
Chapter 20

"Ok, this last week has been wonderful but if I see you two wreck our property again I will be very angry." Shinji said with his signature grin on his face as he spun his hat on his finger.

"Thank you for everything till now." Tatsuki said as she bowed to the Visoreds, she was such a sweetheart.

"Thank them." She gritted out as she tried to make me bow along with her. An endeavor that was meaningless for I do not bow!

"Ok, you guys trained well so this shall be my last piece of wisdom to you two." Shinji said and both Tatsuki and I looked at him, wondering exactly when he actually gave wisdom before.

"Don't get caught." That was pretty wise.

In the end I had to drag Tatsuki so that she wouldn't get hurt trying, and failing, to murder Lisa after she gave her some 'advice' if you know what I mean.

So we walked through the inky night, with an eerie silence. Practically the best opportunity for a horror movie monster to attack.

"Hey." Then the silence was broken by Tatsuki.

"Do you think we can actually do it? Get Rukia back." She said, her voice was… weak. I hadn't heard her like that since the day I had killed the hentai reject hollow after it tried to have other students murder Tatsuki and Orihime.

"Probably." I answered her but she didn't exactly seem happy with my answer so I continued. "We are pretty strong for humans but Shinigamis live for centuries. Centuries where they train and get stronger. Rukia will be protected by the strongest of those people." I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"So it's hopeless?" Tatsuki asked but she didn't sound exactly shocked. Probably a result of her realizing how strong some people were due to training with Visoreds.

"Now I never said that." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Sure we have some pretty darn strong enemies but it's not like we are going there to fight all of them to death. We are going there to simply get our friend and get out. That we can do." I said and had to hold back wincing at her hopeful smile. Especially since we would have to fight captains and the fact that is going there wasn't actually about saving Rukia.

Sure that was an important part of our journey but our true purpose was to make Aizen show himself as the mad man he was. Shame since I had actually liked the broken character, mostly when he was on the other side of the screen though.

"So yeah, we can do this no problemo!" I lied with a smile on my face and it seemed to have worked as the schoolgirl smiled and stretched out her arm with her hand in a fist.

"You are right we can do this." If nothing else I had to smile at her resolve as I bumped my fist into her fist.

If nothing else this would not be boring.

<POV Change>

"Welcome my friends!" Urahara exclaimed as he waved his fan at the gathering of children before him.

Dear Soul King he had a half mind committing seppuku as he thought about what he was making these children do. But in the end he needed to do this. If he went to Soul Society then he wouldn't get the half hearted reception these children would get, no. He would be greeted by a combo of Kurotsuchi, Soi Fon, Unohana and the captain commander Yamamoto going after his ass.

Urahara might be tricky, but no one was tricky enough to survive that.

He threw his depressing thoughts to the back of his head only to realize Yoruichi had walked in while he was distracted and found her cat self in the arms of one Walter Cain who looked like he had no guilt at all.

"Don't judge me, I haven't had my dose of cats in a week." The young enigma said, daring anyone to judge him.

In the end Urahara decided to explain how he would be sending them to Soul Society and ignore his long time friend's torment in a young man's arms.

"Alright, now you all need to remember that the Soul Society is a place for souls and unlike Kurosaki-San over there, none of you are souls." The shopkeeper said as he gestured to orange headed Shinigami and the said Shinigami's human body laying down on the ground, where it was poked by young Orihime.

"But, fortunately for you all I managed to modify the Senkaimon in a way it will allow you to reach Soul Society even with your human bodies!" He told them his incredible accomplishment but the time he gave them to bask in his amazingness was interrupted by a certain Shinigami.

"When did you do that? We were training all week."

"Please do not question greatness!" Urahara smiled as he internally fumed at the young man. He would be sending Isshin a prank box for raising his son to be such a rude delinquent.

"Now, as I have explained this gateway will turn your bodies into spiritual bodies and it will also turn you back to normal as you come back." Urahara explained once more as he looked at the gathering of children before him.

It was concerning.

Especially young Orihime and Sado since they were basically the weakest of the six. Above them were Ishida and Tatsuki who were quite powerful for humans, an accomplishment that was even more impressive for Tatsuki as she hadn't had any power two weeks ago. And lastly on the very top were Ichigo and Cain, the powerhouses.

Out of the six only those two had a solid chance to survive against a captain level enemy, Ishida too might be able to do so if the glove on his hand was truly what Urahara believed it to be.

This team definitely had a chance to accomplish their mission if they worked smart but they definitely would need to be careful to do so. Which was pretty much impossible with Kurosaki Ichigo on the team.

Nah whatever he was also sending Yoruichi, she could save all of their asses if things went south.

"Now then, it is time for you all to leave." Urahara smiled as he opened the portal, doing all he could in order to NOT show how unnerved by his own decision he truly was.