

To start with, no one ever thought it was possible i personally thought all those stories were fake. The ones about super human people or vampires and half breeds and cross breeds. well not being breed racist, but id been refered to as a mixed breed for years till i adopted the title myself. I was a mixed breed i guess half white somewhat german from my grandmother and my father was indian and mexican, no i dont mean native american indian or the lovely people from india. I mean my father migrated from mexico to the states where his grandmother was full indian, with all the herbs and remedies to almost every little issue. It never seemed to bother noah what i was, i was the most amazing and beautiful creature he had ever seen. I never bothered him before until one day riding the bus home looking out the window he startled me. I wasnt paying attention to him but the pretty stuff outside while he watched every detail on my face from my smile to the flick of my eyes as things were left in the distance. "Babe your eyes, they are blue. why are they blue?" He asked in a rushed concerned voice. I hide my eyes because it wasnt the first time they changed but not so noticable. I tried to cover by saying, " what sorry my contacts started to bother me, are you sure the light didnt just make it look different i mean the window and my contacts with the light it probably just looked like it for a second." I had blinked away whatever he thought he seen. "Angela i know what i seen your eyes changed from brown to blue, why do you have to shut me down like that your eyes change a little now and then in the light but not like that." I knew it i couldnt get out of this without being stupid or mean. "Im sorry but it happens sometimes and i dont like it, I feel like a weirdo when it does that." I explained. Noah suprisingly said, " you know your not normal and we knew that a long time ago but are you sure it not just something else like maybe cooler." I chuckled to myself and said, " wouldnt that be cool, yes im secretly the first born to a line of secret vampires who only once every few generations show up and turn. Now feed me my beloved future husband." we both sorta laughed it off and got slightly real enough for him to ask if i was really gonna just ignore the fact im probably not human. I laughed it off more like it was a joke then kissed him and hid my face in his chest. We separated and went home. That day is stuck in my head still.