
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chaos Universe Body

It changed itself into a normal white dog with thick white fluffy hair.The coccon slowly cracked it emits a boundless aura it lead to dramatic change in the whole world nearly half of the lost palace of death is destroyed the canyon is shaking.The dog kneels and chants a spell in the form of worship.That moment he awakens ,if observe carefully it seems as if both chaos and universe are all created at the same time.The body is known as Chaos Universe Body.In ancient times this type of body is also known as Devouring Primordial body.

After opening his eyes it some time digest all the experience he has gone through and at that moment he hears a voice in his mind he close his and try to feel it he slowly enter the a space in his mind where a ancient magnificent palace infront of him at that moment beside him appears a white lion ,it has a star shaped violet crystal at the middle of it eye brows and it's eyes has deep violet eyes as it could devour everything.It speaks slowly,"I know you confused right now but before anything listen to my explanation ,you are not a complete soul before ,you just a fragment of soul that is detached now your soul is complete and now I am going to unlock the memories which I sealed be ready and brace yourself. Ah!!! wait!! before he could say anything a large amount of information flooded into his brain.After nearly six hours he try to open his eyes.

He is originally the one of the eleven kings of ancient galaxy and also big brother of the other ten .The collectively known as Primal kings of Galaxy.

In order to maintain the galaxy to the highest form of its state he disintegrated his own body as a building block for the development of Galaxy,the other rejected the idea but he said,my soul will not erased completely it may be divided into fragments until all fragments collect themselves to form my soul again the ,I Will be reborn at that moment come to me help me back so that help feel all what I lost,all the care,love,power,etc until the live your life to what you want to achieve my brothers my life will be your foundation so don't feel sad ,I am doing it willing so don't worry.All the other try to stop him before he does that but it's too late.All the consciousness plunge into darkness and as he feels something licking him to only see a white fluffy dog as clutch his head due pain,A voice tells him in his mind other memories will be opened only when he reaches the minimum requirements of power needed.At that movement in the far different corner of universe 10 lights with boundless pressure move to the place before him.At that moment except for him all time has stopped all over the universe.The ten different lights stood before him ,The ten men stunning whole the heaven and earth arrived in front of him.All ten together called him "Big Brother".