

Kiyoshi is a young samurai cursed at birth with a demonic sword containing one-third of hell's army sealed away in it. He travels the war-torn lands as a mercenary and assassin, living a life alienated from the rest of the world. Until one day, a unique and dangerous job escorting a pregnant elder mage name Nzuri has the samurai questioning himself and what life has to offer. With everyday just being one mission after the next will the cursed samurai finally find peace in his life or is he destined to live a life of destruction and chaos. Only time with tell with dangers around every corner, but what can be more dangerous than a samurai that can bring the apocalypse but just having an off day?

Triniotaku23 · Fantasi
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67 Chs


As the two beings stared at each other, Kiyoshi repeated his statement. "What do you want, Devivial?". The demon on the throne smiled and replied, "Nothing". "It's always something with you, demon. Just split it the fuck out already so I can be on my way." Replied Kiyoshi annoyed by Devivial, who is clearly playing around. "You're always so mad when we speak, but to answer your question, I realized you have a deep affection for that human girl. What was her name? Oh yes Ashri,". replied Devivial with a devilish grin. "And what if I do? How does that concern you demon". replied Kiyoshi, who was annoyed by the entire conversation. "I was just thinking that maybe you want my help," proclaimed Devivial. "Your Help?" asked Kiyoshi confused. "Why will I want your help, demon?" Devivial smiled. "You can use my powers or even set me free and we will make quick work of that stronghold and keep Ashri safe. Isn't that what you want Kiyoshi," remarked Devivial. Kiyoshi, who became angry, replied, " First off, keep her name out of your dirty black hole you call a mouth. Second, Tyrook, Lilly, Kivuli, and myself are enough to destroy any strong. And lastly, you piece of shit, why will I want the help of a chained-up demon? You can't even help yourself, you delusional fool".

Enraged, Devivial went on a rant about how he is one of the twelve demon commanders of hell and that he conquered and ruled over humanity before Kiyoshi was even a thought. "I Devivial a commander of hell will not be disrespected by a mere human." You lower life from will never match up to a demon like me." Tyrook, Lilly, and Kivuli have made you think you are something special because they chose to act like pets, but not me. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the one who rulers here, I Devivial am a GOD!" ranted Devivial and as he continued on his rant, his human face began transforming into the face of a lion, his human hands grew claws and fur and his beautiful blue eyes turn a demonic red. He forced himself to stand as the shackles resisted his movements. As he stood on his feet he scream and shouted profanities towards Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi sighed and snapped his fingers, causing the shackles to pull Devivial back to his throne. A new shackle appears, grabbing the demon by his neck reducing his movements even further. "As I said before, you're delusional. You talk about how you conquered and ruled over humanity, but you are trapped inside a weapon made by humans and owned by a human. As far as I see it, you are the conquered, not the conqueror. You have been imprisoned by creatures you call lesser than yourself for almost a thousand years now. You rule nothing and never had. In this dimension, I am God and you are a salve to my will and I will decide with I need or want your powers, you have forgotten your place Devivial. But I will remain you were it is which is under me." remarked Kiyoshi in disgust. "You fucking bastard! How dare you talk to me like that! I will kill you! " shouted Devivial. Kiyoshi, tired of the drama, snapped his fingers once more, which caused a seal to be placed on Devival's mouth, silencing him. "Finally," remarked Kiyoshi as he walks away from Devivial. As Kiyoshi exits the weird dimension, he turned to Devivial one last time and remarks that if Devivial ever summons him back to Limbo again that he would kill him.

Back in the real world, Kiyoshi, finishing cleaning, returns upstairs to check on Ashri. In the bedroom, Ashri was still crying as she held on to her pillow. Kiyoshi sat on the bed next to her. Instantaneously Ashri flew up and hugged Kiyoshi with tears still streaming down her face. "You took so long I taught you weren't coming back," remarked Ashri, still shaken by the incident from earlier. "How can I ever leave you? Am just sorry I wasn't there earlier." Replied Kiyoshi. "It's ok am just you're here now" replied Ashri with a small smile on her face, as the pair embraced each other with foreheads pressed against each other. Hands held tight and warmth of each other's breaths on their necks."We have to back and meet your father to end this." remarked Kiyoshi as he took in the warmth of Ashri's skin and the sweet smell of her hair. "I know, but can we just be like this for a little while longer?" replied Ashri. "Sure", remarked Kiyoshi. As the two continued in their loving embrace of each other.

A few hours later at the underground base, Kiyoshi stood in the corner as Shamak and the others embraced Ashri and asked her if she was ok after being attacked."Those fucking cowards and bastards. First, they kill my wife, kidnap my daughter and granddaughter and now they tried to rape my youngest daughter in my own fucking home, those animals." Shouted Shamak enraged as he holds on to Ashri. "Dad, calm down am OK, Kiyoshi saved me," remarked Ashri, trying to calm down her father. Shamak walks over to Kiyoshi, drops himself to his knees, and bows towards him. "Thank my boy you saved my daughter. Without I don't know what I would have done without her." cried Shamak as he held on to the end of Kiyoshi's cloak. "Am just sorry I arrived late" replied Kiyoshi. "But at the end of the day, you saved my daughter and I am always in your death, my boy," replied Shamak, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I don't mean to be rude, but is my request ready? I would like to take that stronghold down before they can do more damage to your people," remarked Kiyoshi. "Oh yes, it is let me go get, ", replied Shamak as he rushed inside.

Shamak returned a few moments later with a suit of armor. The suit was traditional Japanese armor. The armor was jet black and looked like armor used by Japanese samurais in the 16 century. The helmet of the armor had a crescent shape on it with a blue and black dragon on top of it. Scales like patterns ran down like entire armor with made it look fierce yet beautiful. "This is amazing," remarked Kiyoshi. "Thank you, I am not used to making these kinds of armor, but am glad you like it". Replied Shamak. As Kiyoshi placed the armor on Shamak remarked: "that he is surprised that Kiyoshi didn't request a Mempo or mask to go along with the armor." Kiyoshi smiled and, after finishing putting on the armor, went into his bag and relieved why he didn't request a Mempo before. He pulled out a mask with covered the lower part of his face. The black mask had multiple demonic-like white teeth with two long fangs hanging from the side of the mask's mouth. The side of the mask had two large cylinders with holes in them. "No wonder you didn't want me to make you one. This is amazing. But why the cylinders in it though," remarked Shamak. "It to allow smoke to come out of it" replied Kiyoshi. "really that amazing" replied Shamak in awww and amazement at the craftsmanship of the mask.

With everything ready, Kiyoshi advised Shamak to give him half an hour before blowing up the ships with the underwater explosions. Shamak agrees and Kiyoshi proceeds on his way. Before leaving, he turns to Ashri, who remarks that she will be fine and that she will wait here for his return. Kiyoshi nods his head and leaves. Moments later, Kiyoshi is up in a tree observing the stronghold in front of him. Next to him sat Lilly, who was waiting on Kiyoshi's command to move. "So here is the plan Lilly and you to take out all the guards in the five towers instantaneously so that can't call for back or sound an alarm. "Tyrook, you're with me for the most part and Kivuli, I need you to locate the kidnap women and also prevent guards from escaping from the back," remarked Kiyoshi. "Understood," replied the three demons as a shadow moved from under Kiyoshi and headed towards the back of the stronghold. "These goes Kivuli." Remarked Lilly as she stood up, "Guess it's my turn" she continued as four more arms grew out of her. The arms then transformed into crossbows with his used to quickly assassinate the towers' guards in the instant motion. "Am done Kiyo now is your turn, ", remarked Lilly. Kiyoshi nodded his head. He took deep breaths and by using some of Devivial's power, he was able to release some flames from his mouth through the mask. Which caused the debris inside the mask's cylinders to ignite, creating smoke to appear. Kiyoshi, standing over the strong, looked like a phantom as the smoke continued to pour out of the mask.

Below in the stronghold, a group of soldiers were playing cards, dice, and getting drunk when suddenly the place began being covered in a thick fog. At first, the soldiers assumed it was fog coming from the mountains until they saw a figure still on top of the wall. Then they were sure it was something else. "Who is there?" You don't know who you are messing with." remarked one of the soldiers, trying to hide the fact that he was terrified. The men grew their weapons as the mysterious figure sat still on the wall. Kiyoshi, who was a figure on top of the wall, jumped off and began walking slowly towards them. As the entire place was now covered in the fog coming from the mask, the only thing the men could see was a shadow-like figure. The men, clearly scared, tried desperately to convince the figure that they won't ones to mess with. But Kiyoshi kept coming. Suddenly, the men could see a second figure behind the first one, but this one was much larger. It stood at least seven feet in height and was huge and bulk as the men cried out for mercy as they were now consumed by the fog and couldn't see anything but the two entities coming towards them. Inside the fog, Kiyoshi advised Tyrook to take care of the group of men and he finishes off the rest. Tyrook agrees and Kiyoshi uses the cover of the fog to move on as Tyrook mercilessly kills the men, tearing them into pieces within the cover of the fog and the night sky. The screaming of the men being killed by Tyrook alerted others to Kiyoshi's location. There were ten of them, four with swords and the rest with spears. They commanded Kiyoshi to stop, but Kiyoshi in an effort to get rid of them before more came to dash towards them. The men with spears attacked Kiyoshi simultaneously, tried to impale him as he jumped in the air. But if like a ghost, Kiyoshi for a brief second or two appears to phase through the men's attack, only getting a minor scratch at the last second. "Ghost, ", the men shouted before being killed like pigs at a slaughterhouse by Kiyoshi. "I have found the girls," remarked Kivuli telepathically to Kiyoshi. "Where are they?" Asked Kiyoshi, "They are in the last building. What should I do?" remarked Kivuli. "Force on the other part of the plan me and you discuss in private, I will go after the women," remarked Kiyoshi. "Understood," replied Kivuli as Kiyoshi proceeds down the direction Kivuli gives him.

Kiyoshi finds the building and proceeds inside. Several women are being beaten by men. The men kicked and punched the women, with some even being dragged by the hair on the ground like an old mop. Enraged, Kiyoshi calls out to the men who are in shock that someone was behind them the entire time. The men, angry that one has to stop their playtime, drew their swords and go after Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi tells the women to close their eyes and then proceeds to decapitate and disembody the men. After the fight was finished, the walls of the room was repainted in the blood and internal organs of the men Kiyoshi advised the women to follow his voice and keep their eyes closes as he didn't want any further trauma to happen to them.

Then, suddenly, loud explosions could be heard all over the stronghold. "The explosives Kivuli planted must have gone off," Kiyoshi taught to himself as he leads the women outside to safety. Kiyoshi instructed the women to open their eyes and follow the path they will be safe and they can return home. As the women thanked Kiyoshi and went on their way, he can see smoke in the sky coming from a distance. " Shamak and the others must have destroyed the ships, he taught to himself, before heading in the opposite direction of the women. With the ships and the stronghold destroyed, Kiyoshi's mission was complete, and he headed on his way. As he leaves the town of Temirchi, Lilly and Tyrook ask him why. He is not at least saying goodbye to Ashri, but before he can answer, he is ambushed by a group of men. Leading them is Abdulaziz, Shamak's son and Ashri's older brother." So you think you're some big hero, don't you?" remarked Abdulaziz with a sword in his hand and at least six men behind him. "I was going to rescue everyone now. No one will respect me, but if I bring back your body, everyone will know how strong I am," shouted Abdulaziz as he advanced on Kiyoshi, sword in hand. Kiyoshi blocks the attack and pushes him to the ground. Abdulaziz in defeat cries and remarks that all he ever wanted was to be strong enough to protect the people he loves and to be respected by his father. : I envy you", replied Kiyoshi. "Me why? You can protect any and everyone," replied Abdulaziz, confused by Kiyoshi's statement.

"You were giving hands that create, not destroy. You have a family and a town that loves you, but this mission I never knew what affection was on this scale," remarked Kiyoshi. "Even though your creations may be used to destroy and kill you, yourself are blessed with the gift of creation. Why ruin it by trying to be a killer? " I only have the gift of destruction and try to use it to create like I did tonight. I create freedom for your people. That is something I can be proud of, at least. I am a monster cursed to only be used as a weapon. Do you want that for yourself Abdulaziz." remarked Kiyoshi "All I want is to be able to protect my people." cried Abdulaziz. "Just be yourself," remarked Kiyoshi as he pass through the men. "Before I go, can you give Ashri this letter for me?" asked Kiyoshi "Sure I will make sure she gets it" replied Abdulaziz as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

The men looked on as Kiyoshi disappeared into the forest. The next morning with the women return home and reunite with their families, Ashri looks around the village for Kiyoshi but runs into her brother instead. "Have seen Kiyoshi?" she asked. "He's gone. He left already," remarked Abdulaziz. Disappointed, Ashri bows her head down and remarks that he didn't even tell her goodbye before leaving. Abdulaziz pulls out the letter and hands it over to Ashri. "He wanted you to have this," remarked Abdulaziz. "He did, thanked you," replied Ashri as she kissed her brother on the forehead and took off.

Later that day Ashri stood by the cliff she and Kiyoshi were at and opened the letter which read: "To my beloved, while I don't know if I should use beloved Ummm. To my dearest Ashri, the last two days with you have been excellent. I have never felt such affection from anyone before or felt so connected to anyone as I did to you. I could talk to you for hours and hours and never get tired of you. You're such an amazing person and I think am in love with you." Reading this, tears stream down Ashri's eyes as she smiles and continues reading. "But for these reasons, I must leave. Even though your people showed me love and that I am welcome to be around them. There are many people that want me dead, like the peacemakers, and I can't put you or your town at risk for my selfish reasons. I am still a monster after all, and I don't even know if I can grow old and die because of this curse placed upon me. But my feelings for you are deep and wish I could stay or that I could have told you goodbye. But I knew if I came to tell you goodbye, I might end up staying. One day, I hope I can get rid of this curse and see you again. I will always hold you in my heart and mind, Ashri. I LOVE YOU." With the letter ending Ashri touched by Kiyoshi's letter cried as her hair flows in the mountain breezes. "I love you too," replied Ashri as she looks off into the horizon.

Meanwhile, as Kiyoshi travels through the forest, Lilly asked him why he didn't at least tell Ashri goodbye. He remarks that it would have been too hard to see her and it is best he leaves saying nothing. As he walks through the forest, His pockets beings glowing blue. It's his commutation stone and the other end is Sairon. "So how was the mission".

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter and I will release my chapter schedule soon. Please leave a review and a power stone and if you like this novel, add it to your library. Thank you and love you guys. Let me know in the comments if you guys want me to do a YouTube channel base on the story.

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