
The Band Recalls the Past 1

It once came out of nowhere as a new constellation of 7 bright stars in the sky, a Korean band that appeared on the international scene to become known around the world.

They took a little time adjusting their style, more always with their message of being positive and a light that illuminates the hearts of many young people around the world, always with a message in their lyrics and involved in social and humanitarian issues, the most beloved of Twitter.

After being the best band in Korea have become the best band in the world, loved by all and envied by many, but never hated by anyone.

Often after winning dozens of awards and often as the # 1 album in the world, time passes for everyone, and the 7 who were once young were people who lived and gathered again dozens of years later to talk about the past glorious.

In one of the many conversations, the 7 members told of their dreams after a few years from the beginning of their career, but the more they talked about the dream, they realized that the dream was connected.

After realizing that everyone had the same dream at the same time and that this dream was connected they thought, was it even a dream?


Finding yourself.

After a show on an international tour, the 7 members went to their hotel rooms and then started an interesting experience.


When he looked down he realized that he was wearing an all white suit and floating in the sky, the place where he was was a common room of an apartment.

He did not remember how he looked and also did not remember his name and how his life was, he just had the same personality and tastes.

In front of him was a young man who, unbeknownst to him, looked the same as he, this young man was alone in this apartment, it seemed that he was the only one who lived here.

Since Suga did not know what to do besides float he decided to continue to observe this person with whom he felt he had a special kind of connection.

So following this person, Suga felt that he had a lot of resemblance to this person, this man very much enjoyed staying in his house alone sometimes looking at the walls with a melancholy look.

It was a man who worked in the small business during the day and was a joint venture, Suga felt that this man was not happy with his current life, but also was a little lost and did not know what to do.


Jin was also in the same situation as Suga, he was floating with white clothing and following a man he felt a special connection.

Only this man was not so good, he was not working and only stayed at home all day, Jin could say that this man was lost and depressed, he did not find a purpose for himself, he just isolated and sometimes looked for something on the Internet.

Every time he saw this man suffering Jin's heart tightened and he wanted to help, but did not leave like, he could not speak and also he could feel his body getting more and more transparent.


Jungook was also finding himself in the same situation, the man he was following was in a much better situation, young and talented, even without him having the intention before the people around him fell in love with his charisma and discovered his talents.

Now he just had to figure out what he'd like to do for his whole life, the offerings were great, but nothing really made his eyes shine and he said 'That's it', but soon he would have to make a decision.

From a fan to several fans, enjoy the story

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