
Big Heist

Timothy and his childhood friend Frederick embarked on a series of museum robberies around the country stealing three supreme treasures that were highly protected by the Government risking their life and along the way problems occurred. There is betrayal, cheating, and revenge which gets Timothy in prison. Will he give up on life and rot in jail or will he stand up and give life a second chance read this interesting book to discover***** "When I was young I once came across a history book that recorded about three supreme treasures found in three main regions of Nigeria" "The Oba of Edo ancient kingdom's staff of honor made of pure bronze worth millions of dollars kept at a national museum in Lagos here" "Next is the gold dagger used by the famous Usman Dan Fodio kept at a museum in Kano and the Ofo of the Igbo people which is kept at a museum in Enugu these three treasures are highly protected as a national treasure so stealing them is not easy but nothing is impossible if we try together" Timothy brief the two.

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Young Alhaji umar

Time flies, a week after the museum robbery, news of the robbery continues to spread but is now fading away. Timothy and his crew began making plans for their next move, leaving Lagos a week later to travel to Kano where they were staying in a hotel in Kano's metropolis, Sabon Garri.

Timothy wasted no time gathering all the information he needed. He began gathering information about the museum and drafting a plan, then called Frederick and Shola two days later to tell them what to do next.

"First of all, the museum here in Kano may be a bit underdeveloped in that there are no security cameras, etc., but you can be sure that it has the best security in that all the people working at the museum are hand-picked by the local authoritie. The Galadima holds the greatest authority and employs loyal and faithful people," Timothy started.

"They don't have a system to hack into and find out how many people work at the museum or how many guards are there guarding the place. All that information is hidden and with our connections, here's what we can get: This little thing. "Information" Timothy paused for a moment and looked at the two calmly before adding "To make matters worse, only people with influence or famous politicians who are entitled to known fame or royalties can see the Golden Dagger with Galadima's written permission."

"So how are we going to steal the dagger if we can't even get into the museum?" Frederick asked Timothy.

"People are not prohibited from entering the museum. The problem is that they cannot enter the room where the dagger is kept without the Galadima's approval." Timothy explained.

"So you're saying we can enter freely as long as we have the Galadima's approval?" Shola asked.

"Yes, that's right, but without any significant background or influence, gaining the Galadima's approval is just wishful thinking." Timothy explained to her.

"Then what should we do?" Frederick asked Timothy.

"Of course we look for connections, so I would advise everyone to research on influencers that we can tap into," Timothy said.

"Well, since we're already here, why don't we go out and take a walk around the city?" Shola said to Timothy and Frederick:

"Today, I probably won't want to go anywhere maybe tomorrow," Frederick said.

"What about you Timothy? You don't want to exploit the city?" Shola asked Timothy.

"Okay, I have nothing to do right now, so I'll go with you." Timothy answered.

"Good, I heard that Zobo Park in Kano is one of the most interesting places to visit. Do you think we should go there and have some fun?" Shola asked Timothy as he left the hotel room.

"As you wish" Timothy replied

They entered Shola's car and drove out of the premises to Zobo Park, it took them about 30 minutes to get there. The park was filled with different kinds of people, clowns were performing all around the park as people gathered to watch them.

Then inside the center of the park was where different types of goods were traded people swarmed in and out while others took the rides at the playgrounds.

Timothy and Shola walked around the park examining and marveling at the different things happening at the park

"This place is really interesting there are different things to see," Shola said to Timothy as they walked in the park "But am feeling hungry now, let us find somewhere to eat food," Shola said.

"Okay" Timothy replied

They soon found a restaurant and entered the place was crowded with people eating and discussing at different tables. Timothy and Shola found an empty table and sat down then ordered a sumptuous meal which was served to them in no time they started to eat, but then some people approached their table and asked to vacate the sit rudely

"Hey you too, my Young Alhaji wants to use these tables, why don't you leave immediately?" The first person said to them

Timothy only raised his head once and looked at the person who had just spoken and the other two behind him and continued eating completely ignoring them.

When Shola saw Timothy's reaction she also ignored the three men and continued eating her meal

"Hmm, it seems you two don't know what's is good for yourself, who doesn't know our young Alhaji in Zobo Park and that he always sits here to eat food anytime he comes to this restaurant" The first man spoke again

" I will count to Three if you guys don't disappear from this table for my young Alhaji then you take whatever you see" The man threatened



"Three" Just when the man wanted to take action against Timothy a voice stops him from behind

"That's enough Musa, move to the side I will make an exception today and dine with these lovely people," a young handsome man wearing a white Buba said to the first man

"Yes Young Alhaji," The first man said and moved to the side to allow the young Alhaji to sit down on the remaining chair in the place while Musa and the other man stood behind him

" It seems you guys are new here?" The young Alhaji asked

"Do we smell new? Timothy replied with a question

"To not recognize our young Alhaji who is a Yarima and the Galadima's last son, tell me if you are not new, then it's obvious you are blind?" Musa said to mock them. People in the restaurant who had been expecting to see a good show now laugh at what he said to fan the flame, but they were disappointed as things didn't turn out the way they wanted. Hearing that he was the Galadima's son Timothy winked at Shola to take action

'What luck we have, what we were looking for in the east has found us in the west' Timothy said in his mind.

Putting on her most charming smile, Shola said to the Young Alhaji "Wow you are the Galadima's son, sorry for our rude behavior just now, I and my brother was ignorant just now, please forgive us."

"You don't need to say that beautiful, what!! did you say, did I hear you say he is your brother?" the young Alhaji asked Shola with anticipation in his voice while pointing at Timothy

"Yes, he is my brother" Shola replied to him

"Good, nice this is very good what is your name" The young Alhaji asked

"Becky is my name how should I address you?" Shola asked him

"Oh haha what a sweet name you have, I am Young Alhaji Umar but you can call me Umar" He replied

"Okay nice to meet you, Umar," Shola said smiling

"My pleasure actually, hey waiter come here" Umar shouted at the waiter serving at the restaurant.

"Greetings to young Alhaji Umar. I am sorry that I was too busy to notice you sooner." The waiter spoke politely to Umar.

"It's no problem. I'm in a good mood today. Why don't you bring me the food I usually enjoy and treat my friends to anything else they want?" Umar said to the waiter.

The waiter wasted no time in serving Umar and also served the food requested by Timothy and Shola after meal, Umar paid for everything.

"Since you guys are new here, I guess you don't know the most interesting part of Zobo Park?" Umar asked the duo.

"We are not in a hurry to leave, so I think it would be best for you to show us around," Shola told him.

Umar repeated, "Good, good." "Follow me and I will show you my Mahanga," said Umar, leading the way.

The five people walked for about 5 minutes and arrived at a building.

Two gatekeepers were standing at the entrance, but when they saw Umar, they bowed deeply and made way for him and those with him to pass.

Upon entering the building, Timothy and Shola were surprised by the number of people gathered in the building. The sound of people cheering loudly could be heard everywhere.

Umar led them through the crowd and into a small room, where they could see why the people were cheering loudly. It turned out to be a wrestling match with fighters gathered in a ring in the center of the building.

"Welcome to my Mahanga (Fight house) where I train and select the best warriors to compete in fighting competitions organized annually by my father the Galadima of Kano" said Umar proudly.

"Every Yarima has his mahanga in different parts of Kano city. This is mine," Umar added.

"Wow, that's amazing. So who is your best fighter?" Shola asked.

Umar said, "My best fighter right now is Kato. He is the most ruthless fighter I know. If he remains loyal to me, then he will be my contestant in the contest in a month."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we announce the next fight between Butcher Khalid and Abdul Gobara. Bet now and enjoy the fight in the next moment." said one of the officials managing the fight.

"Haha, I feel you guys are lucky today because you got to witness the fight of the best warriors in the level 1 area," Umar said to Timothy and Shola.