
Chapter 6: Green part 2

The strange and accurate remark of the man shocked not only Luo but also Rukia. This strange man seemed as if he would pose no threat at all, however, no matter how much he tried to hide. Luo could feel that he was no ordinary man.

As a result, he quickly drew his wooden blade, pointing it at the man as he took a step back. He prepared for the words and was ready to attack any moment.

"Woah! Hold your horses! I have no intention to fight you! You have just exceeded my expectations, that is all. Let's start with the formalities, shall we? My name is Kisuke Urahara, the owner of this humble shop."

"It seems that although I wanted to have questions regarding the whole situation, you, too, are interested in learning a few things..."

Luo mumbled after he assessed the situation thoroughly and finally lowered his sword. However, it didn't mean that he was not prepared to attack should the need arise. He soon sat down on the cold floor in front of the man dressed in green and crossed his legs.

"So, tell me why you wanted to have a chat with me?"

"Straight to business, ey? Alright, please wait here. There are a few things I want you to take a look at."

Urahara quickly stood up using a cane and then walked into the backroom of the small shop. Luo used this moment to look at Ruika, who was still somewhat surprised.

"There they are."

Urahara's voice came from the back room, indicating that he had found what he was looking for. After a few seconds, he returned with three large cardboard boxes, which he placed right in front of Luo, who just looked into his eyes. The man slowly opened two of the three boxes and slightly pushed them closer to Luo.

The first one contained some sort of small vials made of very fine material. As for the second one, it was a dagger seemingly made of glass. Luo only sighed as he looked at them, and then he instantly shifted his gaze back at Urahara.

"These items have been found in the city. They seemed to have somehow appeared yesterday. Since these items don't quite belong to this world, I have run a few tests on them, and the results were disappointing... Also, on the same day, we noticed a strange surge of energy originating from your room."

Explained Urahara as he looked deeply into Luo's eyes. His previous slightly laid-back personality completely vanished, and instead, he grew serious.

"It is safe to assume that whatever happened in your room yesterday had dire consequences on the world. We have yet to understand how your powers work, but it is clear that you are not using Spiritual Pressure... A few individuals who had been killed by hollows had similar powers to you. As a result, it is safe to assume that our world has been connected to another world."

Urahara explained while his eyes did not leave Luo's. Who, just like Urahara, kept glaring into the man's eyes.

"So please tell me what these are..."

"Fine, but I want to have answers as well."

"That is fine by me!"

"These containers are used to store special pills which could, in most cases, help the user. These particular ones are useful for both healing and regenerating stamina and energy. They are of quite low quality, but they are useful. If you really lost your power, Rukia, you could try one."

Luo explained as he glanced at Rukia, who kneeled down next to them to have a look at the boxes as well.

"As for that other one. That is just a weapon with its unique properties..." Suddenly, he grabbed the weapon and looked at it. "Hm, not bad, it is specialised in damaging souls. In layman's terms, even if it just scratches the target, their soul would be slightly damaged as well."

"Is there any protection against an attack like this?"

Rukia asked as she listened to the explanation.

"Of course! The severity greatly depends on the power of the user, the quality of the weapon itself, and the power of the target. This one is only of low quality, just like the pills. Anyway, what is in the third one?"

Luo asked as he looked back into Urahara's eyes. Who at first nodded, then put the two boxes aside and pulled the last one closer.

"Take a look. This is something that I can't even recognise what it is, but it is emitting some strange energies."

Urahara proceeded to open the box slowly. For a brief moment, Luo could see a star in it. It was made of crystal-like material and had some sort of blue liquid in it. As soon as he noticed it, he suddenly grabbed the box, pulled it closer to him, and closed it.

He started sweating greatly and then quickly looked back up at Urahara, who seemed slightly surprised but very curious.

"So you are saying that you have found these items in the city?"


"That is bad... I have a very bad feeling... what could have happened?"

"What are you talking about? What is this strange device?"

"The problem has nothing to do with this item... the problem is how it got here, or to be more precise, where it got here from. This is a core. Usually, they have two uses: first, to act as the eye of a formation. Or to store a large amount of Qi... But this one has such a large amount of Qi that it is in the process of developing consciousness..."

"You seem to know quite a lot about these particular items... Although my information about this new phenomenon is quite limited, you seem to know much more... It seems my suspicion was true..."

Urahara mumbled as he put the other two boxes aside and sighed.

"It seems you truly have been to their worlds, just as I expected... That is the reason why you know so much, right? Why did your personality suddenly change in a single day... "

Suddenly, Urahara extended his hand and put it onto the box in front of Luo.

"And you are the owner and creator of this item, correct?"