
Chapter Sixteen (Dragan)

Days turn into nights and nights turn into days. I have no idea how long it has been since I have seen her. The yearning I felt was indescribable. I began to question if she was even real, to begin with. Day in and day out I went to the village asking if they have seen that woman. Either the villagers knew nothing or they were afraid o speak. I kept hitting a dead end. Beginning to lose hope pissed me off even more because I never lose hope. It repulsed me that I could not have my way, that had no control. What makes things even more unappetizing my mother's stomach was starting to be noticeable and the castle began to chatter. I really do prefer if she dies already, but I think she would refuse to give me that satisfaction. Instead of wallowing, I discovered the castle's library. Educating myself on poetry, art, and anything I could find to keep myself from turning back into what that beast wants so badly. I think everyone thought I was losing my mind, but truthfully I was just straining to hold on to what little peace I had left to myself. Elza would sometimes join me and help me with things I did not understand. While we were talking, my mother barged in.

"Dragan what has become of you. Look at you conversing with servants." This woman had so much hate that you could see the disgust building up in the back of her throat.

"Mother I just would like to educate myself. The world is changing every day and I wish to know everything about the world. What harm can that be?"

She snatched the book from me and threw it on the floor. "You are growing weak."

"No mother I am not. You have lost control over me."

Before she could let out another load of bullshit, the guards ran through doors.

"Sire the castle have been breached."

"Who the hell do they think they are?"

"We did contain them. It was a common thief."

"Then why did you run in to tell me that? Just kill them and discard the body."

"We just thought you would like to know it was a woman. A very skilled woman at that sir."

"Skilled woman?????" Shocked washed over my ace. Just as I was about to give up. "How does she look?"

"Um, long curly hair and …"

"Sky blue eyes," I interrupted.


Samara looked at me confused and worried.

"Take me to her."

All of us excluded Elza walked to the dungeon. I found her arms and legs chained to the walls.

"Why chain her?"

"Again sire she is a very skilled woman. We had no choice."

Her eyes were filled with rage and fire. This beautiful woman that I longed for was chained in my castle. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, I became consumed with fury.

"Who did this to her?"

"Who cares? She needs to be set as an example for trying to steal. Tomorrow noon let's hang her in the middle of the village." Samara interrupted.

"No, she will not be touched."

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dragan? Why have you grown so weak? I do not know and I wish not to know what is happening, but you need to fix yourself. This is unacceptable. I will kill her myself."

Samara grabbed one of the guard's sword. Before she swung it across this woman's neck, I grabbed her arm and slapped her to the floor. Picking up the sword, my eyes never left Samara. Confusion and disbelief sit on her face while she lay on the ground.

"Guards throw her in the dungeon. She needs to be reminded of her place."

They questioned if they should move, but once I turned to look at them. Quickly they did what they were told.

"Let her down and have her washed with clean clothes. After that have Elza accompany her to my quarters."

"Yes, sire."

Once they were out of sight, I look towards my mother.

"You chose her over me."

"I would choose a pile of shit over you. You mean nothing to me. Why do you not understand that?"

"You like that one. That woman. I saw how you looked at her." She sadistically laughed.

"Why are you like this?"

She looked up at me. When she spoke, it felt like she was talking to someone else in the room.

"They sold me for fifteen gold coins. My mother and father sold me for fifteen gold coins to a swordsmith. He abused and fucked me over and over again. Every night I cried to my parents and they never came. I was only thirteen. Every night. Every night he touched me until I felt nothing. No pain, no pleasure, no love. I murdered him you know after some years. You know what I found when I got home. My mother and father started a new life. Had a son. Them bitches just forgot about me like I was a piece of trash. But you see I made sure they remembered me. I watch the horror in their eyes as I poisoned their precious boy. His frail little body was lifeless. I found pleasure in their torment. You know the had the audacity to beg for their lives just before I killed them too."

It sickened me to listen to this woman as she laughed hysterically to herself. She was completely lost. There was no saving her.

"So this is who you really are?"

"You act as if I was hiding it. You were just too blind to see."

"Goodbye, mother."