
Blood Evolution: Devourer's Path to Power Levelling

(Also uploaded on RoyalRoad, this is the first time I'm writing a novel, so any feedback would be appreciated. I'll upload at least 1 chapter every Thursday. If I accidentally write too much then I'll be uploading multiple weekly.) In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event that saw the world besieged by towering monoliths known as the Towers, humanity grapples with the harsh realities of its new existence. Among the survivors is Sebastian Azalith, a young man burdened by tragedy and forged in the crucible of despair. Raised amidst the chaos and destruction wrought by the Towers, Sebastian finds himself adrift in a world devoid of hope and purpose. With the loss of his mother, crushed beneath the weight of the Towers' arrival, and the absence of his father, who vanished without a trace, Sebastian is left to fend for himself in a world turned upside down. Forced into joining Varun Academy, a grim institution on the outskirts of civilization, Sebastian struggles to find his footing in a world that has left him behind. With no one to turn to and nowhere else to go, he reluctantly embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, seeking solace in the only place he has left to call home. As Sebastian grapples with the despair of his shattered world, he discovers a dark and forbidden power within himself—the ability to devour the life force of any living creature. With each life he consumes, Sebastian gains strength and power, his soul tarnished by the darkness that consumes him. Leaving behind the safety of the academy, Sebastian ventures into the Towers, his heart heavy with the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. With each floor he conquers, he faces despair and agony, his soul torn asunder by the darkness that surrounds him. But as Sebastian delves deeper into the depths of the Towers, he begins to unravel the mysteries of his past and unlock the true potential that lies dormant within him. With each victory he achieves, he grows stronger, more ruthless, and more determined to defy the odds and carve out his own destiny in a world consumed by darkness. But as Sebastian's power grows, so too does the darkness that threatens to consume him. Haunted by visions of a future shrouded in despair, he must confront the ultimate truth—that the path to power comes with a price, and the line between saviour and destroyer grows ever thinner.

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10 Chs

The First Floor

The first rays of dawn crept over the horizon as Sebastian and his classmates gathered at the entrance of the Tower. Their expressions were a mixture of excitement and anxiety, the culmination of years of rigorous training now facing its ultimate test. The Awakened Alliance representative stood before them, her voice a solemn reminder of the unknown challenges that awaited within the Tower's ominous walls.

"The first floor," she began, her tone grave, "will be your initial trial. Remember your training, work together, and do not underestimate the dangers within."

With those final words, the massive doors of the Tower creaked open, revealing the dark passage beyond. The group took their first tentative steps inside, the atmosphere instantly shifting to one of tension and anticipation. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft shuffling of their footsteps and the occasional drip of water echoing through the stone corridors.

As the last of the group entered, the doors shut behind them with a resounding thud, sealing them in the Tower's cold embrace. Sebastian felt a shiver run down his spine but pushed the fear aside. This was what they had trained for, and there was no turning back now.

"Stay alert," Marissa whispered, her voice barely audible. She was the only person somewhat close to Sebastian, having been the only one to constantly bother him since they joined the academy. Her striking emerald eyes and flowing dark hair, which caught the light with a hint of green, stood out even in the dim light of the Tower. Her features were sharp and elegant, giving her an air of both beauty and determination.

The group moved cautiously, their weapons at the ready. Sebastian's senses were on high alert, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation. The Tower was a realm of unpredictability, and the only certainty was danger.

As they ventured further, the first sign of movement came from the shadows ahead. A low growl echoed through the corridor, followed by the scraping of claws against stone. The graduates halted, weapons raised, as the creatures emerged from the darkness.

The monsters, known as Goblins, were grotesque, their forms twisted and unnatural. Their skin was a mottled, sickly green, and their eyes glowed with a malevolent red light. Razor-sharp claws extended from their fingers, and their mouths were filled with rows of jagged teeth. They moved with a predatory grace, their bodies low to the ground as they approached the group.

"Positions!" barked their instructor, his voice steady and commanding.

The graduates quickly fell into formation, their training taking over. Sebastian's heart pounded in his chest as he took his place, his dagger held firmly in his grip. The Goblins lunged, and the battle began.

Sebastian's movements were swift and precise, his dagger flashing in the dim light as he struck at the nearest Goblin. The monster snarled, its claws slashing through the air, but Sebastian dodged with practiced agility. He retaliated with a quick slash to its throat, the blade cutting deep. The creature let out a gurgling cry before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

As the Goblin fell, a surge of energy coursed through Sebastian. His vision blurred for a moment, and he felt an unfamiliar warmth spread through his body. He realized with a jolt that he had just Awakened, his abilities unlocking for the first time. But there was no time to check his status; the battle raged on around him.

Around him, his classmates were engaged in their own battles, their movements a deadly dance of steel and flesh. Marissa fought with her spear, her strikes powerful and precise. She impaled one of the Goblins through the chest, twisting the weapon to ensure it stayed down. The firelight from her spear played across her features, highlighting the focus and determination etched into her expression. Others used swords and axes, their abilities honed through years of rigorous training.

Despite their initial success, the Goblins kept coming, emerging from the shadows in relentless waves. The graduates fought with grim determination, their bodies and minds pushed to the limit. The air was thick with the sounds of battle—clashing steel, snarls of the monsters, and the occasional cry of pain as a blow found its mark.

Sebastian's focus never wavered, his movements fuelled by a combination of adrenaline and his newfound abilities. He felt a strange sense of detachment, his actions almost automatic as he dispatched one Goblin after another. Each kill brought a surge of experience points, his body and mind adapting to the challenges of the Tower.

But amidst the chaos, tragedy struck. A Goblin's claw tore through a classmate's throat, sending a spray of crimson across the stone floor. Their eyes widened in shock and pain before crumpling, lifeless, to the ground. Another, moments later, was overpowered by a pair of Goblins, their desperate screams cut short as claws ripped into flesh. Blood pooled beneath them, staining the floor as their bodies fell still. The third, trying to avenge the fallen, was impaled through the chest by a Goblin's spear, life extinguished in a heartbeat. The sense of loss was overwhelming, each death a brutal reminder of the Tower's merciless nature.

For a brief moment, the remaining students paused, their eyes lingering on the fallen. The weight of their deaths hung heavy in the air, a somber testament to the harsh reality they faced. Sebastian felt a pang of sorrow and anger, but it was quickly buried under a cold resolve. "No time for mourning," he told himself. "Survival first."

"Stay focused!" the instructor's voice cut through the air, snapping them back to the present. "We'll mourn them later. For now, we fight."

The words were harsh but necessary. The remaining students steeled themselves, their grief channelling into a fierce determination. They had to survive, for themselves and for those who had fallen.

Sebastian moved with agility and precision, his dagger finding its mark time and again. He struck at the creatures' vital points, aiming to end their lives swiftly. Marissa's spear flashed beside him, her strikes powerful and unyielding. Together, they coordinated their attacks, their movements a seamless dance of offense and defense.

Finally, as the last of the Goblins fell, the group paused to catch their breath. The corridor was littered with the bodies of the slain creatures, the air heavy with the scent of blood. Despite their exhaustion, there was a sense of accomplishment among the graduates. They had survived their first real test, and their confidence was bolstered by the victory.

As the adrenaline faded, the reality of their situation set in. They had lost three of their own, lives extinguished in the blink of an eye. The sense of loss was palpable, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced.

The instructor approached, his expression grim but resolute. "Take a moment to check your abilities," he instructed. "You've all Awakened, and knowing your strengths is crucial."

Sebastian nodded, his mind racing. He thought of the word "status," and a screen appeared before his eyes, displaying his stats and abilities:

Name: Sebastian

Race: Human

Level: 1: 60/100

Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 7


Devour (Level 1): Absorb the essence of defeated enemies to permanently increase stats and gain a low chance of stealing abilities.

Dagger Proficiency (Level 2): Enhanced skill and damage with daggers.

He marvelled at the information, noting that his stats were significantly higher than those of an average awakened human, which were around 4-5 per attribute. The abilities intrigued him, particularly Devour, which promised a unique way to grow stronger. "Perfect," he thought. "Every kill makes me stronger."

The rest of the students checked their statuses as well, excitement bubbling among them despite the grim circumstances. Marissa's face lit up as she discovered her new ability. "Fire Control," she whispered, eyes wide with wonder. She focused for a moment, and her spear's tip ignited in a bright, controlled flame. "I can imbue my spear with fire!"

The revelation of their abilities brought a renewed sense of determination to the group. Despite the losses they had suffered, they were now equipped with newfound powers that would aid them in their quest. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but they were ready to face it, armed with their skills and the memory of their fallen classmates driving them forward.

With a deep breath, Sebastian steeled himself for the battles to come. The Tower's secrets beckoned, and he was determined to uncover them, no matter the cost. The journey had only just begun, but with each step, he grew stronger, more resolute.

The first floor was far from being behind them. They had only scratched the surface, killing some Goblins. The challenges of the Tower still loomed ahead. But for the first time, Sebastian felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

"Prepare to move out," the instructor commanded, his voice steady. "We still have a lot of ground to cover on this floor. Stay sharp and stay together."

With their new abilities at their disposal, the graduates regrouped and prepared to continue exploring the first floor. The darkness of the Tower seemed less oppressive now, each step forward infused with the promise of strength and discovery.