
black hearts & red roses; The life of a married elite

Elena is married off due to a business deal; at the age of twenty she has to leave behind no only her home but ,also her country. Once an adventurous dreamer she felt stuck in a void of unknown. Now, married to a guy she only met once, to a country she never visited. Headen, known as the country of fallen Angels; everything a human can desire will be found in this country. They possess everything from advanced technology to clothes and cars, there isn't any place like ,Headen. Will Elena survive in this new environment or will this city break her like it has done to many?

Lishabubb · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Even though all windows and doors were closed, the cold night wind still managed to creep in. Rubbing small hands together in hopes of producing any kind of warmth possible went unresponsive. Elena was about to stop walking and go back to her room when unnoticeable sound greeted shaded ears. Curiosity got the better of her leading her to a room she was yet to visit the door was crack open slightly allowing her to peek in but she wasn't prepared for what was on the other side of that door.

Micah was naked, buried in a raven haired woman, she begged for more of him to which he complied without resistance and a moment to spare. She wasn't sadden because her heart held feelings for him but the fact that he had no respect for her, well... maybe she was a little sadden because even though she would never admit it somewhere deep inside there was a pinch of hope that their relationship would blossom into something more than a business contract. The way they made love was passionate something for lovers, a single tears rolled down her cheek.

She ran to her room heart pounding, cage of ribs barely able to contain the raging beast inside. She crashed on her bed the comfort of a cold bed never felt so peaceful, her mind kept replaying the scenario no matter how much she tried to stop it. Elena was so lost that the storm of tears went unrecognized until the next morning when she stepped out the shower. Her eyes weren't puffy but the shine seem to be slipping, she walked to her wardrobe and picked out her outfit which consist of a cream coloured highwaist jeans, black off the shoulder long sleeve, black converse and black NY snapback. Grabbing her purse she hurried down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing a slice of toast and rushing to the door.

"Good morning ma'am" it was Kale he stood with a sly smile.

"M-morning" she laughed nervously.

"Why do you look like a child caught doing something bad" she looked down, " now you look like a child being scolded" he laughed out.

His laughter light up her mood, the glint in her eyes and the wrinkles beside each one. He reminded her of a elder man back home he was a good friend to her.

"It's not funny" she puffed her cheeks.

"It's just hard to believe you have such a fierce attitude and look like a child" he continued laughing while making breakfast.

"You sound like my brother" she rest her bag on a stool and sat at the kitchen island.

"You're different from the ladies sir has brought before" Kale placed a cup of coffee in front her.

"Thank you" she took a sip enjoying the bitter sweet taste.

They indulged in small conversations, Kale enjoyed seeing the younger woman giggle and smile but it was interrupted by Satan's favourite demon, Micah. He walked in shirtless with a woman on his arm she wore the shirt he was missing it was unbutton down to her belly exposing cleavage.

"Where are you going?" Micah voice was husky from sleep, eyes closed body leaned against his lover.

"Where you should be"

"Where is that?" When the raven haired woman opened her mouth Elena only rolled her eyes

"In Hell" Kale looked at Elena shock at her words, Micah glared at her and the raven hair woman spat out her orange juice.

"I'm not in the mood for your foolishness, answer my question" his angry voice didn't faze her though, she just finished her cup of coffee.

"I'm never in the mood for the stupidity that's always seem to be coming out of your mouth" she grabbed her bag.

"Elena" he warned.

"Baby who is...that"

"A business partner" Elena smirked at his answer even though it cut her deeply.

"Have fun with signing Ford industries, Licrow tech, Quisan limited Inc. without your business partner" she mocked the man only fueling his anger.

She knew there was no way he will be able to sign them without her there, and it wasn't like he could forget about them, they were the biggest clients of her father's company.

"Baby are you going to let her talk to you like that" Elena glared at the woman knowing she's trying to push his anger.

"And he lets you talk trash twenty-four seven, I'll say it'-" she was cut off by a slap, it stung her cheek and no doubt will leave a mark.

Micah was about to slap Elena again but was pulled back by the body guards and girlfriend, he knew there will be consequences later but she had went to far disrespecting Genevieve. There was a hand print on her cheek and a cut from the ring on his finger. He couldn't get rid of the lump forming in his throat, seeing the small amount of blood rolling down her cheek.

Some of Micah's bodyguard tried to treat the cut on my cheek but, I grabbed the ice pack from Kale and ran to my car. Red, it was all I saw my anger was through the roof, no one was able to follow me since I was driving above the speed limit. I pulled up outside the orphanage and sat on the steps holding the ice pack to my cheek hot tears begin to fall. A handkerchief was held out in my line of sight following the arm a man with earthy brown hair, chestnut eyes, body sculpted to perfection, his face held a kind smile, I had seen him many time at the orphanage but we talked occasionally.

"Take it, you look like you need it" his voice was gentle.

"Thanks" I wiped my tears removing the ice pack.

"What happened" his fingers caressed my cheeks narrowly touching the cut.

"My parents decision" he chuckle to the gods I swear it was the best sound I've ever heard.

"I've never seen you here before are you new here" he cooed

"You think I'm an orphan don't you?" He nodded, "I'm twenty a little too old" he laugh.

"You look like a twelve year old" he helped me up, "now you look close to a twenty year old" he shamelessly checked me out.

"Do you have any shame?" I asked dusting off my pants his hand still caressing my cheek.

"Yeah but not when I'm standing infornt a woman who commands my attention" blushing I looked away.

"My name's Lena"

"You can call me Prince charming" he winked and i punch his arm playfully, "feisty, me likey" he pulled me close.

"Stop playing"

"Who said I'm playing" he leaned down our lips brush but stopped.

"Nick leave the young lady alone" Sister Cherry said from the door with a mischievous look on her face.

"Fine, fine" he kissed my cheek and left us.

"Oh dear what happened to your cheek"

"Nothing it's just a small cut"

"Okay come inside"

I followed her inside and helped out with cleaning, cooking and doing laundry, I was in the middle of doing the latter when my eyes laid on Justin laughing frame, it made me smile.

"You like him don't you?" It was Nick he has made it his mission to tease me.

"Yeah he's a special little guy" my voice was full with admiration.

"Justin" Nick called out the little boy turned and looked in our direction, "come please" he cooed.

The boy dropped his gaze and walked to us stopping a feet away, I was tempted to run my hand through his curls and hug him close.

"Go on I've seen him peeking at you whole day he likes you, he just shy" Nick took the basket out my hands and urge me forward.

"Hey" I cooed stepping forward but he took a step back, "I won't hurt you please I just want to be your friend" the sadness spilling in my voice.

"He loves ice cream" Nick whispered.

"A little birdy told me you like  ice cream is that true" he nodded curls bouncing, "would you like to come with me for ice cream?" He turned to the earthy hair boy, he was laughing with earlier.

"Can I go Xandy?" His smal voice asked the boy who nodded, "Can we go now?" He asked me and I couldn't help but smile.


We informed the sisters and left for a ice cream place not far from the orphanage. I bought a cup for him and myself, and a three tubs for the children back at the home. We sat at a table eating, his eyes were shining in happiness.

"My name's Elena what's yours?"

"Justin, are you going to be my new mommy?" His eyes surely saw straight through me.

"I would like to but not now soon though" he was unsure how to feel and it was clear.

Justin looked at the woman she looked the same age as Xander, he was afraid to open up to her but there was a voice in his head saying she could be trusted. He was at a lost for words when her hand was combing through his curls. He didn't remember a lot about his parents but he knew that if his mom ever smiled it's be like hers. Full of joy, contiguous to a fault and the way her cheeks tainted a little pink when she laughed and her dimples only fueled her child like look. I want to trust you, I want you to be my mommy. Those were the words he was afraid to say when he builded up the courage her phone ran out.

He watched the woman glare at the device before answering it with venom on her words before hanging up.

"Do you mind I carry you back now, my friend needs my help" he nodded.