
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 32: Pregnant

Upon hearing the name, Tan Yinyin was completely stunned.

"Danny? That brother! The prince?" she thought.

Could it be Lulu... It can't be!

So, her brother had really come to find her, and he didn't break their agreement!

Also, every time she undressed in her room or slept, she didn't deliberately avoid the little cat, thinking he was just a baby and a different species. But, it turns out he's that brother!

With these realizations, Tan Yinyin's face turned completely red.

Meanwhile, Danny, recognizing Liu Yi as a scientist from the M.R. lab, immediately nervously clutched Tan Yinyin's clothes and looked at Liu Yi with vigilance.

"Yinyin, why are you holding Danny Prince? Do you know who he is?" Liu Yi asked Tan Yinyin seriously.

"I... I know," Tan Yinyin felt that something was off, though she didn't know how her aunt found out about the little cat's identity. Nevertheless, she had to say something. "You know, but... I'm already carrying his child!"

"What!?" both Liu Yi and her grandmother exclaimed incredulously.

Danny was utterly bewildered.

"I've had a falling out with my dad for him, and my dad won't let me go back now. Auntie, do you also not welcome us?" Tan Yinyin, the little green tea, began her act again.

After saying this with a pitiful expression, she continued, "Auntie, if you don't welcome us, we can leave now. I will definitely give birth to this child and won't separate from the child's father."

"Ah... What kind of situation is this!" Liu Yi sighed helplessly.

Grandmother also advised Liu Yi, "Ermao, just let them stay here. You're often not at home, and I'm lonely, this old lady!"

Liu Yi was caught in a dilemma, and finally, she reluctantly agreed, "Fine, hide him well. We don't know what trouble he might bring!"

"Okay, I will make sure he doesn't cause any trouble for our family. Thank you, Auntie!" Tan Yinyin said joyfully.

While in Tan Yinyin's arms, Danny was lost in thought, constantly pondering: How did the little one end up pregnant?

Suddenly, he remembered the kiss from the previous week when the little one "chu" kissed him. Could it be that a kiss leads to pregnancy?

If so, what should he do? The little one is already pregnant with his child!

He felt that he must take on the responsibility of being a father!

In the palace beneath the Gorah Forest.

It had been a month since Michael successfully rebelled, and the coronation ceremony for the new king was scheduled for midnight tonight.

The dark gold clock on the palace pillar was ticking away, indicating that midnight was approaching.

However, as Patrick looked up at the blood ball, it was still slowly expanding, showing no sign of transforming into a vampire anytime soon.

The midnight chimes rang out.

Vampires were still singing hymns tirelessly, but their foreheads were getting sweatier, revealing their increasing anxiety.

Patrick was also anxious. He knelt in front of the blood ball and said, "Your Majesty, the traitor Michael has forged the Patriarch's ring, and his coronation ceremony has officially begun."

Only they knew that the real Patriarch's ring was with the queen, so Michael's ring must be a forgery.

Although this was an extremely rebellious act, they had no way to prove that Michael had forged the Patriarch's ring.

If the queen had not successfully resurrected, they could not stop Michael's ascension, making him the true king of the vampires.

Moreover, this place was far from the castle. Even if the queen resurrected immediately and flew at her fastest speed, she would only barely catch up with the final step of Michael's coronation ceremony.

However, when would the queen successfully reshape her body?

Could she... successfully reshape her body?


In the castle, all the roses were uprooted, replaced by thorny vines, which were Michael's favorite.

The once rich and vibrant colors turned into a large area of dull gray and black, giving off a lifeless atmosphere.

Many vampires here were also singing ancient and solemn hymns, a song sung by the vampires when welcoming a new king.

The solemn song echoed throughout the entire castle. However, in the vampire territory below the castle, except where Michael's guards were stationed, this hymn was rarely heard.

It was because Michael had seized power through rebellion, and the late queen was known for her benevolence towards the people. Therefore, some citizens didn't oppose Michael, while many others did.

Around the outer perimeter of the castle, there was a large circle of blood containing the blood of all races. The blood was covered with a layer of oil, and Michael had already thrown a spark onto this layer of oil. Dark red flames instantly surrounded the entire castle, resembling blood burning fiercely.

Amidst the majestic singing, Andrew held a black stone plate with the Patriarch's ring on it. He stood in front of the throne, waiting for Michael and Fiona to walk from the black carpet.

The black carpet extended from the edge of the mountain to the newly polished silver throne. Michael, walking on the black carpet, wore a dignified black suit, while Fiona, holding his arm, wore a gorgeous but still revealing black gown.

On this night, the guards around the castle were particularly strict.

When Michael reached the front door of the hall, beside the black carpet, the new captain of the guards quickly reported to him through mouth movements that everything was normal, and no incidents had occurred.

The ceremony had reached its final step. As long as he put on the Patriarch's ring and sat on the throne, all the vampires would bow to him, and then, he would truly become the king of the vampires.

Thinking so, Michael couldn't wait to put on the ring.

Soon, he walked up to Andrew. Pretending to be calm, he picked up the ring and put it on, everything proceeding smoothly.

Michael and Fiona were both very happy; the throne was now thoroughly within their grasp.

Suppressing their inner ecstasy, they lifted their feet and walked towards the elevated throne.

Just as they were about to sit on the throne, a voice, extremely enchanting and seemingly mocking, softly came from an unknown direction—

"Let me see who forged the Patriarch's ring and wants to steal my throne?"