
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Stirring up the Exorcists (6)

Chapter 19: Stirring up the Exorcists (6)

It was an unexpected encounter in its early form, where neither party recognized each other. 

The two 'Nuns' who arrived on Graz were Irina and Xenovia who actively participated in the search for the Evil Entity that triggered the activation of the Holy Ward, and for two days straight, they continued looking around the territory of the Barrier, only to lack results.

It felt almost as if there was no Evil Entity to begin with, and Bishop Reinhart overreacted, but with their arrival in Austria from the Vatican, they did some investigation and other priests could confirm the Alert of the Wardstone.

Yet, there was no result for two days. Normally, an S-tier Supernatural Entity would exude out their Demonic Power or Yoki which with their Rosario's attuned to perceive the Evil, it would react in an instant.

For the two apprentice Exorcists tasked with such an important mission it felt like a stinging loss, both of reputation and of their time, but with dedication to God, they persevered and continued patrolling the Old Town.

In their passing, they noticed a man that stood out from the large number of people they saw in their passing. Even as protected 'Nuns' who weren't exposed too often to the opposite sex, they could spot a handsome guy from a mile away, especially Irina whose purple eyes observed the features of the passing guy.

Standing tall and lean, he exuded an air of confidence and strength that drew the eye. His features were chiseled, with angular jawline and high cheekbones lending him an aristocratic air. His hair, a raven black cascade of silky strands, framed his face in a stylish yet effortless manner. 

He was wearing a pair of shaded glasses that made probing their color from a distance difficult. But it was his eyes that truly captivated from up close, twin pools of crimson that seemed to smolder with an otherworldly intensity.

His attire was casual, with fitted black jeans and a tailored shirt hugging his form in all the right places. A simple pendant hung from his neck, a crimson gem glinting in the dim light, hinting at the power that lay dormant within him.

Irina couldn't help but feel a flutter in her maiden heart at the sight of such a handsome specimen. "Oh my," she murmured under her breath. "Would you look at him? He's positively dreamy."

Xenovia glanced at the man briefly before returning her attention to their surroundings. "He's certainly not bad to look at," she conceded, her tone nonchalant. "But appearances can be deceiving. We shouldn't let ourselves be distracted from our mission."

Irina pouted slightly, disappointment flickering across her features. "Oh, come on, Xenovia," she protested, her tone playful. "Can't a girl appreciate some eye candy every once in a while? Besides, it's not like we're on a tight schedule."

Xenovia raised an eyebrow, her expression unyielding. "Our mission is of utmost importance," she reminded Irina firmly. "We cannot afford to be sidetracked by trivial distractions."

Irina sighed melodramatically, but ultimately relented, nodding in agreement. "Fine, fine," she conceded, her tone resigned. "But let's at least appreciate the view while we can. Who knows when we'll get another chance to see such a handsome man?"

Xenovia shook her head slightly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite their contrasting personalities, she couldn't help but appreciate Irina's lightheartedness and optimism. "You have a point," she admitted, her voice softening. "He is quite the sight to behold."

While keeping his steady pace appearing normal, Carl whose senses were preternatural had cultivated the habit of eavesdropping on people's conversation since they were so privy to his keen hearing. Sometimes he was hearing irrelevant information, sometimes it was spicy content, especially when a bunch of girls were involved, it would most of the cases be 'Drama'.

Seeing those two 'Nuns' he shifted his attention on them as he walked past them, and as they talked, he almost did a handbrake and twisted his head 180 like a possessed individual when he figured their identities.

'So familiar. Xenovia… Irina. Wait a minute. What? Could it be that those gals were sent to Exorcize me? Ahh shit, I need to disappear right away, or I might get Smited by two Excalibur Wielders.'

[Wait what? Those two little girls are Excalibur Wielders? Aren't they too tender to wield Holy Blades?]

'Shhhh, you stupid old man. Don't talk to me, the Sacred Gear will react. I'll die for sure.'

Increasing his pace a little after Nosferatu talked to him in that moment, he took a corner to lose his tracks before he sprinted like a maniac toward his Airbnb, and his choice of actions preserved his life for some more, since Xenovia and Irina's hanging rosario flashed with holy light as if to warn her of the presence of an malevolent Entity.

They stood frozen for a moment, their senses tingling with the unmistakable presence of evil their artifact perceived in their surroundings.

"Xenovia, did you feel that?" Irina asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with apprehension.

Xenovia nodded grimly, her gaze fixed on the direction from which the ominous energy emanated. "Yes, it seems we've stumbled upon our target," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty in her heart.

But as they surveyed their surroundings, uncertainty crept into their minds. They had sensed the presence of evil, yet they had no clear direction in which to pursue it. The bustling streets of Graz's Old Town offered no obvious clues, and the malevolent entity seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Xenovia furrowed her brow in frustration, her mind racing with possible targets to pick on, but nothing concrete. "Where could it have gone?" she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. 

Irina was also flustered, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of the elusive entity. "But how do we find it?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "We have no leads, no clues to follow."

Thinking about how the Rosario activated, there was a particular man they stopped who stood out from the men they saw so far in the town, it even rivaled the appearance of Saint Exorcist Dulio Gesualdo, the first disciple of Fray Alonso de Ojeda, one of the greatest exorcists of their time.

Irina's mind raced with questions as she scanned their surroundings, searching for any sign of the evil presence that had triggered their sacred artifacts. "Do you think it was him?" she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if she was on guard against this evil entity.

Xenovia's expression hardened as she considered Irina's question. "It's possible," she replied, her voice resolute. "That man we saw earlier... there was something about him, something... unnatural. No man is that good looking without being in cohorts with the Devil."