat "Alice ahh " I looked up and saw Jin oppa calling me "yea oppa? " I said looking at him "do you know what dog said to wall? " he said looking at me seriously others looked at him too "huh what? " I asked "wow woow " he said as he started laughing hysterically but none of us luaghed accept jimin oppa "Taehyung ahh pass me the kimchi " right in time suga oppa said that and accept Jin oppa we all busted in laughing crazily it was too funny "hyu-hyung here " Taehyung oppa said laughing passing it to me so I could pass him I gave to him "what happened? " he said again and we again luaghed hard it was so hard that Jhope oppa fell from his chair...

The dinner was done and I was washing plates while others where doing there work today I told Jin oppa to take a rest I will clean the kitchen so he was gone and I was alone in the kitchen meanwhile Taehyung oppa and jimin oppa where doing laundry... and other there works "Alice ahh? " I herd suga oppa so I finished my last dish and kept it in the board and turned around to saw him drinking water, he kept the cup and came towards me "yes oppa? " I asked him nervously "so what were you about to say earlier " he said as he sat on the dining table looking at me "hehehe nothing oppa let's go sleep " I said to him making him Come on the floor "ohh okay let's go " he said as he grabbed my wrist with his left hand and offed the lights of kitchen and leaving room dragging me with him, "oppa why are you taking me? " I said to him "didn't you said let's go sleep? " he said smirking "Oppa that's not that I mean you sleep in your room tomorrow we have to wake up early..... " I said blushing since it was dark so he couldn't see it ...."hehehe don't worry Go sleep goodnight " he said as he patted my head sweetly... "goodnight oppa " I said smiling and went in my room.....

Suga's POV

I saw her getting in her room and gone in my room only to be meet by our maknae "hyung I will sleep with you today " he said and I face palmed my self...