
Blaze of Ruin

Solrine Cavaliere was a fascinating and contradictory person - extremely beautiful, yet showing clear signs of a difficult past. She had a subtle air of confidence and sensuality that came from her tattoos and her natural charm. With commitment issues, emotional unavailability, and a penchant for reckless behavior, she was every single man's greatest temptation...and worst nightmare. A seductive red flag personified. That is until a private indiscretion escalated into a public scandal that left her jobless and an outcast of society. Four months later she shared one blazing, unforgettable night with Stellan Dessanges where she showed him the exhilarating depths of passion. After over a year since that fateful encounter, fate has now thrown them together once more as she's forced to take a position as a house concierge for a powerful family's unmarried heir - the very same man who became captivated by her that night. Born into a life of great wealth and privilege. He was raised to lead his family's business empire one day. While he thinks it's practical to marry someone who can help the family's business, a part of him longs for the passionate connection he had with Solrine - and secretly hopes to find the same kind of true and deep love that his parents shared. Solrine's refusal to follow rules and her fear of commitment both attract and intimidate Stellan, because she is everything he is not - spontaneous and free. As they spend more time together, their old spark reignites, and he's drawn to her confidence and independence. However, he's also aware of her emotional walls and inability to open up, which makes him hesitant. She finds herself unexpectedly unleashing his inner dominance and primal desire, even as her impulsive behavior risks damaging their fragile relationship. In this story of intense and conflicting passion, two people who are clashing infernos will be drawn together by a love that's too combustible to ignore. But can their love overcome her troublesome tendencies? Or will the strength of their attraction ultimately consume them both in a blaze of reckless ruin?

JQueenn · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Distractions and Desires

Solrine emerged from the bathroom, slamming the door behind her as she gripped her phone tightly.

Pausing in front of the mirror, she took in her disheveled appearance - eyes swollen and bloodshot, mascara streaked down blotchy cheeks. A complete mess.

Her phone screen displayed the culprit - an open video flooded with vile comments viciously attacking her character. "Why are you letting this affect you, Sol?" she asked her haunted reflection. "You know you're better than these miserable lowlifes."

She studied her face further, anguish etched into features that had once radiated unshakable confidence.

Disgust and shame welled within her as the hateful words replayed in her mind.

With a strangled cry, she collapsed to the floor in a crumpled heap.

"Gosh, I'm such a mess! My life is ruined," she sobbed into her hands. "Why did I bring this upon myself? You foolish, foolish child..."

Later, Solrine sat curled against the corner, knees tucked to her chest as she puffed on a cigarette. Smoke swirled around her in a hazy veil as she tried to steady her ragged breaths and stem the endless flow of tears.

"Shit, the loneliness is getting to me," she muttered, stabbing out the dying ember. "I need to get out of here before I do something I'll regret."

Shoving off the floor, she moved with sudden determination.

By 5 pm, Solrine had traded her previous slovenly attire for a bold black leather ensemble - skin-tight pants and a fitted biker jacket that molded to her curvaceous frame.

She mounted her motorcycle, the powerful engine roaring to life between her thighs as she kicked off.

Weaving recklessly through dense city traffic, she seemed utterly unconcerned for her own safety.

Solrine swerved and split lanes with a blazing need for speed, barely slowing as she whipped into the parking garage of a glitzy high-rise.

Killing the ignition, she stalked towards the lobby elevators with her helmet tucked under one arm.

As the doors parted, a well-dressed gentleman rushed in behind her.

"My apologies," he offered with a roguish grin, taking in her leathers with admiring appreciation.

"You look stunningly beautiful wearing that, my lady. It's quite rare to see a woman riding a bike."

Solrine met his obvious flirtation with a flat stare, saying nothing. "Helmet?" the man prodded with a bemused chuckle.

"Oh..." She lifted the helmet from under her arm. "Thank you, mister."

"Heading to the bar for some drinks? Or meeting someone special?" His dark eyes danced with undisguised interest.

"The bar," Solrine replied coolly, turning away to watch the floor numbers tick by.

"I can tell - you look like you're in need of a pretty serious distraction this evening." He replied.

She thought to herself, why did he speak to her? Does he know her from the video?

Because she is quite popular these days and all the time she garners stares and attention, which mainly includes prejudiced judgment, hate, disgust, and shame toward her.

But this man's gaze is different. She was thankful for the encounter because it had been long since someone interacted with her this way apart from her family and best friends. It feels so good to experience this.

Unknowingly, a smile crept up on Solrine's face.

This is her first outing in two months since the incident, she hopes this night will be good hopefully.

As the doors parted, she brushed past him without a backward glance. "Nice meeting you."

"Likewise, my dear." The man said.

Striding into the dimly lit bar, Solrine scanned the crowd until her gaze locked onto an attractive stranger tucked away in a shadowy corner.

A pair of intense, chestnut-brown eyes met her daring stare from across the room as she started towards him with feline grace.

As she started towards him with feline grace, the stranger's own eyes shamelessly raked over the curves highlighted by her leather outfit.

Solrine felt her lips curl into a wicked smirk. She knew exactly what kind of reckless distraction she required this evening.

She broke the staring contest, as she strode to look for an empty space to sit and order but it seemed the stranger's eyes were on her, she decided to look in his direction and see that he was still staring at her, decided to take the empty spot beside him.

Since when he invited her over with those stares, who is she to refuse the honor?

"Fancy seeing a gorgeous thing like you in a place like this," the man purred as she slid into the booth opposite him.

"Though I can't say I'm surprised - you seem like the type who turns heads everywhere she goes."

Up close, she could better make out his chiseled features - artfully tousled dark hair, rugged jawline, and eyes that smoldered with a banked intensity.

"Maybe I'm just the type who goes wherever she pleases," Solrine countered, holding his heated gaze as she slowly stripped off her jacket.

The man's eyes followed the motion hungrily.

"My my isn't that an incredibly intriguing notion - a woman following her own whims and desires without restraint." His voice had dropped an octave, grown husky with unveiled longing. "Please, enlighten me further on this incredibly...rare creature."

Solrine leaned back against the cushioned booth, thoroughly relishing how his stare remained fixed upon the exposed ink writhing across her neck and right shoulder.

At that moment, she was determined to be anything other than the pathetic, broken woman she'd been earlier.

She would seduce and enthrall this perfect stranger using every tool in her formidable arsenal.

By night's end, she'd have him utterly enthralled - yearning, worshipful, perhaps even...ruined.

After all, providing such intoxicating distractions was Solrine's specialty.

Smiling slowly, she decided to give this handsome man a demonstration of her particular talents and expertise.

"Why don't you buy me a drink first?" she purred. "Then I'll show you all the deliciously uncivilized delights that await..."