
Chapter 3

Gemma's POV

"Wake up my Gem", I heard Adrian's voice say. I must have fallen asleep after crying.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked. I was still so tired and figured it couldn't be more than 20 minutes. I was very surprised when he told me that it had been at least 2 hours.

I couldn't seem to relate what had transpired between our children and myself without more crying.

"Why don't you let healer Kensi test you...you know...just in case". The mixture of both concern for me and yet hope for the possibility of a child appeared in Adrian's face. I sighed and gave in.

I refused to get my hopes up because I knew I was still having a monthly bleeding and therefore couldn't possibly be pregnant. The test, I knew, would just confirm what all the previous tests showed; that I was unable to have anymore children.

I stayed in bed as Adrian showed Kensi into our bedroom. Someone who didn't know better would think we were inviting a child as a healer. Kensi, a silver haired blue eyed girl was extremely short. Standing next to my towering husband wasn't doing her any favors in comparing height either.

If we were a people who inherited coloring from their parents, one would think that Adrian and Kensi were related; both having silver hair. My husband's eyes being red instead of blue.

Kensi's dual attributes of healer and water made her extra effective as a healer and her nurturing personality made her ideal in her role of midwife and children's healer.

"How are you feeling today, Gemma?" Kensi asked while giving me a warm smile laced with some concern.

"Just tired" I replied while trying to decide whether or not to expound on the fact that I was a mother of two active children and that being tired was just a given.

Kenzi simply nodded in acknowledgement before placing her hands gently on my stomach. The familiar tingle of the health test was felt briefly before it stopped. Up to that point everything was a normal visit by a healer. Then the test was felt again. I finally looked from Kenzi's hands up to her face, which was one of puzzlement.

"Is something wrong?" Adrian asked in a worried voice. He could tell that there was something unusual going on as well. Kenzie cocked her head to one side, then the other before bluntly saying "you're three months pregnant".

Shocked would not even begin to cover what I felt at that moment.

"But I'm still having my period every month" I said, denying the possibility and yet desperately hoping that what she said was true.

"It's not common, but I have seen mother's have short, light menstruation during their first trimester. I think that you will most likely not have more than one more before you stop for the remainder of your pregnancy."

Kensi then proceeded to ask me many questions about how I was feeling and helped answer my questions that never came up with my last 2 pregnacies.

By the end of her visit I was feeling more relieved about this unexpected yet highly desired result. I knew I could contact her if I had any other questions.

"I'll come again in 2 weeks unless I hear from you before. Take good care of yourself and congratulations to you both. I'll see myself out as I'm sure you have a lot to discuss" Kensi stated and then left.