

An hour later I called my mother and she came to the hospital, the entire building was buzzing about what had happened so my mother getting in the door was a piece of cake. The hard part was getting rid of our eye color, it felt like hours since we tried to change them back. Our last hope was if we drank blood and tried to recover faster, I had drank 3 pints of blood but considering I had lost around 6 it wouldn't make a huge difference. But soon we discovered that Noah wasn't meant for blood, after trying to take a drink he only spit it back out. We laughed a bit at how funny his reaction was but realized that now we had no idea how to make it go away. My mother showed up at the door and seen us laying on the bed and started to cry, amazing how that women only began to cry when she seen me. "Oh my gosh honey what happened are you ok, you didn't say very much so I just thought you needed help getting home. Did you know this security building just let me in I just said I was here for you and they just stepped out of the way." Threw the tears and shaking motherly worry she managed to say as much as she could in the time she crossed the room. But then she seen her normal powerful vampire guard was now a demonic vampire and my boyfriend was a hell hound, she looked afraid yet again. The only good thing was that after about the 5th pint of blood my eyes changed back to normal, Noah noticed my eyes and closed his like I had taught him and opened them back up to have a normal human eye that was now a green tinted brown. We looked at my mother and she stood there with shock, she took a seat and sat there looking at us like we might smile and reach for her throat. " Mom I went out to pick up Angel and Noah from Noah's job, only by the time I had gotten there Noah was dying. I don't know how I did it but my own body reacted in a way that saved him, but at the cost of my own life. The amazing thing is he wasn't going to let me leave on my own and dragged me back from that very ledge that had I kept going I wouldn't be here. We are now actually connected in a much more powerful meaning." I explained to my mother what had happened and was afraid of what she would say. "Well then, I think its about time you take care of yourself, you should find somewhere else to live since your life is so dangerous. I cant handle your coming and going in a hurry or really late, its rediculous what your doing and now you died and came back to life. Your laying in a bed with a boy who looks like the devil and disrespect me by not being more careful about your image having him laying there. I don't know were I went wrong but I'm not going to live with it anymore." My mother was furious, I wasn't sure what had broken her but she shook and screamed as she kicked me out of the house I had paid for. I had done so to make sure we didn't have to worry about our living conditions or having to move for a long time. Luis and Sam had sat in the corner the entire time watching and listening making sure we were ok. They now stood angered by my mothers reaction to what had happened and I didn't blame them or my mother. "Ill get all of my things out of the house, the bed and furniture will stay that goes with the room but everything else Ill have removed by tomorrow afternoon, when you come home Ill be gone." My face was sober and untouched by emotion, I knew she was done with me and made sure that I'd be gone before she would notice. I looked at Luis hoping he understood, I wanted him and Sam to go clear my room out for me now so that she had no reason to hate me anymore than she did now. I was now trusting them with all of my clothes and realized that a girl should go with, I looked at the nurse who was a sweet young noble vampire a few years older. Luis seen and thankfully understood and left quietly, we had sat there in silence when I finally spoke up and asked if she was hungry or wanted something to drink. My dad randomly walked in the room looking like he was lost in his miserable world, until he seen my mother and they both looked like they could kill. She had left immediately after, I had also sent my father away. I stayed in the hospital for for the night and Noah went home but some how snuck out after his family had fallen asleep to come see me. He now had his own badge and was waiting for his jacket, that way we both could have our very own unique design jacket that could provide the rank of our newly developed abilities. After he woke me up we stayed together for most of the night till he got a ride home from a guard on duty, he was now one of us in some odd way. When they had discharged me I stayed at the private lodging our company kept for guards visiting and on the job. It was a nice clean hotel suite like housing, much of the building was like this, I did have to find my own house. When I checked my savings account I realized I could afford a mortgage and car payment, but for now I settled on a large down payment for a house because they employed guards to drive us. I was glad to have most of my belongings though I missed my bed and my house, I had to live with what I had which was enough for me. After searching the area I found a 3 bedroom 2 and a half bathroom house with a big enough kitchen and living space to have 2 to 3 room mates, but I didn't need that many. I called and made an appointment, when they first seen me they actually tried to persuade me to find an apartment instead, until I started talking about a down payment. They eventually realized I was serious and wanted the house to stay fully furnished with the clean modern looking furniture. We went back to the office and I stopped at my bank to with drawl the money and carry it in a small money bag for safe keeping. When we got there they had typed up the agreement and a reasonable mortgage that I could have paid off in less than a year but decided 18 years would look more modest. I gave them the down payment and first 3 months payments, they gave me the information for water and electricity companies. In the next 3 hours I had my stuff moved in the water turned on and the electric company was on its was to turn on my meter, I also called a local cable company to come and set up the tv which was luckily included in my fully furnished house. I called Noah to see if he wanted to come over or go shopping to pick a few things up at the store, he agreed and 30 minutes later his mother dropped him off and came to see me as well.

"Ange sweety I didnt know you were getting your own place your 10 minutes drive from everything and 5 miles from us, does your mom know where you are?" His mother melody asked with the kindest smile on her face in sincere concern about my safety. "No we haven't been talking I got hurt at work and she didn't want me to live there anymore, actually Noah helped me when I was in the hospital, he was there when I woke up and kept me calm. You raised a good boy, I'm just lucky I had been saving my money for so long otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get this place. The good thing is I could probably have a few roommates here, only thing is people are so scary these days I don't know many people I would trust." I had to be honest to so point and she really did a good job. " What if Noah stayed with you for a few nights, when do you work?" Melody seem worried about my safety. "Some nights I work during the week but I normally go in those nights at 5 and work till about midnight, but that's usually only 3 nights a week. The other four I work 5 to 10 or 8 to 5 in the afternoon, Its not too bad I can usually keep going to school but then we graduate in 5 weeks so it will change." I was honest about my schedule as hard as it seemed it was better than working 12 hour days. "Wow honey, well why don't you and Noah move in here together. How many rooms do you have?" With that question she seemed like it would honestly be ok if he moved in. "Three bed rooms,2 and a half bathrooms. I already have a co worker moving in with me part time since they travel for the place we work at a lot. They probably wouldn't need to stay here for very long since they also get company lodging." I had to come up with another person possibly living there, i thought it was weird to have no possible roommate plan. "I don't know them and I don't trust that idea of a roommate. All I do know is Noah will have to move out some day and if you don't mind him you will be safer having a guy in the house, trust me." She did make a good point and I would have liked to have someone else there. He did work only a few minutes away which was perfect I could always drop him off on my way to work. It would be perfect and he could pay some bills and give me company along with discovering how everything worked. I showed her the other two rooms gave him a choice and in 4 weeks when school was out he would be fully moved in, until then whenever I was home nights he would stay to make sure I was safe. I didn't really need anyone for that but it couldn't hurt. When we were done Sam and another driver had dropped off a car for me to use, Melody seemed uneasy about there being so many random men knowing about my house and the lack of security. I assured her that we were going to go shopping for tools to set up more secure locks on the back and front door, I also really needed food in the house. She really seemed to be ok with us living together, I was excited and it did make me feel better to have him around. After shopping it was Like we were playing house and just being funny little kids, after stopping for food we went home to set up all the essentials. A few hours later I dropped off Noah and said good night to both him and his mother and thanked her for the great idea. When I got home it hit me, my life is oddly very different than what it was a year ago.