
Chapter 395, the beginning of chaos

In the border fortress of the demon world, even the dark elves who were in the fortress could feel the cold snowstorm outside the fortress.

“Do you need a guide?”

The ruler of the border fortress, Noggs, personally received this special envoy from the Demon World.

In the introduction letter that Jose wrote to Noggs, he described the dark elves as a spy who accurately went to the frost kingdom to obtain information.

“There’s no need, Your Highness Noggs. I believe that my intuition will not cause me to lose my way in the snowstorm.”

The Dark Elf and Noggs walked together on the way to the border fortress gate. To the Dark Elf’s surprise, when she looked down along the high wall, she saw the figure of a human female in the empty space below.

“I didn’t expect there to be humans here.”

The Dark Elf looked at the human female who was planting a cold-resistant flower into the ground.

“She’s just a slave here,”Noggs said coldly.