

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappeared without a trace, everyone thought it was just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search led him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He began to wonder if Jasmine was Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine found herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Clyde had barely left the door of City S intercontinental Hotel when his personal phone rang. Ivan was still shocked at the audacity displayed by Alexis at the restaurant just few minutes ago and here he is with his boss' phone ringing. Who could be calling right now? He checked the caller ID and quickened his pace to meet him.

"CEO Finn, Ian Fletcher on the phone," he announced while keeping some distance from Clyde.

"Hey buddy, wanna hangout tonight? City Dot. Liam is back. See ya," Ian said in one breathe, not giving Clyde a break to even respond before hanging up. Ivan lightly shook his head and sigh in exasperation, 'how did he even become friends with these souls?' he wondered internally.

Ian, Liam and Clyde have been fast friends since High school days and after school, they all went their separate ways, pursuing different paths. Liam owning the largest law firm in the country. Ian taking over the renowned Gray's winery, the largest and best-known winery in the country and Clyde taking over the B.N Group, a powerful corporation that has so many industries under its umbrella.

Clyde settled into the plush seat of the limousine, rested his head on the car's seat, and immediately got lost in his thought. How? When? All these rhetorical questions kept buzzing in his head and yet, there seems to be no answer to them. He sighed internally and after what seems like a decade, he opened his ice blue eyes and his gaze met with Leo's, his driver, who was looking at him through the mirror. 

About to get infuriated when it dawned on him that he never gave him a location since he overheard his discussion with Ian. Again, he sighed and contemplated going home but what would he do when he gets home? As usual, drown himself with work or a sleepless night that is filled with the horrors of that day. The day he saw her last. The day that he has locked somewhere deep in his memory but it is threatening to come out. The day he has sworn never to tell anyone what happened. He sighed for the umpteenth time.

"City Dot," his deep voice resonated in the car before he could get more lost in the memories he has been trying to suppress. Ivan and Leo exchanged quick and knowing looks and Ivan cleared his throat awkwardly while Leo brought the engine to live and within seconds, the car's wheels rolled off towards the biggest Nightclub in City S.

"Hey man," Ian Fletcher called Clyde out as he arrived. "Gotta admit, I didn't think you'd show up. Not your usual scene, is it? 

In truth, he wasn't actually expecting Clyde to be there considering the fact that he never went partying with them since returning five years ago. Maybe his head is full with thoughts and he wants to cool off or he is here because of Liam's arrival. That's the only option available because it's been a while he saw Liam. Ian shrugged at that thought but knowing him, he is still going to ask.

"Are you here because Liam is back and you missed him so much that you can't wait to see him, huh?" He inquired of Clyde. "Tell me. I swear I won't tell Liam." He persisted.

"That's creepy, Ian, I'm still here." Liam said, staring daggers at Ian who acted as if he never said anything.      

"Who cares?" he said rolling his eyes. "By the way, what do you care for, Clyde. Martini, Vodka, cocktails, women, name it we've got you," Ian blabbered.

"I don't remember you asking me what I wanted when I came here," Liam said. 

"Stop flirting with me, Ian. I'm not gay," Clyde said for the first time.

"Neither am I. Can't someone be nice to you or are you allergic it, humph." He retorted and took a gulp of his drink.

"How have you been Clyde?" Liam asked, changing the topic. Clyde nodded as a response to the question as he looked around the Club, as if he is searching for someone. His gaze shifted towards the entrance and he saw her, walking behind her friend as if she is a newbie. He watched her whispered something to her friend and it seems her friend has given her a reply that didn't sit well with her. 

His gaze trailed as they walked towards the VIP section. He squinted his eyes as they came closer and his curiosity grew as her friend left her and walked towards the bar.

"Janice?" he murmured or so he thought.

"Who is Janice?" Ian asked looking at him. Clyde and Liam's head snapped towards him, looking at him in askance. 

"Stop staring at me like that. You just mentioned the name as if you saw a ghost or someone you didn't plan to meet. So tell me, who is the girl?" he said, looking at him suspiciously and then looked around in an attempt to see the Janice in question but there are many women there, so who could she be?

Liam looked at Clyde to check if there was any reaction from him but as usual, there was none. He has masked it immediately Ian asked who Janice was. And for a moment, he was scared and yet, curious. Clyde has never made the mistake of mentioning the name in public. He is always careful when it comes to that. But now? How comes? His gaze followed Clyde's and he saw a man talking to a lady. As expected of a club so he didn't find anything odd. Therefore, he shrugged it off and took a sip of his drink. All of a sudden, Clyde stood up and walked out. Ian and Liam gave each other a knowing look and followed him, almost immediately.

"You… who are you?" Jasmine asked the man standing before her. He smiled and Jasmine found the smile to be creepy. She gulped and put on her guard. "Uhhm, call me Lucas," the man introduced himself. She shifted on her seat, looked around for help but no one paid her any attention. Ava is nowhere close by. " Why not you come with me, will you," Lucas said and grabbed her by wrist before she could even respond. She tried to fight him off but she was too weak compared to him. Before she realized it, they were outside and she is no fool to his intention. 

And in what seems like a flash, a heavy blow landed on Lucas' face and she even felt the impact. Lucas lost consciousness immediately and she looked up to see who her knight in shining armor was.

"Janice?" Clyde called her call, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering whom he was referring.

"Uhmm, I think you are mistaken. I'm not Janice," Jasmine replied nervously. By the way, tha..thank you for saving me," she stuttered and walked past him.

As she walked back to the club she almost collide with Liam and Ian who were running after Clyde and Liam gasped on seeing Jasmine.

"Janice?" Liam called her. "Janice…you" he was at loss of words and looked towards Clyde who was walking towards them.

"Jasmine," Ava called her from the other end while running towards her. "Are you okay? You scared me. What would I have told Brad? Where went you?" Ava asked while trying to calm her racing heart. She took notice of the situation and gulped on seeing Clyde, Liam and Ian. 'No no no, Jasmine?

"I'm sorry," Ava apologized and dragged Jasmine out while the men stared at them, speechless.

"Jasmine, what did you do?" Do you know who those men are? You wouldn't want to get in their way, Jasmine, trust me." Ava whispered to Jasmine as they went back to their seat.

"I was almost assaulted by someone," Jasmine began, her voice trembling with fear causing Ava to widen her eyes in shock. "By one Lucas, well, one of the men saved me," Jasmine said. Ava sighed and looked at Jasmine with a pitiful gaze. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Jas" Ava sincerely apologized. She almost went mad when she couldn't find Jasmine and all she thought of was what to explain to Brad. 

"Let's go home, okay?" She proposed and Jasmine nodded, too shaken to protest. She just wanted to put this whole ordeal behind her.

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