Time advanced, and it was now the fourth month since Errol's reincarnation into this world.
He learned his full name, Errol Belladona, and his grandfather's name, Orlando Belladona.
Upon learning his full name, Errol felt a sense of relief as it confirmed he was not in Japan or in Kasakura town. However, it also instilled a new fear in him - the unknown dangers outside of that town.
'I feel relieved that I'm not in Japan where all the chaos happened, but now I have a different fear of what might be in store for me in this place... At least in Japan, I knew about the hollows... But here, there might also be hollows, but how frequently do they appear?'
"Ah, ehh, iihh, ohhh...uuhhh," Errol practiced his vocalizations while nestled in his grandpa's arms.
"Oh, are you practicing your vocals again? That's great, haha. Hurry and learn to speak and call grandpa."
Initially, Errol wanted to try his powers but discovering that it was impossible with his underdeveloped vocal cords, he decided to just exercise them to accelerate their development.
His grandpa caught him practicing, but he just dismissed it as a peculiar habit of babies and laughed, encouraging him.
Errol's experiences in this month could be described as both the best and worst parts of his life. He could be as lazy as he wanted and nobody would complain. No more thesis, no reaction papers, and no other exhausting schoolwork.
However, every positive aspect has its negative counterpart. As a baby, he had no control over his bodily functions, so urinating and defecating were beyond his control. He had to wait for his grandpa or some maids to clean him up.
Errol also discovered that he was born into a wealthy family. They weren't rich enough to throw money around and buy whatever they wanted, but they were affluent enough to incite envy from middle-class families.
Errol observed his grandpa's face for a moment before feeling sleepy from all the vocal training he did. His grandpa noticed his drowsiness, so he moved him to his crib and gently rocked it with a fond smile on his face.
Time passed, and it wasn't long before Errol made a significant breakthrough.
"Oh! You did it, Errol! Hahaha, you have finally called grandpa, although we still need to practice your pronunciation, haha."
Grandpa Orlando was grinning ear to ear, clearly in a good mood after being called grandpa by his grandson. Meanwhile, baby Errol was also grinning, albeit for a different reason.
'Yes, I did it! It won't be long before I can use my power, hahaha.'
While he was fantasizing about how he would use his power in the future, a phone rang. His grandpa picked him up and answered the call.
"Hello... I see...sigh..... Ummm.... I'll be there."
After ending the call, he looked at Errol. "Sorry, looks like grandpa has some work. Don't worry, there are still the cute maids that will be taking care of you, haha. Wait for grandpa, okay?"
Errol was then handed over to a maid who was standing by, waiting for orders. After bidding his last goodbye, Orlando left.
Errol just watched the disappearing figure of his grandpa, to whom he had grown quite attached. He wasn't very close to his grandparents in his previous life due to limited contact. Even though they always gave him gifts when he was a kid, he was too shy to get close to them.
This is why he was quite reluctant to let Orlando go. He also found it quite boring to be alone. He then looked at the maid holding him. She wasn't overly beautiful, but she was above average.
At first, he felt uncomfortable being in the arms of the maid. Even in his 20s, he had a hard time dealing with strangers. But after a few months of having no control over his body, he got used to it.
She looked at him and gently rocked him in her arms to make him sleep. He didn't resist as he also had nothing to do as a baby. He was about to sleep, but he decided to at least try to recall what he knew about this world.
"Huhuhuh, you're so cute, young master..."
The maid hummed while carrying him to his crib in the hallway. Meanwhile, in Errol's mind, he was trying to recall everything he remembered about Bleach.
'Hmmm....ummmm...damn it....I never expected this, but my knowledge about the canon of this world is fragmented. I mean, it's not my fault as I didn't know that I would be reincarnated here, and I only watched Bleach on TV, which made me miss episodes when I was busy....'
The maid placed him in the crib and looked at him for a moment, making sure he was asleep before leaving.
'Arrgh, damn it...at least I remember some arcs, although incomplete, and I know that the final boss was Aizen, and that fullbringer guy with the Hawk-Eye wannabe sword...but I heard there is someone else being the final antagonist of this world. I just didn't bother to search as I only watched Bleach on TV to pass time and I'm not even that obsessed with it, except for the fight scenes which I admit are freaking awesome.'
He was thinking so hard that he didn't even notice he had fallen asleep. Well, he is a baby with an underdeveloped brain, which is understandable. Being able to think and remember things is already a miracle of its own.