
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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After the white light, a Lapras appeared in front of Ash and Pikachu. The smooth skin of water blue had a protective shell on the back, and there were many raised stones on it. The forehead had blue obtuse angles, 2 Only ears curled up .

Lapras belongs to the relatively rare Pokémon. It is not so easy for ordinary trainers to obtain one. Because of the large number of human captures, it is almost on the verge of extinction.

"Is it Water Type plus ice attribute again, Pikachu, Thunderbolt." Looked Champion-level Peak's Lapras, Ash narrowed his eyes, secretly thought worthy-of is the old Champion-level Trainer, the main Pokémon is more, all of them are Champion level.

"Pika ~ Mound." Pikachu, who had released Thor mode, suddenly recovered remote Ability. A golden lightning flashed away at Lapras in an instant, and the speed was quite fast.

"Lapras, Safeguard." A water blue energy cover enveloped Lapras. Pikachu's Thunderbolt hit the Safeguard, creating a partial crack, not at all breaking through the defense of the other side.

"Lapras, Hydro Pump attack." After defending Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Pryce issued the order again. This time, unlike the previous game, Pryce took a fierce offensive.

"Shave." Pikachu disappeared in place in an instant, escaped the Lapras Hydro Pump attack, and then used the raised ice on the ice to react instantaneously to Lapras in front of him.

"Not good, Lapras, use Safeguard quickly." Seeing this situation, Pryce complexion greatly changed. At such a short distance, if it is hit, it will definitely suffer from heavy injury, not to mention Pikachu's Attribute to restrain him. Lapras.

"It's too late, Thunder." Golden's lightning immediately wrapped Lapras. With Pikachu's playing Bolt Strike, Lapras' continuous Struggle wanted to get out of the scope of Pikachu Thunder, but could not act because of the paralysis.

"Hateful, careless. Didn't expect that he will use the raised Rock to increase his speed. If he is hit by Thunder Unique Ability at such a short distance, he will definitely fall into a paralyzed state."

Pryce wrinkled frowned, didn't expect in his most familiar venue, was actually used by Ash, and beat himself a completely unprepared.

"Lapras, Water Pulse." After Thunder Unique Ability, looked full of burned Lapras, Pryce immediately issued a command for a large-scale Unique Ability. After all, Lapras is now paralyzed, and Pikachu cannot be brought close. Otherwise, the game It may be over.

"Wu ~" A water blue energy ball condensed in front of Lapras' mouth, and then shaking ones head flicked, the water blue energy ball exploded in a violent process, a wave of waves appeared out of thin air, facing Pikachu's direction struck, covering almost half of the entire Stadium.

"Do you want to prevent Pikachu from approaching Lapras in a paralyzed state? It's really a good abacus. Pikachu jumped into the pool." Looked at the huge wave, Ash's Sharingan slammed around and instantly found a breakthrough.

"Pikachu." After hearing Ash's order, Pikachu not saying anything further, a jump, leaps into the pool in the center of Stadium.

"What! The reaction is so fast, without absolute trust, it is absolutely impossible that there is such a quick response." When Pikachu entered the pool, the waves had covered the Stadium in front of Ash. If it was one step later, Pikachu must be in the middle. Recruited.

This also made Pryce very surprised that Pikachu was able to execute Ash's order immediately. It stands to reason that when he heard Ash's order to jump into the pool, Pokémon should also be hesitant. After all, in the water, that is the world of Lapras.

"Lapras, we also enter the water, and then use the freezing light." Although shocked by Ash and Pikachu's tacit understanding, Pryce would not be admit-defeat like this, only to see Lapras also jumped into the pool, and then one The light was frozen to seal the entrance of the pool to ice.

This is equivalent to putting Pikachu Imprison in the water completely, without oxygen, even if his Lapras does not attack, Pikachu will definitely not last long, when the time comes Ash still has to start to talk Abstain from this game, this is the purpose of Pryce.

"How about, little demon is little demon after all, you still abstain, your Pikachu will certainly not last long in water without air." Pryce said with a winning ticket.

"Hmph, old bastard, my Pikachu is not as weak as you think." Faced with Pryce's sarcasm, Ash sneered said, at tone barely fell, everyone found that the ice surface suddenly began to vibrate, and cracks continued to appear on the ice surface. on.

"What's going on, why is this happening." The ice surface continued to crack and vibrate, and Pryce was unable to determine why this happened for a while. After all, the Pokémon of 2 people was in the water.

"Eight-Inner Gates Six Sect is fully open." Ash shook a smile at the shaking and shattered ice surface. I saw him tone barely fell, Pikachu instantly broke through the ice, and the golden hair, all started now. It exploded as if it was an angry expression.

"What !!!" Seeing Pikachu coming out of the ice, Pryce shouted in shock, this is not over, I saw Pikachu as if Levitate was in the sky, 2 small short hands, constantly fisting against the ice void , Fist out, sparks and lightning.

"Up !!!!!! Thunder Peacock." Looked Pikachu's action, Ash's bloody yelled, the original Morning Peacock of the Eight-Inner Gates Gate of View, but changed on Pikachu's body, forming a combination of flame and lighting , Thunder Peacock .

"Pickup ~ Pickup ~ Pickup ~ Pickup ~ Pickup!" After hearing Ash's words, Pikachu's punching action suddenly accelerated, and the naked eye couldn't detect at all. I saw one after another Fireball wrapped in lightning, which appeared in front of everyone , yes Attacking the ice surface of Stadium.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"bang! bang! bang!"