
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

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57 Chs

Chapter 31: One of the Pains I Once Experienced

On this day, heavy rain poured down.

The sky was gloomy, and within the vast curtain of rain, Tan Yinyin walked aimlessly, holding her cat with vacant eyes.

Pedestrians on the street held umbrellas, some accompanied by partners, hurrying along, oblivious to her without an umbrella.

Reaching a spot where the rain couldn't reach, she silently placed Danny on the ground.

Danny's expression was full of sorrow and reluctance, but Tan Yinyin didn't see it because she dared not look at him anymore.

Rainwater slid off her lifted chin and hair tips, dripping onto Danny's not entirely wet fur, not tears.

But Danny, he was truly crying.

Tan Yinyin turned around, suddenly raising her head, only to find the sky covered in dense, dark clouds. The sky, too, lost its light.

So, where was there still light?

Perhaps, in some people's lives, they are not allowed to have light.

She continued to walk slowly in the pouring rain, as if suddenly losing the most important thing.

Turning a corner, the sound of raindrops around her disappeared from her ears, but a faint cat's meow, mixed within, exploded in her mind like thunder.

She suddenly turned back, seeing rainwater forming raging waves on the ground like a tumultuous sea. Her little cat, with her steps, also stopped, standing in this sea and looking at her. The look was sad and pitiful; the whole body was soaked, the once snow-white fur now dirty and miserable.

Just like the first time she saw him.

In an instant, Tan Yinyin burst into tears, and tears flowed like a breached dam, more surging than the cold rainwater combined.

He was her baby, how could she abandon him?

Seeing her lose control of her emotions, Danny rushed over, rubbing his head against her legs, trying to comfort her.

She picked him up, crying, and continued to use her arm to shield him from the rain, her voice choked, intermittently saying, "Blue... I'm sorry... I won't leave you again... As long as I never go back to that house, it's fine."

"In the future... we'll be together forever."


Tan Yinyin was really prepared never to go back.

She asked the little cat to wait for her outside for a while, then quickly rushed into the villa. Seeing her messy room, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes.

She packed her necessary books, clothes, and the gift from yesterday into her suitcase. Soon, under Tan Zhihai's furious shouts, she ran out of the villa.

Before leaving, she also took a dry towel and an umbrella from her room, mainly to prevent the little cat from getting sick.

She went to her grandmother's house in the countryside.

Because her aunt was very busy with work, her grandmother often stayed home alone. Naturally, she was very welcoming to Tan Yinyin and the little cat.

For Tan Yinyin, the only difference from before was waking up a bit earlier in the morning, walking a longer distance to catch a bus to school, and doing the same in the afternoon. It took a bit more time and effort.

Moreover, at her grandmother's place, she could not only accompany her elderly grandmother but also feel a bit happier herself, unlike before, feeling oppressed.

During this time, Lin Churan and Qin Zhixuan's lives were unusually calm. They happily forgot everything, enjoying the happy days without Tan Yinyin.

Tan Yinyin's principle was: if someone doesn't provoke her, she won't provoke others; but if someone does provoke her, she will retaliate.

Moreover, those in darkness often do things that those in the light wouldn't.

So, how could she let Lin Churan and Qin Zhixuan off easily?

Soon, Lin Churan's love letter to the senior boyfriend and their intimate photos became a sensation on the school forum.

Not only that, but intimate photos and love letters were shamelessly placed on the senior's desk for all to see.

With such blatant provocation, the senior didn't hesitate to call a group of people and cornered Lin Churan in the restroom.

Despite Lin Churan's denials and pleas for mercy, a group of girls gave her a thrashing, and then the senior grabbed her hair and forced her head into the toilet.

The senior could dominate the school not just because of her aggressive nature and physical strength but also because her father was the mayor, far surpassing Tan Zhihai the nouveau riche. So, even if she bullied Lin Churan, nobody dared to stop her.

This incident made Lin Churan never dare to approach the senior's boyfriend again, always keeping a distance whenever she saw him.

They thought the matter had ended, but a few days later, even more intimate photos of Lin Churan and the senior's boyfriend surfaced on the forum.

Lin Churan was so scared she didn't even dare to use the restroom at school. However, after school, the senior unhesitatingly blocked her at the school gate and once again assaulted her, taking some disgraceful pictures and posting them on the forum.

This cycle of campus violence didn't end until high school graduation.

Lin Churan vehemently denied the authenticity of those love letters and photos. She even had people clarify that many of the intimate photos were Photoshopped, but the photo editing was so skilled that it was hard to distinguish between real and fake. However, the handwriting in the love letters matched hers perfectly, and she had no evidence to refute it.

Furthermore, the person who placed the photos on the senior's desk did it when the school surveillance was briefly down, and no one knew who it might be. The forum account posting these was just a random alias made in an internet cafe without real-name authentication, untraceable.

She suspected Tan Yinyin was behind it all but couldn't find any evidence. She personally confronted Tan Yinyin, but all she got was a smile from Tan Yinyin, a smile that sent chills down her spine.

Tan Yinyin chuckled, saying, "What's this? Churan, you've had a too comfortable life, always expecting everyone to make you happy. But you're just experiencing one of the pains I've felt before."

Lin Churan did indeed get close to the senior's boyfriend before, so nobody doubted the authenticity of the intimate photos and love letters. However, the intimate photos were indeed fake, some captured candidly, some excellently edited. And the love letters were written by Tan Yinyin, imitating Lin Churan's handwriting. Everything was done by Tan Yinyin alone.

And as for Qin Zhixuan?

She also witnessed Tan Yinyin's chilling smile.

It happened when they passed by each other, and Tan Yinyin suddenly said to her with a smile, "I heard you like ballet?"

Qin Zhixuan suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

But nothing happened. Until one time, during a school event, despite being busy with exams, Qin Zhixuan, who excelled in ballet, performed on stage. Tan Yinyin, with outstanding grades, also delivered a speech on stage.

When Qin Zhixuan took the stage, she inexplicably felt her body gradually losing strength. Despite giving her best effort, her performance ended up a mess.

To make matters worse, she gradually found it difficult even to walk, and others simply thought she was too delicate. However, the discreet Qin Zhixuan went to the hospital for a check-up, and the results instantly devastated her.

The doctor explained that she was suffering from nerve damage due to poisoning, and her muscles were already beginning to atrophy.

Nerve damage is extremely difficult to treat, and with the current medical conditions, there was only a 70% chance of recovery, requiring a substantial amount of medical expenses and a lengthy treatment period.

Tan Yinyin had concocted the poison herself, feeling that Qin Zhixuan hadn't committed a grave mistake, so she had shown mercy by administering a dosage that could be cured.

During that performance, the school provided mineral water to everyone backstage. Tan Yinyin poured her concoction into Qin Zhixuan's mineral water bottle.

Since ordinary people wouldn't keep mineral water bottles, the unsuspecting Qin Zhixuan drank the water and threw the bottle into the trash. The janitor quickly disposed of it, leaving no evidence behind.

As for Tan Zhihai and Qu Fanghua, Tan Yinyin found it challenging to directly retaliate against them. However, Tan Zhihai's only two biological children had turned against him because of this marriage, severing all ties. Time would bring punishment to Tan Zhihai and Qu Fanghua.

Besides, did Tan Zhihai truly like Qu Fanghua?

Ha-ha, not really.

Surprisingly, he often casually told Tan Yinyin behind the scenes that he wanted to divorce Qu Fanghua, just because of a very small disagreement between them.

Tan Yinyin moved into her grandmother's house the next day.

A small sedan entered the courtyard, and her grandmother, leaning on a cane, happily shouted outside Tan Yinyin's door, "Yinyin, your aunt is back!"

Hearing this, Tan Yinyin responded and then set down her pen, picked up Danny, opened the door, and ran towards the house. While running, she joyfully shouted outside, "Aunt, I've come to stay here!"

A woman who had just gotten out of the car, wearing black-framed glasses and having short hair that reached only to her ears, looking neat and tidy, was evidently—

Dr. Liu Yibo.

"Yinyin, you've come... and Danny Prince?!"