
Branded - (RWBY)

An arctic fox Faunus tries to make her way in a hard life of an international terrorist after being liberated from a mining camp by the same group. (This synopsis needs to be redone will hapen sometime soon.) This is the first fic I’ve ever written so please give any insight you have into making this better because i mainly wrote this to get better so i aim to increase the quality and length in each chapter:) This will be a yuri fic if you don’t like that its ok just know you probably wont like this. And i have a friend who I would like to shout out for helping with editing this but he refuses to give me his account name to do so but if i can coax it out of him i will put it here. Haha i got something out of him i would like to shout out my friend Mr.TheBaker on fanfiction.net his fic language of letters is really good you should check it out. (I do not own rwby or any of its characters and world i only own my original characters) Thx:) Btw sorry if the uploads are sporadic I’m kinda useless at being consistent This is also posted on fanfiction.net under the same name

Angel_1860 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Ch:13 Important

Time skip: 6 months.

The large hall of the White Fang base, which was usually teeming with guards on any other day, now only housed four individuals.

Sienna Khan sat upon her throne as she addressed the three who were kneeling in front of her. "The reason I called you three here today is because of a mission of high importa -."

Before Sienna could finish, Maru interrupted. "Sweet, when do we go? Will it be fun? Will there be a lot of things I can ki -."

Nyx slapped Maru on the back of the head before she could finish.

Maru turned her head and stared daggers at Nyx before saying and jumping at him. "You're so damn dead."

Sienna sighed while looking at the brawling Nyx and Maru before mumbling under her breath, "I work with idiots." She then looked towards Virdis, who sighed and got up to stop his teammates before they broke something.

Now, with the three kneeling again in front of Sienna, Maru and Nyx were slightly roughed up, Nyx more so than Maru, but both sporting new bumps on the back of their heads courtesy of Virdis. Sienna sighed and continued. "As I was saying before being rudely interrupted." Maru smiled sheepishly at this. "I have been informed about a mission that is of high importance that I'm entrusting to you three, though I am slightly regretting this decision at this point in time."

Maru's two teammates turned to glare at her as she glared at Nyx.

Sienna fake coughed to get their attention again, then she continued. "With this mission being a possible turning point in the revolution, I will personally be joining it."

Her saying this got wide-eyed stares from the three others. Once Maru recovered, she shot to her feet and yelled in celebration, "Hell yes! This is gonna be so fun!"

Sienna sighed again but a small smile grew on her face as she watched the fox's antics.

As Maru calmed her celebration, Sienna decided it was a good time to go on. "The mission is to infiltrate a Schnee Dust factory. This may seem like a fairly normal mission, but there are going to be several executive members of the organization attending. Our goal is one in particular—Jacques Schnee will be at this gathering, and he is our main target."

At the mention of the man's name, a scowl appeared on the faces of all the people in the room, except for Maru, who had a huge grin instead. She asked, "So you're saying we get a shot at the big iceman, right?"

Hearing this, a smirk appeared on Sienna's face as she answered, "You are correct."

Maru laughed. "Oh, this is gonna be even more fun."

"We leave in three days. You have until then to be ready," Sienna ordered.

She watched as the others left the hall in high spirits. However, she frowned at a thought she had, 'We will finally get a chance at getting rid of the worst one of them all. We just have to hope that nothing goes wrong.'


Winter Schnee sat and watched her younger sister play with her brother, a small smile plastered on her face.

Moments like this were rare for the family in recent years. Since her grandfather passed and her father took over the business, the Schnee manor had felt like a giant empty prison for the young heiress and her siblings.

A knock at the door made both of the young children freeze and look towards Winter, who frowned, got up, and walked over to open it.

Winter's frown turned into a small smile at the person at the door, and she gave the children a small nod to tell them it was fine to continue. She then turned back and said, "Hello, Klein."

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Miss Schnee, but your father wishes to speak to you," Klein spoke apologetically.

Winter smiled at the portly man and replied, "It's okay, Klein. Thank you for telling me."

After Winter said this, the butler bowed and walked away.

Winter sighed, then turned back to her still-playing siblings, putting another small smile on her face. She then called out, "Father wishes to speak to me. I will not be long, so you can continue."

The two children just turned back and briefly smiled at her before focusing back on continuing to play.

Turning to the hallway, Winter started the long trek around the twisted and confusing corridors of the manor.

Just before reaching her father's office, she turned her head to look towards the painting of her family. Standing there, staring at it, she sighed, continued forward a few steps, then knocked on the heavy wooden door of her father's office.

A muffled "come in" came from the other side of the door. Winter opened the door, instantly feeling the temperature drop a few degrees as she stepped in.

Sitting at the desk was an older man with short white hair and a white mustache, Jacques Schnee, her father. He sat at his desk, looking over some paperwork.

It took a few moments of Winter standing in the office for Jacques to look up and acknowledge her existence. He said, "Ah, Winter, thank you for coming."

Winter only nodded and said, "Hello, Father. What was it you wanted me for?"

At her saying this, Jacques put the paperwork down and looked at his daughter with a stern expression. "I've received some concerning news, Winter. It appears that the White Fang has been growing more aggressive in recent months, and their actions are starting to heavily affect our business operations in various parts of Remnant."

Winter listened attentively, her expression serious. She was well aware of the tension between the White Fang and the SDC, but it seemed that the matter was escalating.

Jacques continued, "I've decided to take more direct action to protect our interests. I'll be attending a council meeting in an SDC compound to discuss increased security measures, and I require you to come with me as the heiress and future CEO of the SDC. With your training at Atlas Academy, you can act as a personal guard. This shouldn't be an issue, though, seeing as I have hired some help from the military in case of an attack."

Winter only nodded in confirmation as Jacques went on. "We will be attending in three days, so you must be ready for this."

Winter nodded again, and Jacques concluded, "That is all."

As Jacques turned back to his paperwork, Winter walked back out of the office. Just outside of the door stood Klein. He instantly noticed the disgruntled expression on Winter's face and asked, "Are you alright, Miss Schnee? If not, maybe a nice warm cup of coffee will make it better." He held out a platter with a cup of coffee on it.

Winter smiled at him and said, "Thank you, Klein, but I'll be alright."

The butler bowed and gave one last remark before leaving. "You know where to find me if you ever need to talk."

Winter smiled at the retreating figure of Klein before going in the opposite direction back towards her siblings. However, she briefly stopped at her family's portrait.

She then sighed and continued on.

A/N thank you for reading if you have any ideas on how to make this better or any questions do ask. Thx:)

Word Count: 1211


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