
black hearts & red roses; The life of a married elite

Elena is married off due to a business deal; at the age of twenty she has to leave behind no only her home but ,also her country. Once an adventurous dreamer she felt stuck in a void of unknown. Now, married to a guy she only met once, to a country she never visited. Headen, known as the country of fallen Angels; everything a human can desire will be found in this country. They possess everything from advanced technology to clothes and cars, there isn't any place like ,Headen. Will Elena survive in this new environment or will this city break her like it has done to many?

Lishabubb · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

I was beyond angry that my father called threatening me, could you believe the balls he had? After dropping Justin back, I drove to Micah's place of work. Father said to look business like, but he can kiss the ground my feet step on. Pulling up to the building I entered but was stopped by the receptionist .

"Can I help You?" She had a nice smile.

"My name's Elena"

"Go right up the boss is waiting on you"

Nodding I went up to the top floor, the elevator ping open, eyes fell on me as I walked around looking for the conference room. A sigh escape my lips when my path finally led me to it, entering I saw the men I've seen many times, they gave a slight nod of respect which I returned. My father was there too with my two brothers and mother, Micah sat there with his lover she was playing the part of his secretary.

"George, Carl, Liam, Rueben, Terence, Ben" they smiled.

"It's been months since we spoke, how are you?" Liam asked, he was Wayne's brother so we became friends.

"Good and how's Wayne?"

"In trouble as usual" a throat cleared and we got down to business everybody spoke but I just sat there listening until a text came through on my phone.

From Unknown:

The children say thanks for the ice cream.


How did you get my number?

From Unknown:

Sister Cherry gave me it


Somehow that's hard to believe 😞

From Nick:

Okay so I stole it 😅


I knew it😂😂

From Nick:

It's a shame I won't be here when you get back.


What a shame really😂 I have to go in a business meeting and my father looks like he's ready to kill me

From Nick:

Then until we see each other again bye beautiful😘


Goodbye Nick

I put away my phone and listened in on the conversation. My clients kept looking at me for confirmation not believing anything said by Micah. My brothers had their eyes glued to me, more specifically my cheek. Their knuckles were whites as chalk as they clench their fist tight. When the meeting was over and goodbyes were said I wasted no time in running out of the office but was stopped.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" Gale my eldest brother asked.

"Don't use that innocent look" Kevin said he was only a year older than me.

"I have to get back to the orphanage" they smiled, like myself they loved being around children.

"Can we come?" They said in sync.

"No you have work and a flight to catch" they hung their head and put on their best puppy dog eyes turning to my mom.

"You heard your little sister" she said and they pouted giving me a hug.

Micah walked along with his clients still conversating, while Liam and I walked talking about business and company stock rates while my brothers were still begging my mother to stay. I didn't give anyone the chance to talk to me as I fast walk to my car and speed off. I was greeted by hugs and thank you's back at the orphanage but the children broke out into a bigger frenzy when they saw the pizza boxes in my hands. We spent the night watching movies and eating pizza this was where my heart was with these children not with my husband who's probably sleeping with his secretary but here where the laughter never seem to die.

I helped the sisters place the children in their beds and headed for my own it was after one in the morning when my car parked in the garage. Unlocking the door I rusted to the downstairs bathroom vomiting, the large amount of food seeming to not settle on my stomach. Washing my mouth I flushed the toilet and made myself a mug of coffee, running upstairs I bathe and change then ran back down the stairs with a blanket. I spent the rest of the night watching movies and drank coffee.

Elena fell asleep on the couch, blanket to her waist her sweater has risen up, Demetry walked into the kitchen for his usual cup of water due to not being able to sleep when he heard the television playing. He was greeted by the sight of Elena's asleep body, tusled hair, slightly parted lips, and a scar. He took a closer look and it was confirmed, he pulled down her sweater and covered her in the blanket not daring to move her.

I awoke next morning to laughter, combing my finger through my hair I walked into the kitchen, all the guards and watch men were there. They seemed fazed by my uncaring attitude. Kale handed me a cup of coffee and we chat until I had to bathe. Today my outfit was simple a red skirt meeting my mid thigh, blue and white jersey and white Adidas sneaker. Today my hair was down untamed allowing the natural waves to show. When I went back down stairs the couple was there dressed for their day at work today I was going shopping for some clothes and toys for the children at the orphanage.

"Are you ready Ma'am?" Carlos ask to which I nodded.

Kale informed me that the press was going to be following me around and try to take pictures since word has got out about Micah's and my marriage. He was a famous, rich, successful bachelor so it was just a little time until they found out. Micah looked at me, he walked forward and I stepped back out of caution. He handed me his black card saying to buy whatever I needed but rolling my eyes I handed it back to him.

"No need unlike most of the females you've brought home this one doesn't need your money" I held up my black, gold and platinum card, "thanks but no thanks. Frederick can you drive my car I'll need it after"

"I will be needing Frederick today"

"Are you going to die in three hours?"

"No what does have to do with Frederick"

"Everything, you just agreed to giving Frederick to me for three hours" the two males followed me outside.

Two and a half hours of shopping, taking pictures, answering questions and listen to paparazzi's adoring words we had finally gotten rid of them. Carlos dropped me off at the home and carried the toys for the children before leaving with Frederick. Nick looked at me before hugging me and laughing.

"You lied to me, Miss Elena Montgomery" Nick teased.

"My friend call me Lena so technically it isn't lying" we laughed.

"I want to adopt Justin" she didn't realize the words had been said until Nick replied.

"That's a great idea" she was about to say something until Sister Cherry spoke up.

"It is a great idea"

I spend hours making arrangements, signing papers, Nick had bought a penthouse for us saying it was his gift of congratulations now it was time to tell Justin.

"Justin" I gently poked the little guy but his sole focus was the cartoon playing, "Justin how would you like to live with me?" His head turned so fast I'm sure he could got whip lash.


"Yeah, Nick and Xander would come and stay with you too" he nodded excitedly hugging me.

"Thank you" tears swell in her eyes

"You're welcome baby" her voice cracked.

This was how my life started, I didn't have the best of both worlds but I had the best of one world and that was good enough for me, my secret life was good enough for me.