Four days had passed after the betting match. The interview got out onto the internet and billions of people saw it through circulation. Many people began to speculate that Lee Seng was hiding something with his bet and a lot of people hung onto that. Lee Seng was watched closely by the school. They talked about him, close or far, they didn't care. They wondered how Tristan lost to a 'newbie' and talked about 'rigging' and 'luck' came up.
It was the last day of classes for the week and Lee Seng pulled out of his room and shut the door behind him. He made his way to the stairwell and exited the stairwell and headed towards the cafeteria.
A bunch of people chatted away and switched their conversations when they saw him. He ignored them like usual and right as he was about to turn right into the hallway, two people called his name.