Becker's lungs burned as he sprinted through the forest, boots pounding against the leaf-strewn ground.
The roar of engines echoed behind him as his pursuers wove between the trees in their military-grade vehicles.
He risked a glance back—at least a hundred soldiers, hellbent on capturing their 'traitorous' ex-general.
Becker grimaced. Even one-on-one, these lackeys were no match for his air manipulation powers.
But a hundred at once? His mana reserves teetered dangerously low after hours of battling these goons.
Tires squealed as a jeep pulled up alongside him. Becker dove right as laser rifles and brain crystal powers shredded the underbrush. He tumbled to his feet and kept running, cursing under his breath.
<I Have to lose them, and soon.>
Becker whipped around, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten as he prepared his counterattack.