
Chapter 4 TAILORING -a dress

I walked to my sit grabbing a pair of scissors, a thread and a needle. I had a blue fabric which was to be used for my dress. It was tailoring session and every student was seen sitting behind a machine. Our teacher Mr Charles did a good job teaching us how to make clothes and today was some kind of test to check our abilities. We were sitted in the big hall with Mr Charles walking around, stroking his mustache and inspection each dress made by us, the students.

"Purity" a tiny voice whispered. I turned to look at the owner. He was fair as the others, had a beautiful set of brown eyes and was funnily cute. I heard his being here since he was three, he had a twin sister who looked asvgood as him.

"What?" I snapped

"You're using a blue fabric with a yellow thread" he said. I stared at the thread had inserted into the machine and sighed it was indeed yellow.

"Thanks" I murmured under my breath quickly changing the colour of the thread .

"What's this?" Mr Charles yelled at a little girl in the middle row.

"My...my dress Sir" she stammered looking like a scared kitty.

"Does this look like a dress"he asked raising the dress up so that everybody could see how aweful it was.

"The cutting is terrible" he stated "the lining is not even straight, it looks like a rag" He tore the dress into two, throwing the pieces at the girl. "You better be serious because this orphanage during the past few years have always being the best, do you know why?"he asked staring at our horrified faces, he looked satisfied then continued.

"I guess no, that's because all the students end up being good in one skills or the other. Why do you think you have your various classes and just a common dress I asked you guys to make look at what the girl did" He walked around stopped half way them continued blabbering again. "Just a simple task I gave you guys the boys a shirt while the girls a dress. Do you think I don't have my reasons? The few philanthropist supporting us are trying their best do you think is every year they will bring you clothes or shoes. Am teaching you guys how to sow so that you can make your own dress andi guess Sister Olivia is doing her best in teaching you guys how to make shoes" he stopped abruptly staring at a boy who was busy with his machines.

"You!" He said pointing his index finger at the kid.

"Yes Sir" the boy replied in a frightening manner.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Am making a shirt sir"

"A shirt? Let me see that" he took the shirt from the boy staring at it with a satisfied look.

"Good, I love this but next time you hear me talking stop whatever you are doing and listen to me"

"Okay sir"

"Keep it up, boy"he gave the boy a thumb up then turned over to the girl that had made a mistake in her dress. "Losen that nonsense and start over. I don't care how's gonna look like after all you're the one wearing it"

"I don't know why the female gender are always unserious in any activities. Now at what that girl is sewing over there, total thrash, rubbish" he yelled pointing to a girl in the back row.

"I don't know why the girls are not always serious in whatever they are doing?" He looked at another girl

"Is this a rag or a dress woman?"

Purity who had being busy on her machine stared at the man in disguist. Have being busy all this year's observing the rone of sacrism and disguist any time this man is talking about the female gender, I always hated it but decided to ignore but I guess his just purposely getting on my nerves.

"I guess is a dress" I replied. The man turned his face from the girl who was shivering over to me.

"A dress you say" he said walking to my sit with a fake smile on. A stared at him not removing my eyes from his face until he was stopped at by desk.

"So what kind of dress is this?" He asked tossing the fabric on my desk.

"A beautiful one, if I may say" I smiled.

"Ah" he laughed drily.

"What's funny Sir?" I asked still wearing a smile on my face.

"Everything is funny. The fact that you see this dress as being good baffles me" he smiled towering his face over mine."Tell me Miss, can you wear this?" He asked spreading the gown wide so I could have a better look.

"Yes, is just need a little adjustment that's all" I replied firmly. "Is quite impressive don't you think?" I furrowed my brow staring at his eyes deeply.

"Impressive you say, have you checked the lining at the neck. What kind of V- neck is this?" He asked raising his voice a little. My main goal was to make him angry and realise not all girls are dumb as he thinks.

"At least is better than most of the boys own" I shuddered starting at him innocently.

"You can't compare a boy to a girl tailor" he snapped.

"But thats what your always doing" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Little girl I don't have all the time to exchange words with you. Where's your own dress?" He asked.

"Here, I was thinking that you did" I said displaying my dress over his face. He examine it closely his face clearly showing disappointment I guess he was thinking I won't be good.

"Don't you think is better than the boys own" I hugged my dress with a grin on my face. "What do you think Sir, is it not gorgeous? I think is the best dress ever" I displayed it over the man face again.

"Stop bragging and let the others finish their work" he replied walking towards the door.

"I guess if you've encourage the girls, you won't be leaving in shame"I said under my breath but I wanted him to hear it.

"Purity!"he called "Don't get on my nerve"

"Was I getting on it?" I asked innocently

"Don't make me report you to Sister Janet" he threatened

"There's nothing she can do" I paused then stared at him "apart from blabbering nonsense"

"And who do u think you are?" He asked.

"Am a girl not to be dealt with" he smiled walking to her seat. He can't stop thinking about what gave her the courage to talk back at him

"If not for the strict rule here, I would have dealt with you thoroughly" he warned

"I won't mind adding you to the list of people hospitalized" He didn't reply but walked towards the door and paused

"You're just a fricking helpless orphan without anybody to support you" He said shutting the loudly.

"The orphanage is my home asshole" I screamed angrily. Why did he have her parents into this. "Stupid thing" I threw my dress angrily at the entrance of the door.

During the whole session the students sat down quietly watching the drama as it unfolds. They were all surprise and wondered what had gotten into the girls head. Many that had cross paths with her ended up being tortured and their teacher was well feared. Seeing her stand today against the teacher made them fear the most. She wasn't from England or any of the near by country but Sister Janet made sure every body treated her equally. She was the only one who answered her birth name, others were given special biblical names. They stared at her respectfully even those that were older than her. She bowed her hand on the desk spitting out various curses word. No one dared used them because they were prohibited but they didn't expect that from the girl with the curly hair.

"She got guts" someone whispered after several minutes of silence.

"She ain't even scared of Mr Charles or Sister Janet" came another.

"I think that was disrespectful"

"She was just up for the girls"

"Mr Charles was being unfair"

"Yeah that's true"

"I know right"

"She's my model "

"But she's damn weird"

"Yeah, have noticed that too"

"She always wake up screaming at night"

"I think she's a witch even Sister Janet is afraid of her"

I closed my eyes tightly trying to get their voice off my head.