
Chapter Four

I jumped up gasping for air, trying to breath in every little ounce I can as life is being restored to my body. I find myself in bed fully dressed from head to toe. I look over on the side of the bed to see Dragan staring at me.

"You look so peaceful when you were dead," he smirked.


"Why what?" I can't believe he is sitting there looking like a lost little boy with no clue at all of what I am talking about.

"Why the hell would you kill me?"

"Because it was fun silly." I watch the corner of his lips turn up in that wicked grin.

"You are sick."

"Tell me something that I don't know. Get up we have somewhere to go."

"I am not going anywhere with you. I have to work."

"I called your job and stated you had a family emergency and you needed a couple of days off."

"What the hell Dragan. Why can't your controlling psychotic ass leave me alone?" I roared as I jumped out of bed. I walked over to the door viciously. I stopped at the next words he said because what he spoke was the truth.

"Why leave you alone? A vampire who cannot accept who and what she is. You cannot even look at yourself in the mirror. If I was to leave you alone you would be dead by now to avoid exposing our kind. If you have not noticed I clean up your mess when you lose complete control. Shit, a speck of blood will send your ass on a frenzy. No matter how much you hate me, Anastasia. You need me just as much as I need you."

I turn around to find Dragan standing behind me. He places both of his hands on the side of my face and kissed my forehead. Why did he treat me like this? One second he is kind and gentle and the next second he treats me like a rag doll. He is making me go insane.

"Come on we have a lunch meeting to go to."

I am too tired to fuss and fight with this man. I decided to just be submissive this day and followed behind him. We approach his yellow Lamborghini and he opens the door for me.

"No driver today?"

"Nope, not today." He gets in after buckling my seatbelt.

As Dragan is driving I am just staring out the window lost in my thoughts as usual. I do not feel the need to talk. The sun is beautiful today. Shining bright yellow. I watch a mother buying her child an ice cream, smiling, free with no worries. Something that I could never have….. Happiness. Dragan pulls up to a mansion. Very beautiful. I watch this big, well a better word would be an oversized man come up to the car smiling with a cigar in his mouth. We are very well-groomed, even down to his beard. Dragan gets out and shakes hands with them. They are laughing. Dragan comes over to my side and helps me out of the car.

"Sexy woman you have here Drake. Don't tell my wife but I want her."

I nearly almost had a heart attack for this man. Does he know he is asking to be killed with a request like that? I cannot help with forming a smirk on the corner of my mouth. Dragan wraps his arm around me and holds me close. Too close, with his hand on my ass.

"Unfortunately Edgar this beautiful woman is mine and no one can have her under any means necessary," he smiles after kissing my cheek. I hope this man gets the drift because honestly Dragan just issued a threat to murder this man and his family in his face.

"Yes, Drake I apologize. Sorry, Ms. Let me introduce myself. My name is Edgar Rodriguez and I do business with Drake." He shakes my hand and I introduce myself.

"What are we still standing out here for? Come on let's get something to eat." Edgar hurries up the steps smiling.

We walk slowly. As we come up to the door I here Edgar. "Come on, come on. Come in slowpokes."

We pick up the pace after being invited in. Edgar seems like a giddy free-spirited man, who loves young women of course. He looks seem to put his age in the early fifties.

"Amanda honey the guests are here."

A woman comes out to greet us. She looks a little younger than Edgar but she may be older. It's kind of hard to tell with the botox and plastic surgery.

"Hello." It's is kind of funny looking at her. Seems like it hurts her to smile.

"We shall leave you ladies be while we men speak about some money."

Edgar wraps his arm around Drake's neck and they walk to his study. That man is asking for a death wish. As soon as they were out of sight, the atmosphere changed to gloom and despair.

"My god that man pisses me off." Amanda takes out a cigarette. She offered me one but I decline.

"Why do you stay?"

"Easily honey he is filthy rich. I know he cheats on me. Shit, I watched as he took a look at your tight little ass. I don't care I have affairs of my own. Right now I am fucking his driver." She walks over to the counter and pulls herself a glass of wine.

What the fuck did I just walk into? Is this the twilight zone?

"What about you? Do you love that man?" She looks at me as if she is peering in my soul.


"Bullshit. I can smell that lie from a mile away. Well if you want to believe that lie more power to you." She guzzles the wine down and pours another glass. This is getting too awkward for me. I need to leave.