It's all of that bastard's fault! That I am a wanted woman! Why can't he just let me fly free? He doesn't even love me so why does he cause all of this fuss over me leaving him?
Soon enough I spot my two death flags who waved like two little giddy kids saying hello to their next-door neighbor. Despite being royal in my past life I have always felt uneasy about new people, I rather not ever trust a person I haven't known for a long time.
This is logical. At Least I have Cheng Chin to protect me so I won't have to show off my trump cards already. The closer I got to them the more goosebumps appeared on my skin, I hope it's just the cold wind running down my spine and not some other aspirations.
Cause apparently, ghosts exist in this world unlike my homeworld Lutum, Lutum was quite an advanced world. We had cars and mortar cycles electricity and more. My homeworld was a lot like this small planet that we called earth.
Planet Lutum had the same meaning as the word earth, we both have human civilizations the only difference is that planet Lutum technology is far superior. Because we looked so alike we visited earth and study the humans there, they are pitiful.
Despite our races looking identical we are slightly different that gets me thinking maybe this is another planet in a different galaxy that's three hundred light-years away from my own. There is no use in dwelling about my homeworld.
For now, I should focus on my new reality and deal with my death flags. I hope they don't plan to murder me today. I curtsy slightly "Hello prince Xeiren and prince Xiang" I greeted them politely. They grin like little spawns that had crawled straight from hell "Plum blossom fairy want to do something fun?" Guiying Xiang asked with beaming pride.
Raising my brow at them at him I asked "Such as?" Xeiren leaned onto his twin shoulder "first one to reach the rooftop of this building" Guiying Xeiren pointed towards the pavilion with that same shit-eating grin.
I ponder the challenge for a moment "sure" I replied with a sigh. I pulled up my skirt a bit and got closer to the building, Cheng Chin looked at me with worry covering her features "Cheng Chin I need your help" I stated with my natural expression.
Cheng Chin walked over with a confused expression, the twins looked just as confused as Cheng Chin. "Can you put your hands here and give me a boost?" I asked in a demanding tone, Cheng Chin nodded reluctantly.
Placing one of my feet onto her hands she launched me up towards the roof, I twisted my body that is closer to the edge of the roof and place my palm onto the ledge to help boost the rest of my body onto the roof with a thud.
I looked over towards the ground where the twins should still be to find them missing, I heard two thuds of people landing onto the roof behind me so I looked over my shoulder to see the twin's gazes linger on me for a tad too long.
"Is there something wrong your highness's?" tilting my head to the side in the confusion they both became flustered "I didn't think you would climb plum blossom fairy" Xiang mumbled in slight disappointment?
A sigh escape my slightly plump lips again "Now that we are on the roof what were you guys gonna do?" I asked, Xeiren giggled "you see that eunuch over there?" he pointed towards one of the older eunuchs.
I nodded my head "We are going to pour this over him once he gets close enough" Guiying Xeiren explained with a twinkle in his eyes. I looked at the object that I didn't see before in Guiying Xiang's hands.
It's a wooden bucket filled with some sort of black goop, I wonder what it is. I turn my attention back to the eunuch who walked closer to the building. Guiying Xiang and Guiying Xeiren giggled evilly.
The twins stifled their laughs and dumped the bucket over the old eunuch's head, the older eunuch gasped in shock and started wiping away the goop substance before looking up with anger crossing his aged features.
I back up on the roof not risking getting in trouble because of these two "You two are on your own" I stated plainly before jumping down the other way where Cheng Chin caught me and place me gently onto the ground afraid that I'll break into a thousand pieces.
"Cheng Chin let's go before we get in trouble" I whisper and grab her wrist to drag her away from the crime scene. Cheng Chin kept up the paste with me and eventually I let go of her after we made a good amount of distance.
"My lady when did you get so strong?" Cheng Chin uttered out her shock at my sudden display of strength. I turned around with a look of someone who had just won the lottery "You know the weird rituals I have been doing lately?" I started. Cheng Chin nodded her small head.
"Well those formations that you help set up for me, make it easier for my body to accept the qi under the moonlight" I quickly explained, Cheng Chin nodded her head with a simple smile. Before I could add more to my explanation someone was coughing behind me.
Looking over my shoulder a familiar guard that is assigned to protect me stood behind me with a frown crossing his well-aged features "Your highness if you go wandering off anywhere again at least let me know first" he scowled me with a displeased tone.
I smiled cheekily at him "Of course Guard Captain, that reminds me do you want to accompany us for a walk in the city?" I asked like an excited little girl. The guard captain's eyes soften by a smidge despite the rest of his face still looking like a grouchy lion.
"Sure my ladyship, I'll go and get changed into civilian clothes, I assume you want to remain low profile correct?" he agreed in a heartbeat. I nodded my head in enthusiasm "Come to my room when you are ready" I told him before running off to my room to get changed into more simple clothing.
Cheng Chin helped me get dressed and changed my hair ornaments to some of my cheaper jewelry. Someone knocked on my door, soon after the door opened and a head poked in "my lady are you ready?" a big brother-looking person asked.
For a second I stare at him confusingly "Are you the guard captain?" I asked with doubt crossing my pretty features. The aloof-looking big brother frowned "Yes, and if your ladyship doesn't mind can you call me Sir Lai?" he asked in a kinder tone.
"Alright Sir Lai" I replied with a nod, Cheng Chin brought me a simple orange umbrella. Later we found ourselves in a crowded area, vendors called out to people about foods, herbs, weapons, jewelry, etc.
This one vendor caught my eye, unlike everyone else who sold weapons this vendor is selling only spears, it is a well-known fact that spears are the least popular choice of weapon. I walked towards the vendor and looked at his wares.
I channeled the moon essence into my eyes to see the quality of every spear that the vendor had on display, a pretty dark blue spear stood out from the rest "Can I see that blue spear, good sir?" I asked politely.
The vendor nodded his head, grabbed the spear, and place it in my hands, upon closer inspection information popped up above the spear.
Siren Tail scale spear: This spear is crafted under the moonlight and made from tens of siren scales, the owner can input qi to activate a water rune to attack foes. In the moonlight, all attacks do x2 damage. Note the spear will only recognize the owner if they have a blue moon body.
After reading the information my eyes glittered in excitement 'this spear is truly made just for me' I thought excitedly. "Sir, how much is this spear worth?" I asked after getting my excitement under control.
"It cost seven gold coins" He stated with that famous merchant smile "I'll pay eight gold coins for that spear!" a voice from behind me spoke. I frowned and looked towards the arrogant person who is trying to steal my spear.
A young man who looked slightly older than me filled my vision, he had a haughty expression covering his dashing features. A frown quickly covered my features "Sorry but I got here first" I stated with a frown.
"Do you know who I am?" he started shouting like a two-year-old child "No? And should I know you?" I asked blankly. His face turns red from anger "I am Zhen Xia, the young master of the Zhen family, and judge by your clothes you are just a commoner" he stated with a smile of disdain.
"Sir I'll pay you nine gold coins for this weapon" I looked back towards the seller who looked nervous after hearing the young man's surname. Sir Lai sighed in annoyance "Young man leave my lady alone before you regret it" sir Lai stated in a chilly tone.
"Sure I can sell-" before the vendor could finish speaking the annoying younger master shouted "I'll pay ten gold coins" I scowled and place down the weapon. "Zhen Xai, I don't care who you are. But I am taking this spear home with me" my patience slowly slipped away.
"Ha, as if I'll let a commoner like you take such a fine weapon" he snorted, at that point, a loud smack echoed through the now quiet shopping distic. He hold onto his cheek and started pointing "y-you dare hit me! You are courting death!" he shouted in disbelief.
He tried to smack me back but sir Lai grip his wrist before it landed "Sir Lai break his wrist" I order. Sir Lai broke it cleanly, the young master screamed out in pain "You- I'll tell my father about you!" he screeched, sir Lai let go of his wrist.
The young master who acted like a toddler stomped away in a pure rage "Thanks, Sir Lai. Now I'll pay you that ten gold coins" I passed the vendor the coins and left with my new spear.