
Blood And Briars

Garnetta Briars, a once-beautiful 17-year-old girl from a small town, is accidentally killed by a group of drunken boys while visiting her mother’s grave. As she lies dying, she is offered a second chance at life by Raphael, an ancient and mysterious vampire with a French accent. Raphael transforms Garnetta into a vampire, awakening her to a new world filled with both danger and power. Now, 200 years later, Garnetta lives a life of solitude and restraint, feeding only on wild animals and honing her unique vampire ability to grow and manipulate briar roses that can siphon the life force of others. The roses serve as both a defensive weapon and a surveillance system, allowing Garnetta to protect herself and those she cares about.

Socordia_Jade · Derivasi dari karya
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125 Chs

Awakening In Darkness

The first thing Garnetta Briars noticed was the silence. It wasn't the comforting, familiar quiet of the cemetery where she had so often visited her mother's grave. No, this was a silence that pressed against her from all sides, thick and suffocating, as if the world itself had been muted. It clung to her like a shroud, filling her with a sense of unease that she couldn't quite place.

Slowly, she became aware of other sensations—cool, smooth fabric against her skin, the faint scent of wood smoke mingling with something darker, richer. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was met with a dim, flickering light. It took her a moment to realize she was lying on a bed draped in heavy velvet, the kind she had only ever seen in old movies.

As she tried to sit up, a sharp pain lanced through her head, and with it came the memories—vivid, violent, and terrifying. The cemetery. The boys. The crash of glass against her skull. She remembered the feeling of warm blood trickling down her face, the cold earth beneath her as she fell, and the panic in her chest as her vision faded. But then… there was something else, something she couldn't quite grasp.

A shadow. A voice. A promise of life.

Her breath hitched as she recalled the last thing she had seen before the darkness claimed her—a man, impossibly beautiful, with eyes the color of fresh blood. He had knelt beside her, his voice a low murmur in her ear, asking her if she wished to live. And she had answered, though she wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was instinct, the primal desire to survive, that had driven her to whisper that single word: yes.

And now she was here, in this strange, dimly lit room that smelled of age and mystery. The pain in her head had subsided to a dull throb, but something else had taken its place—a deep, gnawing hunger that seemed to radiate from her very bones. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, a craving so intense it nearly drove her to madness.

Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, the door to the room creaked open, and a figure stepped inside. Garnetta froze, her senses sharpening as she took in the man's appearance. He was tall and slender, with a presence that commanded attention despite his quiet demeanor. His dark hair was slicked back neatly, and his eyes—those same blood-red eyes she remembered—glowed softly in the low light.

"Ah, you are awake," he said, his voice smooth and melodic, with a hint of an accent that Garnetta couldn't quite place. "How are you feeling, mademoiselle?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat. How was she feeling? She wasn't sure she even knew how to answer that question. She settled for nodding slightly, her eyes never leaving his face.

The man smiled, a small, almost wistful curve of his lips. "It is to be expected. The transition is… difficult, at first. But you will grow accustomed to it in time."

Garnetta swallowed, her mind racing. "Who… who are you?" she finally managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

He inclined his head slightly, a gesture that was both respectful and somehow intimate. "My name is Raphael," he said, his accent becoming clearer with each word. French, she realized. His voice carried the elegant lilt of a native speaker. "And I am the one who has brought you back from the brink of death."

Her heart pounded in her chest—no, it was different, not her heart, but something within her, a pulse that thrummed with a strange energy. "What… what have you done to me?"

Raphael's expression softened, and he moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. Garnetta felt a sudden wave of calm wash over her, as if his very presence soothed the storm of emotions raging inside her. "I have given you a second chance," he said gently. "A chance to live a life far beyond the one you knew. But it is not without its challenges."

She could only stare at him, her mind struggling to make sense of his words. "I don't understand…"

He reached out, his hand hovering just above hers, as if waiting for her permission to touch. "You are no longer the girl you once were, Garnetta. You have been reborn, as I was many centuries ago. You are a vampire now, and your life will never be the same."

The word hit her like a physical blow, knocking the breath from her lungs. A vampire. It was impossible, unthinkable… yet, as she gazed into Raphael's eyes, she knew he was telling the truth. She could feel it in the very core of her being, a truth that resonated with the deep, primal hunger that clawed at her insides.

"I… I don't…" she stammered, shaking her head as if she could shake off the reality of what he was saying.

Raphael's hand closed over hers, his touch cool and steady. "You are not alone in this, Garnetta. I will help you, guide you, as my sire once guided me. Together, we will navigate this new world you find yourself in."

She looked down at their joined hands, the stark contrast between his pale skin and her own. His words were comforting, yet the enormity of what he was saying threatened to overwhelm her. She was a vampire. A creature of the night, bound by an insatiable thirst for blood. How could she possibly live like this?

As if sensing her turmoil, Raphael gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "There is much to learn, and it will take time," he said softly. "But for now, you must rest. Your body is still adjusting to the change, and you will need your strength for what lies ahead."

Garnetta nodded numbly, her mind reeling. She wanted to argue, to demand answers, but she was so tired. The hunger still gnawed at her, but the exhaustion was greater, pulling her down into its depths. She allowed Raphael to guide her back down onto the bed, her thoughts swirling in a chaotic whirl.

As she drifted off, the last thing she saw was Raphael's face, calm and reassuring. And in that moment, despite the fear and confusion, she found herself trusting him. He had saved her, after all. And in this strange, new world, he was the only one she could turn to.

The darkness claimed her once more, but this time, it was not as terrifying. For somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that when she awoke, Raphael would be there, ready to help her face whatever came next.