
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Mindscape Exploration (1)

Chapter 20: Mindscape Exploration (1)

Carl returned home in a heartbeat, evading the stirred exorcists who got in motion after a slight shift of misfortune caused by his haunting 'old grandpa' that leaked out his wicked nature for the divine servants to sniff on it like hunting dogs.

Lucky for the duo, the young vampire had a sense of awareness and lost his tracks on the town, gaining some time, enough for him to return to his home's safety.

Breathless and heart pounding, Carl finally reached the safety of his home, a modest apartment tucked away in an unassuming street of the Old Town. He leaned against the door, chest heaving as he took a moment to catch his breath and steady his racing thoughts.

"Huh. Huh" (Breathing labored)

'That spooked me for sure. Thanks a lot, old man. You really had to butt in to say they were too young for wielding those Excaliburs?'

Nosferatu's response was dry and matter-of-fact. [How would I know they had Tracking Artifacts on them that react to Dark-Type Mana?] 

Carl smirked at the retort, acknowledging the validity of Nosferatu's point.'Well, you have a point. Still, you've got to pay me up for causing trouble.'

His tone remained unchanged, dry as a desert. [I'll ignore this remark for the moment. If you want me to pay you, make me.]

Carl chuckled, knowing full well that Nosferatu had the upper hand in their playful exchanges. 'Nah, nah. That would be me playing your games. You want to torture me in the mindscape, I can smell it.'

Catching his breath, Carl calmed down, and suppressed most of his mana like Nosferatu taught him in their first Teaching Session, this would make it harder for the Exorcists and Vatican's Trackers to pin-point accurately his location.

Certainly, this encounter with Xenovia and Irina had left him on edge, he wasn't quite ready to interact with the Heroines of the story he was brought in as presumably one of the Extra-Villains. 

Thinking about their characters, especially Xenovia's straight-to-business approach at conducting the Vatican's jobs, it became clear to him that he dodged a bullet there. While he had the memories of Krassius, having some general understanding of the Swordsmanship and other forms of combat the Vampires trained in, his first life was unassumingly that of an average jackass human.

While he would swing his fists at times on some drunk fucks, it wasn't to the point he could contend with people of the supernatural world.

'Yet, I dispatched those Vampire Guards rather quickly. They didn't even stand a chance against the powers of the Sacred Gear, and I did kill them myself by stabbing their hearts in cold fashion…'

Carl settled on the couch, and his calm, expressionless face morphed into a serious frown as he crossed his arms, contemplating outloud so even Nosferatu could perceive his thoughts. It wasn't those inner thoughts that he would rather avoid sharing with the old phantom.

[Are you pondering on how a fight between you and those Excalibur wielders would play out?]

'Something like that. I think I'm lacking a lot of combat experience. I'm aware that I have a lot of firepower at my disposal, but if you can't pull the trigger on that, I'll die a pitiful death like those cheap-ass villains.'

He continued along, sharing his own doubts, considering his situation from the lenses of his first life, instead of what he currently became, a Dhampir that required many Vampire Lords to be suppressed and imprisoned.

Carl was aware of what he was lacking, he knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down, as if the invisible dark cloud continued to loom over his head. This turn of events made him feel a bit depressed about his current state, since his previous life was of an average guy trying to get by life, and now?

He had the chance of standing on the top of the World, to walk among the small club of people that controlled Worldly Affairs from the Shadows. It was only a matter of visualizing that process and passing the challenges Life threw at him to test his resolve.

Nosferatu who listened quietly to Carl's worries, let out a sigh as if empathizing, understanding him, and with that in mind he told the youngster some 'Sagely' teachings.

[It's understandable to feel overwhelmed, Carl. But you've already proven yourself capable of facing great challenges.]

[Your survival instinct can only get you this much in life, and despite your lack of training, you can pose a threat to so many beings in this world. What you need to do right now, is to remain strong, ground yourself to reality, and continue with your training.]


[Train diligently, not half-assed as you've done so far. I bet that phone you've been messing around wouldn't be there to fight your fights. While, I understand you have your reasons to spend your time on the phone, as you mention it can make you a lot of money.]

[In the Supernatural World, Raw Power dwarfs Money. Money is only useful in the Human World.]

'What if I only want to live a quiet life?'

[They will not allow you. You who possess the powers of a Longinus, possess my lineage, will be thrown into a Fate reminiscent of mine. From their point of view, you'll become a Chess Piece too dangerous to be left alone.]

['You'll only be left hurting and betrayed. With the desire of destroying the World itself.']

Carl took a deep breath, listening to Nosferatu's words without rolling his eyes or dismissing them. He was aware that this 'old man' was investing a lot of attention and was trying to 'groom' him into something that he wasn't capable of becoming in his timeline. 

His intentions were visible for his interpretations, and as they grew closer by interacting with each other, he felt thankful he had someone to talk about this deeply.

If not for his ethereal pairs of ears, he would have gone mad in a fervor for revenge that wouldn't lead him far in this second life. 

Finding his resolve, letting it be strengthened by his words of encouragement, he eased up his frowned expression, flashing a confident smile. 'You know what, I'll be damned if I continue feeling sorry for myself.'

'I'm a Vampire for fucks sake, a supernatural being that could do whatever he pleases without fearing much consequences.'


'You're right, Nosferatu. I may not have all the answers, but I won't let fear constrain me. I'll face whatever challenges come my way, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect myself and those I care about.'

'Urgh, that sounded so cliche. Scratch that. I'll just grind my ass to the pinnacle of this World.'

Carl took a moment to gather his resolve, feeling the weight of Nosferatu's words settling on his shoulders. He knew he couldn't let fear dictate his actions any longer. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he stood up from the couch, went into the shower to cool his head, and not be sluggish while Training directly under Nosferatu's watch.

Following the meditation method of hyperventilating while the cold water streamed down on his body.

The sensations of coldness gradually subsided, and Carl found himself slipping into a peaceful trance. The background noise of rushing water created a calming ambiance, allowing Carl to concentrate fully on his mental exercise.

He closed his eyes tightly, concentrating on the sensations coursing through his veins. His body began to relax, and he felt his muscles loosen up. The feeling of intense relaxation washed over him, as he prepared to dive deeper into his subconscious.

Carl focused intently on his breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling with purpose.

Each breath seemed to draw him further into a meditative state, where anxiety and fear melted away. He visualized a calm, serene landscape—a beach with golden sand stretching out as far as the eye could see, and crystal-clear waters lapping gently at the shore. In this tranquil space, he felt grounded and centered, ready to confront the challenges ahead.

As he continued to breathe deeply, Carl mentally prepared himself for the journey into his mindscape.

Carl emerged from the shower, feeling refreshed and invigorated. Droplets of water glistened on his skin as he stepped out into the cool air of his bathroom, a sense of clarity washing over him. With each towel-dry motion, he wiped away the remnants of doubt and uncertainty, replacing them with a renewed sense of purpose.

Settling down on the couch once again, he readied himself for the mystic journey to the depths of his mental world that was connected with his Sacred Gear.

'Ready whenever you're ready to summon me, mister.'

[It seems I don't have to worry too much about your mental health, child. Do as you've done last time. Activate your Sacred Gear, Carl.] 

Nosferatu's voice echoed in the recesses of his mind, and unlike the first time when he was still awkward at activating the Sacred Gear, this time it was a smooth transition. Closing his eyes, he used his willpower to bring out the crimson pendant.

'Bloodbound Dominion. Awaken.'

From the core of his heart, a crimson jewel extruded itself, emanating a profound energy that seemed to intertwine with the very essence of his vampiric nature. The jewel took on the shape of an intricately designed pendant mirroring the interior of a Vampiric Eye.

The pendant hung elegantly, suspended from the chain, and its dark crimson glow permeated the emptiness of the room. The light emitted by the pendant intensified, casting an otherworldly radiance that enveloped the entire space, while pulsating in cadence with his heartbeat. 

Carl's body began to release a malevolent blood mana that made him wonder how long it would take the Exorcists to pick on this lead he just released outward. 

'Drag me in the Mindscape, mister Nosferatu. We got to disperse this blood mana quickly.' requested Carl, with a bit of urgency in his tone.

The matured voice of the Count, didn't respond right away, as if also preparing himself for the next set of actions, until he urged him. [Focus your mind on the jewel, stare directly into the Eye of the Jewel. Don't resist any uncomfortable sensations you'll feel.]

Similar to his first attempts, he was proactive and stared intently in the Vampiric Eye of the pendant which flashed with an malevolent crimson light that matched with his own.

Feeling the detachment from reality, Carl braced himself, keeping his complaints to a minimum, and in the blink of an eye, he found himself returned inside the Throne Room of the Blood Castle.

'Whoa, no matter how many times I see this place, it brings that awe inside you.' Carl marveled at the spectacle before him, the ambient glow casting a regal radiance upon every facet of this mindscape.

Amidst the opulence of the throne room, the figure of Nosferatu in his middle-aged man visage, in his full set of gunmetal gray plate armor, made Carl wonder what this man had in store for him. 

Studying him quietly, having yet to say something to Nosferatu, he began wondering about something silly that triggered a reaction from the Despot seated on his throne. 'I wonder when I'll get an armor like that one. It looks wicked, not going to lie. Quite handsome.'

"Have you calmed down from the journey to this Realm?" 

"Hmm? Yeah, I didn't feel nauseated this time."

"Alright. For your awareness, we can share this space for one hour and thirty minutes. So, leave the pleasantries for later," responded Nosferatu, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. The glint in his eyes conveyed a silent command.

"Got you. Don't worry, at least in here, I'll not laze around. I don't have my phone to check on the stocks all day long. Ohh, and how come we got 30 minutes of extra time?"

"Your Mana Capacity has grown since you've awakened the Sacred Gear. Also, you have gained some control over your mana which lessened the strain I suffer when calling you here." the Count explained with his stoic demeanor on full display for Carl.

Carl nodded in understanding, it made sense that he could afford extra minutes in this Mindscape. He could sense the small changes, especially since drinking from Jeanne's blood that contained rich mana from her latent Sacred Gear.

For once, he was grateful that his efforts to hone his Mana Skills weren't thrown to the garbage, and he could afford some extra moments in here. This place was his magical Hyperbolic Chamber, where he could spend time together with Nosferatu, honing his skills and delving deeper into the mysteries of his lineage.

"Understood, let's make the most of our time then," Carl replied, determination shining in his eyes, he was ready to immerse in today's training session. 

With a wave of his hand, Nosferatu gestured for Carl to approach, indicating that their training session was about to begin. 

"Follow me, Carl. Don't get distracted by the words of the wraiths."

Nosferatu's commanding voice echoed through the Throne Room, while he proceeded to step out from the room, and take Carl to another wing of the Blood Castle, where the initial doubt about the voices of wraiths, he realized he shouldn't doubt much of Nosferatu's words.

[Such a tender soul! Approach me, I'll make you unstoppable.]

[Blood King, aren't you fearful of taking this kid of yours into our territory?]

[Kid! Turn your head in my direction. Tell me, has Zeus lost the Gigantomachy! ANSWER ME!]

[Forget those Greek losers! How is the Norse in Asgard doing? Ohh, Prince of Blood, share this news with an old ghost like myself.]


The wraiths that he saw had various shapes, some were of monstrous giants, while others had Dryad-like appearances as if taken out from a Fantasy Novel. Carl felt a shiver run down his spine. 

He followed Nosferatu without speaking with those wraiths, since he felt that those were worse than the Lesser Devils he encountered inside the Library. Those beings were different, it gave him an uncomfortable vibe, but he steeled himself for whatever lay ahead.

'This should be one of his tests for me. To see how I fare against those ghosts he defeated in his past.'

'Phew, it is great that I did my meditation before entering this blasted place.'

As Carl and Nosferatu stepped out of the grand throne room of the Blood Castle, they entered a sprawling courtyard bathed in the crimson glow of the setting sun. The Training Grounds of the castle were shrouded in an eerie mist, tendrils of fog snaking along the ground like ethereal serpents.

The air was thick with the scent of blood, mingling with the metallic tang of sweat and exertion. 

Shadows danced across the cobblestone paths, casting sinister shapes upon the ground. The atmosphere was charged with an undercurrent of anticipation, as warriors of all shapes and sizes honed their skills in preparation for battle.

Carl took in the ominous scenery around them, the mist swirling ominously, and the crimson glow casting sinister shadows across the courtyard. Yet, amidst the eerie ambiance, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him. 

This was his domain, where he would unlock the full extent of his vampiric powers under Nosferatu's tutelage.

"This is where we will conduct your training," Nosferatu said, gesturing at the barren Training Ground. "Here, you will learn to harness your strength and master the arts of combat."