

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chp. 3, A Promise


--(MC POV)--


"Listen to me and listen well. You young man can become a hero and let me explain why" I said

Izuku the looked-up at me with tears going down his face. He then wiped them of using his arm and said "Thank you sir"

"Don't thank me yet and let me explain you my story you see where I came from not everyone was born the same some had advantages while others didn't just like this world. The thing is that even a normal monkey can become something great they just need enough training it doesn't matter what they end up as skill is the most important. It's the same in this world you can have the best power but if you don't train it, you can hurt someone and that's no hero now is it." I say

"Yes sir. A hero should strive to save anyone no matter the cost" says Izuku

Good he gets it maybe with this foundation I'm laying down he will trust me more maybe I can make him my apprentice in the long run?

"That's right anyone who hurts someone and wants to be a hero isn't a true hero right." I say

"Yes..." says Izuku starting with enthusiasm but the with the look on his face came realization

Maybe he finally realizes that his friend might not be a true hero. Anyways the meaning of hero here shifted maybe I can explain that to him? Yeah, I should so he understands even more.

"Listen well young man... wait can I ask you your name sorry that I didn't ask it before" I say while scratching the back of my head and smiling

"Oh, its Izuku and what's your name sir" says Izuku while taking out his notebook ready to start writing

"Well young Izuku my civilian name is Xander, but my hero name is Super Monkey" I say and then think "Well for this form at least"

He then starts writing it down really fast I can just see after Images of the pencil. Man, I can't believe he is quirk-less but this is anime logic so I guess it makes sense.

I then say "Ok back to the point when I was searching around to comprehend your language, I saw your worlds social media and went through it really quick and found some differences in our view points or definitions of different words"

"What are the words?" Izuku asks

"One for example is the definition of a hero you see your society made it seem like a hero is about looking cool and being popular but that's far from the truth. What you see here is a Pro-Hero not a hero the difference is one is a job and another is a true way one should act." I respond

"But that's not how hero act" said Izuku

"Look here one of your top hero endeavor focuses on taking down villains more than helping people now you could say well taking down the villain would help the people more and you would be right if he didn't have the most collateral damage of civilian's getting caught in the cross fire" I say

"Ok, but that's just him surely..." says Izuku

I cut Izuku od and said "There's Rumi who focuses on only fighting and taking down the villain and she left some injured people who were in dire need of help like trap under ruble, etc. Also, there is also Uwabami she mostly takes her time being a celebrity than being a hero thus ignoring here actual job. There is many more also that I have said I just listed the more well-known ones so you would get the point"

I then see Izuku then puts his head down and makes a weird face like if his questioning his whole life. Well, he did think the best of things or people so when I brought this up. He is now probably reviewing his life and seeing if any other pro-hero was like that.

"Now Izuku that doesn't mean all heroes are bad it's just that the truly good ones or the ones that have talent are shot down by the big guys. It's like if you were an actor and you would have amazing talent to do so no one would hire you anyways if you don't have connections or 'experience' but the big guys are more well-known so they could get the part easier than you could. It's more or less a battle of marketing and popularity since the more heroes you see that act like that and influence the new generation the more it would become the norm till the original meaning of hero is all but forgotten." I say

"So that means it doesn't even matter if I do become a pro-hero, I will never be able to become number one?" asked Izuku

"Sadly, the answer is yes" I respond

"W-well as l-long as I can help people I d-don't c-care" says Izuku looking like he was about to cry

"Now you see here is the difference between other and you" I say

"Huh?" said Izuku

"You truly live up to the hero morals you are selfless and but you behind others you might not become the 'best' pro-hero but you can become the best super-hero a true hero right to its core" I say while I poked him on his chest

"T-thank y-y-you s-sir" says Izuku now fully crying

Now should I train him or just leave him and go do something else I have connection to him now so I can meet him again later. Or I can gain even more of his trust now instead of later let me just flip a coin really quick, heads for training and tails for no training … well it landed on heads s training time

"Now even though you have the traits of a hero you can't be a hero without some training and get some brawn of your because it is on the job description you may have to fight some villains here and there which is why I will be training you" I say

"Wait really sir you really mean it!" says Izuku excited hope filling his eyes even more

"Yes, now you will meet me at-" I quickly grab his phone and search somewhere up I then give him back the phone "this place" I said

"Takoba Municipal Beach Park? But it's filled with garbage" says Izuku

"Exactly which is why it's the perfect place no one goes there so no one would see me training you" I say

"Ohhh. I get it so then no one would attack be hopping to try and get to you at a later date" said Izuku

"Exactly so I want you there at 6:30 AM sharp since tomorrow there should be no school right" I say

"Yes, sir tomorrow is a Sunday which is a day off school" says Izuku

Right Japan has six-day school weeks this would be troublesome but we can work around it if anime logic applies then he can do it.

"Then I will expect you to be there on time ok Izuku" I say

"Yes sir" says Izuku

"Great" I say

I then have an idea maybe if I give him some of the red portal and blue one it would help him in the long run. Plus, since this is anime logic I can just reach into my bag and pull out as much of this liquid because this will help this world's main protagonist.

Also, since he is already so smart and perceptive just one full cup should be more than enough for the blue juice it's the red one which he needs lots of but I can always get more when bloons attack.

So here is the plan give him a cup of blue portal which will boost his already learning ability and then give him some red juice whenever he works out and take two cups for myself as well since I can't let him become stronger than me.

"Here take this since I did just rescue you from a villain all that screaming must made your throat dry drink this" I said and then gave him the cup with blue portal juice

"Oh, thank you again sir" said Izuku

Then I can see a faint blue light go over Izuku from his feet till it reached his head it was so faint and fast you wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't specifically looking for it. Ok now it's my time to go and look just in case there is another portal somewhere.

"See you tomorrow kid have a nice day" I say

I then fly into the sky and then wave goodbye

"Thank you, have a great day as well super monkey" says Izuku

I then speed of into the sky I already have an idea how the training should go I will still train his body a little just enough to get it into the rhythm till all might will come into scene and train him but then I will focus on his aim since I will train him on accuracy since it will help him notice more details in the future as well and improve his mind even more.

Let me check how much coins I got from that bloon battle. Oh, I got like 100 coins from that well its won't be enough for super monkey upgrades it's enough for dart monkey I should probably first upgrade it to the bottom path to get camo detection and then save up for some upgrades on super monkey.

Then again, I can save up and just get camo for the super monkey and from their get laser eyes ahh. So many decisions. Yeah, I should do this since the dart monkey is always cheaper and could upgrade it quickly in times of emergency so that's the plan. Super monkey now dart monkey in case of emergency or later.

Then another portal opens in a shopping district. Sheas how many are there going to be per day. I then fly down and go to take the bloons out and refill on some red portal juice I might need to come up with a name for it. Jungle juice no that sounds like it's made out of bugs and stuff uhm. I'll think of the name later right now it's time to pop some bubbles.



Why must BOB send so many I'm not going to complain I have enough money to get by for a while oh yeah, I am so angry about this but also appreciate it bloons don't always give me monkey coins instead they give me actual cash that I can use now. I'm not mad about the free cash part I mean money is money.

I'm mad that it replaces my more important monkey coins I mean. I don't buy that bs that money is power sure maybe back in my old world but now that I have actual powers.


Wait a minute huh I guess it was right I do need a type of currency to get more powers so never mind. I guess money does equal power I just need the right type of money.

Anyways I hope this next portal is the last one since the bloons coming out of these have been getting less and less they are mostly red bloons now with the occasional blue here and there. Not much of a problem to me but to other heroes it's a challenge.

Well while I was monologuing, I absolutely demolished the bloons got some more red portal juice work in progress name. I should get going now when all of a sudden, I get hit behind me. I thought I took all the bloons out what happened. Wait this felt different it wasn't rubbery if that's even a word.

I then fly forward a few feet and turn around I then see a hero if I'm more specific a rabbit hero. All I could think was how dumb are they I save people how do I even remotely look like a villain I literally fill the hero getup to a T I mean hello superman rip off.

"You're not registered to the Hero Public Safety Commision. So, tell me you villain are you going in the easy way or the hard way and I hope you chose the hard way" says Pro-Hero Rumi

What the hell. One how does she know that, and two just because I used a "quirk" doesn't make me a villain no wonder why they're so many villains here. There's just a lot of dumb heroes I might need to fix that starting with my new student. Anyways I believe in gender equality so no holding back.

 I say "You must be really stupid. Anyways I don't care if you're a girl if you don't get out of my way"

"I WILL MAKE YOU" I say in a demonic voice. I never knew I could do that neat.

(A/N: Hope you like the chapter. Drop a comment if you wabt or a review and if you have any yoi can give me a stone. Have a good day! and yes I did a coin flip to decided if I should train Izuku or not)

: )