
Breath of the Undead

Upon becoming an undead mage, Gu Xi discovered he had encountered a small problem. What was with being knocked out and thrown into a cell? To avoid becoming the first useless player to die before completing his job, Gu Xi decided to save himself! As a result, a future powerhouse known as the Breath of the Undead embarked on his legendary journey

Alastor0_0 · Fantasi
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150 Chs

Chapter 47: The New Arrivals

Chapter 47: The New Arrivals

Gu Xi never expected that just eating one of their pies would nearly make him miss the steam bus back to the city.

What kind of pigeon pie was that? It was clearly a top-tier dark cuisine, baking a live pigeon wrapped in dough in the oven. Only the Brits could come up with something like this.

Given Gu Xi's already weak stomach due to recent hunger, combined with the shock of this pigeon pie, it nearly dehydrated him completely.

At the same time, it consumed the little energy he had managed to replenish. On the way back, Gu Xi slumped in his seat, not intending to move at all.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way. When Gu Xi walked into the tavern shakily, the bartender at the front desk gave him a look.

"What's wrong with you? Can you still have your dinner tonight?"

"Forget it, give me something to fill my stomach. I can barely hold on."

Gu Xi said helplessly. Even as a professional, he was nearly killed by the food here. It seemed Luna's idea was right, Aridowei City needed to build a tavern first.

Otherwise, he wouldn't last a few days there before turning into a skeleton.

"Alright, I'll arrange something. You need to drink more sugar water in your condition. I won't have anyone disturb you tonight."

The bartender said while preparing a cup of sugar water for Gu Xi.

After drinking it all in one gulp, Gu Xi returned to his room and collapsed. As for his gains during the day, Gu Xi had no mood to sort them out now.

He just wanted to rest well and replenish the energy consumed during the journey.

However, in the middle of the night, Gu Xi suddenly felt a movement in his heart. The Staff of Destruction quickly fell into his hand, and a bone spike appeared in his left hand, pointing towards the door.

"Who's there?"

With this shout, Gu Xi found a figure appearing at the door.

"I didn't call for... it's you?"

Gu Xi was about to say he hadn't called for any service tonight, but he saw it was the waiter from the Fate Compass at the door.

"Why are you here?"

"Your stuff. Here are all the documents, and here's the transfer contract. Once you sign it, the land will be yours."

The waiter threw a packet of documents onto Gu Xi's bed with a blank expression.

Gu Xi quickly opened the documents and found, as the waiter said, the deed to the ruins at the end of Greenwich Street.

There was also a transfer contract and a legal document, indicating that as long as he signed all these papers, the land would be his.

However, Gu Xi was curious. Did the people from the Fate Compass handle things so urgently?

Delivering stuff to someone else's room in the middle of the night.

With this doubt, Gu Xi still signed his name on these documents.

After signing, Gu Xi looked up at the waiter.

The waiter, with a sullen face, said, "Our agreement is complete. Take care of yourself."

"Wait, can I ask what happened?"

Seeing the waiter's unusual expression, Gu Xi quickly called him back.

"Nothing much, just ran into trouble. That ruin, which looks like a ruin on the surface, is actually a complete apartment building with some expulsion spells cast on it to make it appear as a ruin. Also, the issues in Camden and Tamworth made some people unwilling to take over this ruin.

So no one knew it was secretly occupied.

Our people got ambushed several times while handling this matter, which revealed the issue.

Now that the deed is in your hands, whether you want to reclaim that apartment is up to you."

The waiter gave Gu Xi a heavy look and then disappeared.

Gu Xi sensed the waiter's underlying message, but before he could ask further, the waiter was gone.

At this moment, a thought flashed through Gu Xi's mind. Could this waiter have suffered a loss in that apartment building?

The more Gu Xi thought about it, the more he found it possible.

Otherwise, the waiter wouldn't have explained things so thoroughly, clearly telling him that the place he picked was occupied, and now legally his, he needed to reclaim it.

With this in mind, Gu Xi lost all sleepiness. He sat up in bed, seriously considering the situation.

Gu Xi knew the waiter's strength, although he wasn't sure about his level, it was clear he was definitely a professional. If even he suffered losses, the apartment building must be highly dangerous.

However, retreating at the sight of danger was not Gu Xi's style.

Instead, the danger ahead fueled Gu Xi's motivation. After considering for a moment, he jumped out of bed, dressed, packed his luggage, and quickly headed out.

When going downstairs, the bartender still working only gave him a glance without saying anything.

After leaving the tavern, Gu Xi planned to head towards Greenwich Street. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out and looked up, he saw a faint yellow light emitting from the head hanging on Victoria Bridge.

It looked like a large oil lamp had been lit in the middle of the bridge, illuminating the entire bridge.

Gu Xi took a look and couldn't help but admire the strength of this headless guy. He didn't know how many years it had been dead, yet still emitted such an aura, indicating how powerful he must have been in life.

With these thoughts, Gu Xi found the journey less boring.

Soon, he arrived at the ruins at the end of Greenwich Street.

If not for the waiter's special instructions, Gu Xi wouldn't have thought this ruin concealed an apartment building.

Now, standing in front of the ruins, Gu Xi had a different perspective.

Whether it was a ruin or an apartment, it now belonged to Gu.

Standing outside the ruins for a moment, Gu Xi walked towards the ruins without a second thought.

As Gu Xi approached the ruins, he suddenly felt he had something else to do.

But Gu Xi quickly realized it was a repelling spell aimed at him. As the owner of this land, why should he leave?

"I am the owner of this land. This land is mine. Even if the Queen of Britain comes, this land is mine. I want to see who dares to stop me from returning to my land."

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