
Ch:14 Encounter

Upon the top of a cliff overlooking a valley near the outskirts of Mantal four figures lay so that they could see over the cliff.

Maru whistled. "Damn that factory is fucking huge, how in the fuck are we gonna find krampus in there?"

"The main meeting room is on the middle floor to the left side of the building so unless they decide for it to take place in another room we should be fine." A pragmatic response came from Sienna.

Nyx spoke up with a sigh "you weren't paying attention during the planning were you?"

Maru slapped his face into the ground and got up with a laugh, Nyx lifted his head which was slightly red due to the snow "you bitch!" Nyx yelled standing up as well and getting in a position to charge Maru.

"Uh guys." Came the concerned voice of Virdis who was using a pair of binoculars to see down into the valley "we may have a problem."

Sienna took the binoculars from Virdis before purring down and seeing bullheads landing in the courtyard of the factory "those bullheads are military."

Sienna then passed the binoculars to Maru and asked "will they be a problem?"

Maru peered at the bullheads now fully landed, trying to make out who owned it, the door to it opened as a familiar figure stepped out that put a vicious smile on her face before she looked away and to Sienna, she then replied with a slightly deranged giggle " it looks like it going to be fun."

Virdis deadpanned at Maru's reaction and pointed out " and that means it's bad."

Nyx mumbled a quiet "fuck" under his breath from behind them.

Sienna sighed at the antics on what is supposed to be an important mission but she expected this with the team she chose, "so who are we dealing with and is it someone who you'll run off to try and kill and possibly ruin the mission?"

Maru smirked back jokingly saying "yes to the second one." Sienna sighed again but louder before Maru continued "and for the first she is Aurora Frost, she was an old member of my fathers team, she is an incredibly powerful cryomancer, her semblance allows her to both create and control ice, this environment is perfect for her, so we should be cautious, i would be able to kill her if needs be but we couldn't have any interference and it would be difficult especially since she does better in fights like this."

Nyx swore again in the background as maru passed the binoculars back to Virdis, Maru then stood and with a sheepish smile said "and i may or may not have killed her son on that mission a year and a half back, so if she sees me she is going to go into a frenzy and that wouldn't be very good for anyone involved."

"So what's the plan?" Nyx asked from the back.

"Well it would be best if we could -." before she could finish Maru's ears twitched and she vanished then reappeared in front of Nyx.

In a split second she was in front of Nyx holding a dust tipped arrow inches away from his face, Nyx surprised at the sudden appearance of the arrow and Maru, fell on his ass.

Maru snarled and threw the arrow back, "you can come out now." Out of the snow covered forest came two people.

The two people where a man and a woman, the two where wearing masks that covered the top halves of their faces, the woman wore a purple and brown suit with a top hat over her long purple hair out of cuts in the brim two long ears stood tall, the man who upon further inspection wasn't much older than Adam wore a large green coat with a hood over his head, on his back was a quiver full of arrows that seemed to have some sort of mechanical component at the bottom and in his hands was a large black compound bow drawn with another arrow notched.

Maru snarled again and placed her hand over her holster, Nyx after a few seconds of sitting on the ground stood and drew his dual scythe yelling "who in the fuck are you two? And what was that for?" At this the boy tensed slightly and started to draw back his bow and lifting his head making the faint shine of his silver hair be noticed.

Both groups stared tensely at each other for a long moment, well all but the girl in the suit who had a small smirk on her face as she put her hand in front of the boys bow who looked at her in protest, she only shook her head "it would seem as though we have some competition for this spot Orion." She then looked towards Maru "tough competition."

Maru continued to snarl "you certainly ain't working for them." She pointed towards the dust factory "so why in the fuck did you just shoot at my friend here?" She then pointed towards Nyx who sported his own snarl.

The. Girl put her hand onto her chest and bowed slightly. "I'm terribly sorry for my friend's impatience, we've had a terribly long journey to get here so he is slightly tense and when we saw people at this spot we thought you were a patrol." Orion just tsked and looked away.

Maru shot him a glare "so are we enemies or do we have similar goals?"

The girl smirked "I believe we have similar goals but am unsure as to the specifics of yours and to whether they would conflict with ours, so would you care to enlighten us?"

Sienna sighed and stepped forward "let's just stop skirting around each other and actually get something done, we plan on killing Jacques Schnee and Aurora Frost if possible, does that interfere with your plans?."

The girls' smirk grew causing Maru to growl but she stopped once Sienna leveled a glare at her, the girl chuckled at the two "it would seem as though neither of us will interfere with each other's goals, we may even be able to work together." The girl then sighed and took off her mask to reveal her two lavender eyes, she then jumped and latched onto Orion next to her who didn't budge and started whining "Orion why did I have to do the serious leader act, you know I hate it?" She started to shake him around as the White Fang members just stared on dumbfounded "why? Why? Why?"

Orion just sighed, clearly used to Thalia's antics and pulled back his hood and took off his mask revealing his bright silver hair that was adorned with two wolf ears as well as a set of shiny silver eyes "Thalia it was so that they would be slightly intimidated and not attack us straight away."

Maru and the others stood staring at the interaction between the two that they not minutes prior where about to fight, Maru looked towards Sienna who just shrugged, she then turned back and said "well that was a thing."


A/N thank you for reading hope you enjoyed if you have any questions or suggestions about how to make this better do tell. This may end up going to only being posted once a week because I want to be able to build up a few extra chapters so I can work on another fic I started this should end up dropped because Maru is too fun to write anyway thx:)

Word Count: 1194


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