
Chapter 7: Green part 3

Luo was surprised to hear Urahara's words, and he just stared at his fingertips, which were touching the box.

"What makes you think that it belongs to me?"

Luo didn't know how Urahara was capable of either guessing or finding out his origin; however, his reasons were flawless. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't deny anything. As he truly did change quite a bit compared to his previous self. His goals and intentions, and even his worldview, had drastically been altered the moment he returned.

No matter how great of an actor he was, it was obvious, even for Ichigo. Admitting partial defeat, he sighed and looked up at the man's eyes, trying to keep a straight face, not showing any kind of emotions at all.

He knew that the man sitting before him was not only powerful but was very intelligent as well. However, he believed he still had one card up his sleeves, which would surprise the man greatly. Thought the information gathering of Urahar was impressive, but he still knew nothing about Luo and his abilities.

"I-I think I should be heading back for the day; I don't want to meddle in your discussion..."

Rukia spoke up just as Luo took a deep breath. And then, without even averting his eyes from Urahara's, he replied.

"Don't forget to take a pill."


Rukia didn't know what to do. As a result. She looked at the shopkeeper, who nodded and gave her a vial, and then instantly looked back at Luo.

Rukia left quickly and quietly, leaving the two men alone. Luo was staring into Urahra's eyes in order to figure out more of his intentions; however, as he felt nothing, just pure curiosity, he once again sighed audibly.

"Luo Kurosaki... You are quite an interesting person... Would you mind following me? I would like to have a friendly duel with you. I am sure you are just as interested as I am."

"A duel, you say? Although I would be interested, I am not confident that I would provide an adequate level of challenge."

"That won't be a problem. Now, please follow me!"

The shopkeeper said and quickly stood up, grabbed a cane which was next to the wall, and led Luo to an underground area. It was massive and was made of mostly stone, perfect for training.

As soon as they got down a massive leader, Luo instantly noticed one thing. The density of Qi in that area seemed to be better than on the surface. He quickly looked around to observe the area.

He knew that he would most definitely be defeated. However, he wanted to utilise the skills he was able to perform in his current state and play a few tricks.

He decided that he would utilise a few hastily made formations. Of course, if he really wanted to use them to kill, he would need a long time to set them up, but he knew that in his current state, they would be just too weak; as a result, he wasted time creating stronger ones was not quite what was on his mind.

He quickly scratched his head, and as he was drawing his hand back, he pulled a few pieces of his hair out. He managed to pull out a few dozen pieces, so he quickly clenched his fists and started infusing them with Qi; in the meantime, he proceeded to buy some time by talking to Urahara.

"It is quite a nice area; I like it. By the way, since it is so well secured, don't forget, you too will have to show some skills as well, as I am curious as well."

"Don't worry about that; I will happily show you some."

Urahara replied with a friendly tone; however, for some reason, Luo couldn't help but feel it was threatening. He sighed, spun his toy wooden sword around, and pointed at Urahara, who was just casually holding his cane.

"Ready when you are."

The two spoke up simultaneously. Knowing fully well that Urahara was stronger, Luo was reluctant to act at first, but seeing that his opponent didn't move, he knew he needed to move first. Since this was presumably not a bloody fight, he gave in and dashed at Urahara.

Just before the collision, Luo's blade grew up with a blueish colour and as soon as it hit Urahara's cane, a powerful burst of energy erupted from the blade, which pushed Urahara back a bit.

With that, he had just managed to ready himself to continue the process of establishing some small. Formations, as a result, he quickly dropped all of the pieces of hair he had and quickly spun his blade around. It had no real use for combat, only so that the air would push the hair around the area, and he wouldn't need to scatter it manually.

"Not bad power, and great utilisation of power... He fights as if he has years of experience in it, yet I can't help but feel that he is still just playing around... Now I am really curious to see what he has to offer."

Urahara thought as he suddenly decided to turn it up a bit and kicked off. Although he was not one bit serious, he dashed towards Luo at a great speed. Luo managed to block the attack, but he slid back a few meters, just like Urahara did a moment ago.

After stepping forward, a sudden feeling emerged in Urahara. This sensation was quite new as he had never ever felt anything like that. He felt as if all his senses had dulled greatly, and also felt that his body grew a bit heavier, and almost as if he was walking in water, he felt slower.

"So you wanted to see some of my skills, right? Fine, prepare yourself!"

Luo declared as he extended his blade, and its tip started glowing with pure energy, which was almost instantly fired at Urahara. The beam of energy imploded upon impact, creating a massive cloud of dust. At that moment, Luo's eyes widened.