
Blaze of Ruin

Solrine Cavaliere was a fascinating and contradictory person - extremely beautiful, yet showing clear signs of a difficult past. She had a subtle air of confidence and sensuality that came from her tattoos and her natural charm. With commitment issues, emotional unavailability, and a penchant for reckless behavior, she was every single man's greatest temptation...and worst nightmare. A seductive red flag personified. That is until a private indiscretion escalated into a public scandal that left her jobless and an outcast of society. Four months later she shared one blazing, unforgettable night with Stellan Dessanges where she showed him the exhilarating depths of passion. After over a year since that fateful encounter, fate has now thrown them together once more as she's forced to take a position as a house concierge for a powerful family's unmarried heir - the very same man who became captivated by her that night. Born into a life of great wealth and privilege. He was raised to lead his family's business empire one day. While he thinks it's practical to marry someone who can help the family's business, a part of him longs for the passionate connection he had with Solrine - and secretly hopes to find the same kind of true and deep love that his parents shared. Solrine's refusal to follow rules and her fear of commitment both attract and intimidate Stellan, because she is everything he is not - spontaneous and free. As they spend more time together, their old spark reignites, and he's drawn to her confidence and independence. However, he's also aware of her emotional walls and inability to open up, which makes him hesitant. She finds herself unexpectedly unleashing his inner dominance and primal desire, even as her impulsive behavior risks damaging their fragile relationship. In this story of intense and conflicting passion, two people who are clashing infernos will be drawn together by a love that's too combustible to ignore. But can their love overcome her troublesome tendencies? Or will the strength of their attraction ultimately consume them both in a blaze of reckless ruin?

JQueenn · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


She suddenly pulled his hands off her flushed face, which he had been gently patting to cool her fever.

Solrine stood up abruptly, wobbling as she headed towards the bedroom.

"Sol?" Stellan called out. She paused mid-step, breathing deeply before turning to face him with tired eyes.

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" His brow furrowed with concern.

She cut him off bluntly, "What do you want, Stellan?"

Confusion showed on his face. "What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strange these past few weeks." Solrine's tone was blunt yet tinged with exhaustion. "I don't want to make assumptions, so just tell me - how do you feel about me?"

Stellan's words tumbled out in a jumble. "I really...I...I can't explain myself, Solrine."

She turned to leave once more, but his voice stopped her. "Why are you leaving? You're too weak to be moving around alone."

Fire flashed in her emerald eyes as she whipped back around. "I can take care of myself. Thanks!"

"SOLRINE!" The harsh shout made her flinch.

With an irritated sigh, she faced him fully, arms crossed defiantly. "What? What?! You clearly don't know how you feel, or you're just ignoring it. You've been fussing over me constantly, doting on me relentlessly - cooking breakfast, which is my job, assisting me hand and foot. Then the flowers..." Her eyes narrowed. "FLOWERS!, Stellan? Who does that unless they have feelings for someone?"

His gaze held hers, sincere yet resolute. "Okay, fine. It's true - I am falling for you, Solrine Cavaliere. I've been drawn to you from the first moment I saw you at that bar. I was grateful when you approached me, even if I didn't understand why at the time."

Stellan stepped closer, cupping her face tenderly. "You've filled my dreams over and over since that incredible night together. At first, I attributed it to mere lust, because what happened between us was...amazing."

His warm brown eyes burned with rekindled longing. "I regretted not getting your number that night so I could find you again."

A small smile played across Solrine's lips as she held his ardent stare. "When my mother introduced you as my new house concierge, I could hardly believe my luck - that you had come into my life again, this time for longer." His voice lowered with earnest yearning.

"So yes, I've been falling for your vibrant spirit since we first met. You make me smile, shake up my rigid world, and bring brilliant color into my life. Selfishly, I want you by my side."

He searched her impassive features, seeking any flicker of reciprocation. "I thought you believed in an arranged marriage for the family's benefit..."

"Yes," he cut in flatly. "But that was before I met you. Now I want to spend my life with someone who ignites my soul - you, Solrine. I realize I've been drawn to your passionate fire, yet feared that if you knew how I felt, you would reject me completely."

Unshed tears glistened in Solrine's eyes as she looked away. "Well, you were right about that. I do reject this...romantic bullshit. I don't feel the same way, Stellan."

Her tone regained its usual nonchalance, her walls solidifying. "You know I'm not made for love and commitment. It's best if you leave me alone for now to sort yourself out. I can take care of myself."

As she turned to leave, Stellan seized her wrist, pulling her back towards him. "Dammit, Solrine! Why won't you just open up to me, instead of shutting me out?" His anguished growl rumbled with frustration. "The past doesn't have to control you!"

Her eyes flared with defiant fire. "I don't want to expose my vulnerabilities - you know that!" She wrenched her arm free, yelling with all her spent strength, "JUST LEAVE ME BE, STELLAN!"

The bedroom door slammed decisively, sealing off her inner turmoil.

Devastated, Stellan sank onto the couch, cradling his head in his hands. This was precisely what he'd feared - his feelings burning too intensely and driving her further behind solitary walls.

Blaming himself for losing control, he vowed with grim determination that he could not, would not, allow this smoldering spark between them to extinguish.

Not without fighting to make her understand the blazing truth in his heart.