

We know that all over the world there are rules that we set and maintain. Traffic laws, trade laws, school laws, labor laws, and so on, and everywhere we have made laws. Without them, human life becomes untidy and messy. Then how many laws our universe, which is so mysterious and contains the supreme truth, has made! Yes... The universe exists in those laws.......... This story is written to discover such laws which the universe has kept secret based on the most important universal law called Karma.Before death overtakes us in the race for life, we must know what real life is.... But is one human life enough to find it? Actually, how many births does a person or a soul have?But what we do know is that energy or soul is indestructible. At that level we can ask... ; Who was I before birth? Who will I be after death?What is the meaning of reincarnation, the lifestyle we get, and our dreams? A thread of this story runs deep through the roots of a father and son's love bond.The main characters of this story are Matthew, who is a friend of darkness, and his half-spirited son, Alfred Jaine. Mathew is an adept in archeology. He is assigned to travel the world for his research work. Jain was an artist who lived in the world of colors and dyes... But their happy life began to crack when Mathew himself went to Lomekwi as part of his new research work.But after that, Matthew began to exhibit very different and unusual behaviors. Later they could see fear, horror and strangeness in his eyes, which were filled with love and affection.Later, there was a lot of clamor to find the reasons for it. But Matthew is becoming more and more deranged, but he soon realizes that this is because his conscious mind is partially lost in another world.While examining the artifact's brought by Matthew for research purposes, Jain finds a strange black bottle. But to his astonishment he realizes that they are the black holes of the code of laws for the universe, deposited in various forms throughout the universe.Later on, his journey was to uncover the secrets and thereby bring back his father's conscious mind. In this story, journeys of Jaine to discover the secrets that the universe has hidden, the ultimate possibilities of love and emotional upheavals.But are the mysteries of the universe easily understood by a human being? But how can those secret lessons be understood by a man standing far away? Let's see.....

Adithya_3050 · Fantasi
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11 Chs


Jain rubbed his eyes and looked up again.

He could not believe his eyes.He was surrounded by all the stars he could see, all of which were so dense that they were drawn upwards towards him........

"Its impossible! what is happening? What is this? Is this a hallucination?"

Fear gripped him like never before. jain somehow mustered up the courage and ran to his room. He lay in bed for a while and his breathing returned to normal. Leaving the bottle in his room, he walked back to the terrace, holding on to his courage. He thought that what he had seen before was just an illusion because all the stars were scattered in the sky.....

He stood there for a while longer, enjoying the cold wind, the sudden disappearance of the sweat from his forehead.Sleep has gone on a journey somewhere. Jaine took another deep breath.

Suddenly he remembered his black bottle. Went to the room and picked it up and looked back and forth, then walked back to the balcony.One moment .... his heart started beating fast again. Because again the stars were drawn towards him and crowded .He could not look up because of the brightness of the stars and the fear inside.

Suddenly his eyes wandered to that black bottle.

" It is true that the stars are not drawn to me but to this bottle.What's in it? This is not an ordinary bottle. It's something black, full of secrets, so nobody can see what's inside. Of course it has a relation with dad."

What filled his eyes then was not fear but a kind of hope.He put the black bottle a little farther away and looked up at the sky again, this time all the stars had parted and gone away.This bottle is a heap of unsolved secrets. He looked at it; "Did my dad probably know about this?

Yes ... the stars are attracted when I take it in my hands.

It can affect the environment .My dad was scared when he saw something or may be it's controlling his mind. "

Again he stood there for a long time and watched the bottle and his surroundings. After all, that bottle only attracts stars. When he held the bottle in his hand, the stars slowly ran towards it, and when it was far away, the stars flew away, creating a kind of miracle in him...

Throughout the night he tried to hunt down the answers to his questions.


Next morning


When Mr. Sebastian came, he hid only that black bottle from him. He must see it as his last grip.He always carried it with him.

"Jain, what happened yesterday? What's wrong with you? Why did you not call back?Then I tried a lot, but could not connect you."

"Alice, what are you talking about? Yesterday, I think it was a connection problem .I could not call you back. "

"Are you alright? "

"Why? Why are you asking like that? "

"I feel something weird... "

He looked around, clutching his bag again. And then said;

"Alice, have you ever been on the road and watched people like this before?"

"No! "

She gave him a questioning look on her face. Jain started again,

"I'm trying to see the world from another dimension now .There's a lot we do not know. "

"Jain, aren't you going to the hospital to see your dad today?"

"I want to see but I want to see my dad.

Isn't he just a shadow of my dad in the hospital?

His mind and memories are all, somewhere else.... "

"Jain, let me say one thing.

I think you need a council, because I can see something unusual in your behavior.

In fact, I'm more afraid of you now than your father. "

"Then you have to be even more scared because I'm not sure which way I will go next. Maybe I can become like my father. So what do you do?"

Her face turned red. She said, raising her eyebrows and stumbling;

"I am going"

After a while, Jane picked up the black bottle again and looked around. Suddenly the look in his eyes narrowed.A tall man dressed in black is staring at Jain from a distance... He is surrounded by people running around in a hurry.

But that person stands as if he sees only Jain, actually like a statue.Sweat formed like a spot on Jain's forehead. His hands began to shake slightly .The figure slowly moved to his side .It was not walking, it was moving instead....