

I stopped by a store on my way home to pick up paint and a few brushes, I was going to paint my room to match my color schemes. White was not a good color for my room let alone anything I owned, I ended up painting it a mix between burgundy and a soft grey. My room now had color and a base which made everything pop out more, which would make me feel better having darker colors to match my moods. I locked my new locks though if someone wanted to come in they could with a really good head start. The tv worked the power worked and the shower was perfect, I planned to shower and get to feeling better and setting up the tv the way I wanted it. I layed down in my robe and dried my hair while flipping through the setting when someone knocked, I threw on some pants and a shirt but put the robe on over to make them leave sooner. I checked the one way hole in the door to see a guard at the door behind my mother and a very angery cousin. I had no idea what was happening so I answered the door and tried to great them and talk to the guard, I only got as far as hello when I was yelled at. "Angela what the hell do you think your doing, your mother told me you got hurt and then ran away from home taking money from her to rent this place. Do you have any idea what the actual hell your doing or do you just think you can run off and be a slut and have all the fun you want." My cousins face was red with anger from the lies that my mother told from her own emotional out burst. Of course Im sure she didn't tell the whole truth and let her go on to think most of the lies. "look Nadia I didnt take anything I earned this money working at the same security company this man works at. I also agreed to leave the house by her own request, no im not trying to have fun I actually have work tomorrow and was getting ready for bed. Also yes I know its 8 at night and not very late but I have to be up at 6 in the morning to start my day and would like to start settling down. Now if you have any more questions I'm sure my mother can clear them up." I had kept a calm tone with my already half hostile family members, I had thanked the guardian and before I could stop it they had flashed their eyes in a nonverbal greeting and I began to do the same. My eyes flashed for a few seconds to the normal blue, my mother seen and luckily my cousin Nadia was looking at my mother. She turned her face to see me just long enough to aim a punch at my cheek, it left a mark and some of her blood as she cut her own knuckles on my face. She stood in shock shaking her hand till the guard behind her pinned back both arms. "I'm going to give you two choices, apologize or accept an assault charge. Its my job to protect I did a favor for her bringing you here but instead of being nice you punched her. Now pick one." The guard behind her let go enough for her to get the idea, she looked at me still surprised. "Ange im sorry i did this to you I've had a few drinks but that's still no excuse for how I've acted. I hope you accept my apology." she sounded honest about this, like she had seen what she did and regretted it. "Its understandable so don't worry about that I'd get home and clean that hand. Sir do you mind while on duty to drop them off at home." I said this while never looking at my mother, when i look at the guard he simply nodded with agreement. They walked away and I shut the door, my night was already eventful.

I had fallen asleep with the tv on because, when I woke up it was still on playing old reruns. I got ready for school and left in the car to pick up Noah when I began having a horrible headache. I Looked down and called his phone, his mother answered the phone in a frantic voice. He had passed out coming down the stairs to eat before i got there, his head was bleeding on the right side of his forehead. Right where my head was killing me, I was a block away and would be there in 2 minutes if I floored it maybe less. I told her to open the door and help throw him in the seat i could get him to my company hospital only No guests were allowed. She agreed and when I got there two of her sons where dragging him to my back seat. I unlocked the door she opened it and I buckled him down just to be safe she looked at me and I dialed Luis in a single movement. My phone was set to make speed dial calls with the three taps of the power button it would give the person location and a video option if desired. Mine was set to Luis, and he answered. I told him that Noah hit his head and I was driving there now, he understood and by the time I shut the door and put the car in gear his mother had barley blinked and her kids had barley gotten away from the car. I sped down the road weaving between cars going almost 20 over the limit, if I was pulled over he would die and my ticket would be expensive. I turned over to see his eyes open and changed to his hell hound color, my body ached more and when I pulled up I wanted to pass out. Hospital staff ran out and threw him on the table to be rushed inside and examined. The moment the doors shut and i got out of my car my head spun and everything was moving and upside down, I was falling and only Luis was watching. He watched and dove to catch my head, he was well aware that if I hit my head in this state I'd be just like Noah. I was taken inside by nurses where a transfusion was started for me, Noah next to me was pale and cold. I couldn't help it my body moved on its own again, I took the needle out of his arm put it to my wrist and cut it. His eyes flashed and glowed and as he kneels next to me drinking from my wrist the entire staff in the room watch in shock. Just moments before he wasn't even responding to anything let alone moving, the only thing that kept us both alive was the blood going in one of my arms and the blood leaving my other. some how we were defying god yet again.

After settling the bill and talking to the doctors it was nothing but more unknown Hell hound territory. Luis decided Noah would feed 3 times a week to keep that from happening and would join in training. Everything was getting normal again, his mother was glad to hear he only had a concussion and said it would be ok for him to stay with me so I could watch him. I told her there was no bill and that everything was taken care of, she looked worried about me now that I had done that wondering how I did it besides making a lot of money. I explained to her that if its a company hospital things are cheaper for us and that as far as they know he is on my insurance there to so we were both covered. She seemed shocked but relieved that my answer was so much more easier to understand. We had his clothes and things to stay at my house and were ready for some quiet time when I get a message from Sam saying to be more careful about stairs. I told Noah and he was not laughing, it was understandable had i been later his whole family would have freaked out even more about his eyes. I got another message saying that a few guards had been hurt at home and to stay alert. I didn't give it much attention, I had Noah and we were going to have our first meal together in my home all alone. I couldn't wait to sleep in the same bed and be that intimate next to another person, so warm and comforting. Not to mention we were connected anyway so we already had that feeling to some extent. But cuddling and being wrapped in his arms while my head is nestled in his chest, I loved cuddling with him anyway but all night would be wonderful just having his touch and warmth near by. I finished cooking and we ate then watched a movie, he showered in the guest bathroom while I showered in my bathroom. We met back in my room where I had already made my way into comfortable clothes and under the sheets. He locked the doors and turned off the lights and laid next to me. He grinned and kissed me with as much passion as he could while being respectable, I craved more and grinned back kissing him next, our lips melted together a heart felt display of affection. We both loved each other it was obvious in a single kiss but is was like sharing our own life force in each kiss being even more intimate than ever before. We had the same love and compassion for each other with out ever knowing how deep it truly was. We had stoped kissing and layed on the bed with his arms wrapped around me, "Marry me Ange, please make me the happiest hound ever to exist." Noah had finally said what had been on his mind all night. I turned over and looked deep into his eyes looking for any sign of deceit to find nothing but honesty. "I will, with one condition, You marry me and stay mine forever and always." I had given my answer and waited for his. "That would be my pleasure, I want it that way and would stay yours even in death." He had said everything with his heart and barely fought back the tears slowly falling from his eyes as he kissed me. I had known he would ask me I never knew when or how but I knew he would, But I was glad he did. We had fallen asleep planning to go look at rings the next day. I had woken to a small creak from my bed room door, someone was in my house and Noah was still next to me. With my eyes still closed I mumbled in a sleepy voice and roled over, Beneath my pillow was a gun and under Noah's was a knife. I tried to mentally reach out to him but he was so tired it didn't work. I layed there holding my gun waiting for them to make a move. I felt them standing over my bed, they were watching us, I felt them move and the covers made a rustling sound and then Noah said my name I pointed the gun at the intruder who held a gun in return to Noah's face. They made the mistake of pointing it back at me. Noah changed his eyes and before he could get the gun away, they fired a shot aimed at my chest, they missed my heart but came close enough. He cried out in pain and torn his claws into the intruders throat and ripped it out he then ran to me picked me up and took me to the car I woke up in his arms as he walked me into the hospital on fire. My Hell hound had managed to transform into a flaming self healing person, he was using his own flame to keep the wound from killing me. It was eating my clothes but I didn't mind, he was hiding my body anyway and keeping me alive. The doctors were impressed at the fast pace he was developing but glad that he had saved me. They managed to remove the bullet patch me up and send me home with two armed guards to make sure that didn't happen again.

We made a stop first to find me a ring and went to his mothers to tell her we were engaged to be married. She in returned was afraid I was pregnant, of course we had to explain our values were more respectable than that and were waiting to do that later on not exactly so soon or recklessly. Yes we had considered it many times but figured we would wait till maybe even later on. She was so happy that she had cried, all his siblings were shaking his hand and patting him on the back or hugging him saying congrats for getting me to say yes. I guess to them I was the only real women for him, it made me happy for him but also excited to finally be able to see his happiness being expressed in a romantic way. Not only did he pick a ring I approved and asked me to marry him, he was also smiling and beaming with pride at the comments his family was saying about us. He also managed to save my life more than once. I couldn't have anyone more perfect for me than him.