
Chapter Seventeen (Dragan)

As I walk away all I can hear is the deranged laughter in the background. And this is the person who gave me life. As I am walking I come across a young servant girl cleaning the floors. She looked up at me and quickly held her head back down in fear once she notices who I am.

"Do I really bring you that much fear? And I would like your honest answer."

"Sire I mean you no harm when I say this but you are the devil."

Her body is completely frozen. "Do you know where is Eli?"

"In the stables."

I headed to the stables with no reaction on punishment towards the girl. I find Eli brushing one of the horse's hair. He glances over to me and goes back to caring for the horse.

"I assume you are mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at our noble king for throwing his mother in a dungeon. You know she is not well."

"Trust me I know and I know she will not get better."

"Dragan she is your mother."

"That woman is not my mother. My mother died when my father took his last breath on the battlefield."

The stable grew silent.

"Eli I need you to go visit one of the neighboring kingdoms. I would like for us to have an alliance with each other. I know that we never crossed paths, even when my father ruled, but if we grow an alliance we can start trading with me. They are rich will oil."

Again smile grew on Eli's face.

"What brings you joy?"

"Your father would be very proud of you. Dammit, I am proud of you and I would be an honor to do this."

"Thank you."

When I get back to my room, before I enter, I overhear this woman talking to Elza.

"All you have to do is move aside and let me leave."

"Please don't go, stay. If you leave ma'am he will be angry."

"What are you so afraid of? He is absolutely nothing to fear."

"Elza you may go and thank you." They both looked at me in shock, but I soon realized it was not a shocked expression on this woman's face, but more of the disappointment of losing her chance of getting the hell out of this place. Elza leaves in haste, closing the door behind her.

I break the silence in the room with a dumb question. " Marry me?"

"Excuse me?" Confusion dreads across her face, I could not help but chuckle.

"I want to marry you. So marry me?"

"Hell no. One, you are sadistic egomaniac with mommy issues. Two, this would never work and three I do not know if everyone in your castle is stupid or just turning a blind eye but the relationship between you and your mother is not right. When I was in the dungeon I could see that a mile away. She lusts over you and you just let her consu…"

Anger overtook me before I could let her finish I had my hand around her throat with her body pinned against the wall.

"Watch what comes out your mouth."

She smiled when she spoke even in the predicament she is in. "There we go. Show your true colors. A king that is nothing more but damaged goods."

I stare at her wanting to take the breathe out her body but I cannot. Is it the attraction I have for her. No, but the strength that no one else could accumulate. The strength to stand up to me and not back down. Must say it is indeed a turn on. I could feel my dick pulsate. I released her and backed away. I held my hand to the door.

"You could leave if you want, you are no prisoner here, but I must warn you that you may be hunted down after leaving this castle."

"You would hunt me down."

"No. I am just saying watch your back, not everyone in this castle agrees with letting you walk out of here so freely."

"Well I thank you for the hospitality, but I can take here of myself. Also, word of advice Dragan, be careful wandering around outside, especially at night. It's not safe. There are things out there that words cannot explain. Demons in the form of human flesh if I say so myself."